The Soul Is A Unique Substance Outside Of Time And Space - Alternative View

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The Soul Is A Unique Substance Outside Of Time And Space - Alternative View
The Soul Is A Unique Substance Outside Of Time And Space - Alternative View

Video: The Soul Is A Unique Substance Outside Of Time And Space - Alternative View

Video: The Soul Is A Unique Substance Outside Of Time And Space - Alternative View
Video: kostromin - Mоя голова винтом (my head is a screw) English Lyrics 2024, June

They say that once Joseph Stalin asked the scientist-surgeon, Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea Valentin Voino-Yasenetsky (Luka): "Does the famous doctor believe in the existence of the soul?"

“I believe,” the surgeon replied. "Did you find it in the human body during operations?" - "Not". - "So how can you believe that the soul exists?" - "Do you believe that a person has a conscience?" - the scientist asked a counter question. Stalin was silent for a while, and then answered: "I believe." And then Voino-Yasenetsky said: "I did not find any conscience in the bodies of the operated patients either."

The Bible says: "And the Lord God created man from the dust of the earth, and breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living soul." In other words, it was not the brain or the heart, but the soul that made a person a person. But science denied its existence.

However, in 1972, at a scientific conference in Canada, the world renowned heart surgeon Dr. Wilfred Bigelow shocked his scientific colleagues by raising a "non-scientific" topic. According to him, those who deny the existence of the soul remind him of the Soviet cosmonaut who, after returning from orbit, reported that there is no God because he did not see him there.

But Bigelow, after thirty-two years of surgical practice, had no doubts about the existence of the soul: “Sometimes I had to be present at that. when people pass from the state of life to death. At this time, mysterious changes are observed. One of the most noticeable is the sudden disappearance of life or glitter in the eyes. They become dull and literally lifeless. " Dr. Bigelow ended his speech as follows: "As a person who believes in the existence of the soul, I believe that the time has come to penetrate into the mystery of this phenomenon and find out what it is."

In the scientific world, the statement of the Canadian heart surgeon was met with skepticism. The main argument: it is impossible to get any concept of the soul that is given to us in experience. In any experience, the result will be only the manifestations of our inner world. Knowledge about the soul as an integral phenomenon goes beyond the framework of experience and therefore cannot be the subject of scientific knowledge, which should always be based on experience.

But the arguments of the skeptics have been refuted. Numerous experiments carried out over the past decades have confirmed the presence of this "non-anatomical organ" in humans.

In the early 90s, employees of the previously secret laboratory of Professor Vitaly Khromov at the All-Union Research Institute of Radio Broadcasting and Acoustics. AS Popova (VNIIRP) carried out experiments to capture the physical manifestation of "soul substance". It turned out that it has the character of energy radiation, which creates a stable field that can be seen on the screen of a special computer.

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According to a journalist who visited the laboratory, “this field looked like a creature vaguely reminiscent of a newborn child, with a disproportionately large head, a tiny body, twisted limbs, rather resembling the bits of wings, a fan-shaped tail, at the base visible quite clearly, but then, as moving away from the body, more and more blurred and literally dissolving in space."

Khromov's research went unnoticed. But at the end of 1990, a sensational message spread around the world: the soul is material and it can be weighed. In one of the US laboratories, it was established that the soul is a bioplasmic double of a person, which has an ovoid shape. She leaves the body of homo sapiens at the time of his death.

Weighing the dying on a specially designed scale, which took into account all the known physiology of the body's weight fluctuations, disappearing into oblivion, researcher Lyell Watson noted an amazing fact: they became 2.5-6.5 grams lighter! Moreover, in each case, weight loss did not occur smoothly, but abruptly, in the form of several successive steps. So the soul leaves the body not immediately, but in jerks?

It looked so fantastic that the scientific world refused to believe it, until at the Institute of Semiconductors of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Natural Sciences Eugenius Kugis conducted a unique cycle of research in wards for seriously ill patients. The scientist's precise measurements showed that at the time of death, a person loses from 3 to 7 grams of weight. According to Kugis, this is the “weight of the soul leaving the body”. Thus, the data in both cases coincided, that is, there was a reproducibility of the phenomenon, which science considers the criterion of its truth.

By the way, such changes in the weight of the human body are observed not only at the time of death. Something similar is recorded during sleep. Researchers recently conducted an interesting experiment at a medical center in Switzerland. 23 volunteers lay down on the hypersensitive scale beds and fell asleep. And at that moment, when a person crossed the line between reality and sleep, he was losing weight from 4 to 6 grams. As if the soul left the body during sleep and went somewhere to wander. Upon awakening, all subjects gained exactly the same amount of weight.

Further experiments made it possible to shed light on some interesting details of the process of "parting" of the soul from the body.

For example, the French physician Hippolyte Baradyuk decided to try to see the leaving soul. He used special photographic equipment to catch external changes taking place in the immediate vicinity of a person leaving for another world. And he succeeded - during the death of his wife.

The photographs taken 15 minutes after her death, an hour and 9 hours later, show three stages of separation of the body with the soul. The first image captured a translucent nebula above the body, resembling a small cloud. In the picture taken an hour later, the cloud covers almost the entire surface of the picture. After 9 hours, these are already scattered nebula fragments. And St. Petersburg doctors using infrared vision equipment recorded that at the moment of death a translucent elliptical energy object separates from a person. Subsequently, he dissolves into space.

The leading neurophysiologist of our time, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Medical Sciences and many foreign academies Natalya Petrovna Bekhtereva writes: “All my life I have studied the living human brain. And … faced with "strange phenomena." The general conclusion of our materials: a certain percentage of people continue to exist in a different form, in the form of something separating from the body, which I would not want to give a different definition than “soul”. Indeed, there is something in the body that can separate from it and even outlive the person himself."


One of the proofs of the presence of a soul is considered cases when a person receives craniocerebral injuries incompatible with life, or even completely loses his head, but, despite this, takes reasonable actions.

A credible example of such fantastic survivability is cited in the report of Corporal Robert Crickshaw, found in the archives of the British War Office.

It sets out the circumstances of the death of the company commander of the Yorkshire line regiment, Captain Terence Mulveny, during the British conquest of India in the early 19th century. This happened during the hand-to-hand combat during the assault on Fort Amara. The captain blew off the head of an enemy soldier with a saber. But the decapitated body did not collapse to the ground, but threw up the rifle, fired point-blank at the English officer in the heart, and only after that fell.

A veteran of the Great Patriotic War, former regimental intelligence officer Boris Luchkin, had a chance to become a witness of an equally incredible, from the point of view of common sense, case. During a search in the rear of the Germans, the lieutenant in command of their reconnaissance group stepped on a jumping frog mine.

Such mines had a special expelling charge, which threw it up a meter and a half, after which an explosion occurred. And so it happened. Shrapnel flew in all directions. One of them completely blew off the head of the lieutenant, who was walking in front a meter from Luchkin. But the headless commander, according to the foreman, did not collapse to the ground, although he only had his chin and lower jaw. There was nothing above.

And so this terrible body unbuttoned the quilted jacket with its right hand, pulled out a map with the route of movement from its bosom and handed it, already covered in blood, to Luchkin. Only after this did the killed lieutenant fall. The search was disrupted. The reconnaissance group had to return to their own. The body of the commander, even after the death of "thinking" about his soldiers, they carried and buried near the headquarters of the regiment.

An even more incredible episode. Immediately after the war, in the forest near Peterhof, a mushroom picker found some kind of explosive device. He wanted to examine it and brought it to his face. An explosion burst. The mushroom picker was completely blown off his head, but he walked two hundred meters without it, and three meters along a narrow board across the stream, and only then died. They assure that this is not a story: the materials remained in the archives of the criminal investigation department.

In April 2002, in New York, an unknown man came to Pastor Harry Warren from St. Patrick's Cathedral and complained about depression and the meaninglessness of his own existence, and then suddenly pulled a Ruger.35 caliber revolver from his belt and held it to to your temple.

Brother Mike, who received the visitor, hastened to leave the reception room in order, according to him, to warn everyone in the house about the danger, but then a shot rang out. Running into the room, the priest saw the body of a visitor on the floor, whose head had been blown off by a shot. When brother Mike bent over him, the hand of the suicide suddenly rose and handed him a note … In it, an unknown person asked to bury him in the Armenian cemetery.

And here is the dramatic testimony of a resident of Grozny, Zelimkhan Yunusov. which was in the city market when a powerful explosive device planted by the militants exploded there:

“It was about 2.30 pm, when several very strong explosions were heard … Women were screaming and crying all around, wounded everywhere, severed arms and legs, blood. A little to the side of me, I saw the corpse of a man whose head had been blown off. The body lay separately, the head separately. There were people around who did not understand what had happened to them. Suddenly, the hand of a dead man grabbed a bag lying next to it and convulsively pressed it to his chest. Obviously, there was something very important in her for the deceased, maybe the last money."

It turns out that even a sudden and complete loss of the brain does not at all entail instant death. But then who or what controls the body, forcing it to perform quite reasonable actions?


For a long time, scientists generally refused to discuss the issue of the soul, disparagingly calling it "priest's invention." But folk experience has never questioned the presence of a soul in a person. And besides, he assigned her the most important role in his life. This is reflected at least in the fact that in the language there are many expressions associated with this concept. For example, such as “the soul hurts,” “the soul rejoices,” “someone else's soul is dark,” “the stone has slept from the soul,” “the soul has gone to heels,” “to take sin on the soul,” etc., etc. …

Parapsychologists call this "divine spark" energetic essence. But it’s not about terminology. The main thing in another is not given to people to know the providence of God in a scientific way, that is, his plans and deeds. Therefore, you can guess as much as you like why the Creator gave a person a soul and what functions it performs in our mortal body. But the above facts say that in extreme situations this energetic entity for some time takes control of the body, replacing the brain, and only then leaves the body. This happens very rarely, and, perhaps, only when a particular person must perform something that was extremely important for him during his lifetime. There is no other answer yet.

Supporting the possibility that the soul can replace the brain and control the body is research conducted by Peter Fenwick of the London Institute of Psychiatry and Sam Parin of Southampton Central Hospital. Having scrupulously studied the medical documentation of 63 cardiac patients who survived clinical death, the scientists came to a sensational conclusion: the traditional idea of the cessation of brain function due to oxygen deficiency is wrong.

None of those who were in a state of clinical death had a significant decrease in the content of life-giving gas in the tissues of the central nervous system, when all processes in the brain had already stopped. It turns out that when the heart stopped beating, the soul commanded both the lungs and the circulatory system ?!

Three Dutch scientists have conducted the most ambitious study of people who have been in the next world to date, and have come to similar conclusions. The soul is capable of supporting the vital activity of the human body.

One of those who did not believe his colleagues was the prominent American cardiologist Michael Sub. To refute the "delusional" idea of the soul leaving the body, he carried out the most thorough research, comparing the stories of 116 patients who experienced clinical death, with what actually happened while they were "on the other side", and what was available objectively verification.

Professor Sub came to a disappointing conclusion for himself: after the temporary death of the physical body, the soul continues to exist, retaining the ability to see, hear and feel. This is irrefutably proved by the fact that, according to the testimony of resuscitation doctors, patients who returned from the "other world" often told in detail what actions the doctors performed with their lifeless bodies and even what took place at that time in the neighboring wards.


More recently, scientists have made an amazing discovery related to the soul. It turned out that she can leave a living person for a while, and not only in a dream! This is a mysterious phenomenon known as "out of body", when individuals are able to travel in some incomprehensible way in space, physically remaining in the same place.

In the East, this unique gift has long been attributed to Buddhist monks and Indian yogis. However, Western scholars considered such stories to be fiction. Skepticism gradually disappeared when serious researchers began to study "out of the body".

During the experiments, absolutely healthy people were put into a state of hypnotic trance, which allowed the soul to "go free." At the same time, a double check was carried out: on the one hand, the soul that left the physical body could visit a given zone and, returning, tell through the subject about what it observed there. On the other hand, scientists, having placed special equipment in this zone, could record the presence of the soul.

Such studies have been carried out by Dr. C. Tart of the University of California, Dr. R. Morris, the Energy Research Group from the Institute for Bioenergy Analysis, and many others. Experiments with measuring changes in the state of the physical body and registering the soul were carried out in Russia at the clinic of neurosurgery of the S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, as well as at the Institute of Psychology and the Institute of Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In one experiment, a group of 18 volunteers participated in the trance meditation method. To register this state, all of them underwent registration of the biorhythms of the brain. As a result, out-of-body travel to various districts of Moscow, several kilometers distant from the experiment site, and even to other cities, were reliably identified.

IV Rodshtat, a prominent specialist in brain physiology working at the Institute of Radioelectronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, writes: in his travels, it is noted with high reliability."

By the way, an interesting discovery related to the "immaterial" soul was made at Princeton University in the USA. Psychics who were confident in the presence of a soul in a person took part in the experiments. They were seated under a specially designed installation, from which light balls poured out. When the psychic thought about something abstract, the balls, falling, according to the laws of physics, formed a hill of the correct shape. But as soon as he focused on the soul and its material manifestations, the shape of the slide changed.

A group of researchers, headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor L. Spivak, together with the staff of the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, found that from 4 to 8% of women in childbirth experienced leaving the body. At the same time, only those who took a risk or wanted to share their unusual experiences and impressions with researchers were taken into account. According to scientists, in women, the involuntary separation of the soul from the body causes difficult childbirth, which requires maximum exertion of forces beyond the physiological norm, that is, extreme situations.

The "out-of-body travelers" themselves say that the feeling of "leaving" one's own body and observing oneself from the outside appears instantly without any connection with what is happening around. This happens, as a rule, unexpectedly for themselves and at the first moment causes "benevolent surprise" in relation to what they see from the outside.

They did not experience any fear or pain, no desire to turn to others or make contact with them. And they had no idea how long they were out of their body.

Summing up, we can say with good reason that the soul is a unique substance that eternally lives in different times, environments and spaces.
