Time Portals And World Travel - Alternative View

Time Portals And World Travel - Alternative View
Time Portals And World Travel - Alternative View

Video: Time Portals And World Travel - Alternative View

Video: Time Portals And World Travel - Alternative View
Video: Stargates and Portals for Time & Space Travel… Found In Key Locations Worldwide 2024, October

Our world is not the only one in the vastness of space. People with supernormal abilities can travel between these worlds thanks to their gift. Representatives of other worlds also come to our planet. This is how the invisible exchange of information takes place. For an ordinary person, such a movement in time, of course, is not available. But it was not always so. Previously, meetings of the inhabitants of the earth with representatives of other worlds were commonplace due to the lack of borders between some worlds. After the borders were restored, such free “communication” ceased, and people were left alone.

At that time, people were not interested in outer space. For them, it was not clear why they needed to fly somewhere, if to move to another planet, it was enough just to walk along the road or use a portal for these purposes.

The portal can be entered instantly if it was created directly by the magician himself. At the same time, the border between the worlds disappears, forming an invisible corridor along which the magician can proceed to another world. If the worlds, between which the transition is planned, do not have a common border, then the movement can last from several seconds to several days. Such transitions are not for beginners, as they can be dangerous, and the layman will not know how to cope with it. When creating a portal, the "door" opens the entrance to several worlds at once. The probability that someone or something will get in the way is very high, and the penetration of an entity into our world can be very dangerous due to the lack of tools to destroy them in the real world.

The boundaries between the worlds are guarded by magicians who do not allow the penetration of "aliens" from one world to another. In some cases, these magicians can become guides to this or that world.

The life of each world is subject to certain laws, and each world has its own. Somewhere they coincide, somewhere they differ radically. Therefore, you should not rely on your magical abilities, falling into another world, without making sure of their power on the territory of this world.

Not every person can open the portal, he must have colossal energy. Often, to open a portal, it is necessary to have certain "keys", which are not so easy to put together, they are distributed in different places. This is done so that only a person with certain knowledge can use it correctly and not harm anyone. Some portals are visible, but inaccessible, since there are no keys, and people do not even know about it, living next to them.

There are many practical tips on the Internet for beginners on how to navigate between worlds. It may not be safe to follow them, since the author's knowledge in this area often cannot be verified.

The world looks different in the eyes of sorcerers and ordinary people. People associate the world with the galaxy, space and many planets. And another world is another planet with a different life. Magicians have a wider perception of the world than ordinary people. The world is not only a person's environment, not only what he can see and feel, it is something more. The world is a huge space, consisting of many planes intersecting with each other. Our world is just one of the planes within which human knowledge of the world is located. Therefore, people cannot know the world as it really is. People have formed the opinion that each world exists on its own, apart, and its objects do not exist in other worlds. But this is not so, objects are repeated and can be part of several planes at once. The world is one and its perception by a person depends on how he looks at it, from what angle.

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The world in which we live is four-dimensional, and its perception is limited to these four planes. Being in a normal state, a person is not able to destroy this framework and go beyond them. Magic, which is based on the laws of the world, can help in this. Using magic rituals, you can go beyond the familiar world. It is like a door that can be opened both from the outside of the house and from the inside.

The transition to another plane of world perception is possible only when the surrounding world changes or oneself changes. To perceive another world, a person needs to either change himself, or perceive another world, using objects of the world familiar to him. It is the second method that lies at the heart of magic. A person does not cease to perceive the world in a different way, but at the same time is brought under a certain base. At the same time, visiting other worlds becomes available to ordinary people. But without magic, these movements become impossible. People who are able to change their perception of the world can travel between worlds even without the presence of magic, since their way of moving is based on different principles. Magic connects a person to the world and helps start a process, the implementation of which takes place with the help of other mechanisms. Without magic, such transitions are carried out thanks to the person himself and his energy, which is not magical.

The use of magical methods can transfer a person to different distances, and this value is different in each dimension. A path of a thousand kilometers in one system may be equal to just a few steps in another. Travel to the past rather than to the future is the most popular among people. For them, this is a chance to change their future life by changing their past. Returning to your world should be the same as entering another dimension, and following certain rules of being in it will protect you from possible troubles.

The world of magic, the ability to travel in time, attracts attention, but curiosity should not prevail over common sense. You will have to answer for every step and every wrong action, and the lack of experience and knowledge cannot be relieved of responsibility. Each magician has his own path, and only he decides to be strong or weak in a given situation. But his inner strength will always lead him to the desired result, even if, sometimes, not by the shortest path.
