Batu And Mamai - Who Are They ? - Alternative View

Batu And Mamai - Who Are They ? - Alternative View
Batu And Mamai - Who Are They ? - Alternative View

Video: Batu And Mamai - Who Are They ? - Alternative View

Video: Batu And Mamai - Who Are They ? - Alternative View
Video: Батый Саин-хан — биографический очерк 2024, October

MAMAI = Mom = Alexandra Bryachislavna = Amazons = concubines = getters.

BATY = Alexander Nevsky = Alexander the Great.

Alexander Nevsky actually died in the 17th century, and not in 1263, as we imagine. He was given a wooden rakka, which the authorities, having realized more than 400 years later, decided to change to a silver one … But the tree has not been stored for more than 100 years and nothing would have been left of this rakka for 400 years))

Silver tomb of Al. Nevsky
Silver tomb of Al. Nevsky

Silver tomb of Al. Nevsky.

Stepan Razin, who acted in 1630-1671 and lived as long as Alexander Nevsky, was written off from him.

He's Igor Yaroslavovich. Eel. Mountains.

He is Gergius the Victorious. And the Arab Iskander. And Indian Akbar.

The destruction of the army and of Alexander Nevsky himself did not take place in a fair fight, but thanks to the use of bacteriological weapons against the Russian troops, sending a plague on them (according to Miller, 1771-1773).

Promotional video:

Batu + Mamai)) Alexandra Bryachislavna - at the office. versions of the princess of Polotsk, princess of Novgorod, princess of Pereyaslavl, grand duchess of Vladimir … Alexander Nevsky's wife
Batu + Mamai)) Alexandra Bryachislavna - at the office. versions of the princess of Polotsk, princess of Novgorod, princess of Pereyaslavl, grand duchess of Vladimir … Alexander Nevsky's wife

Batu + Mamai)) Alexandra Bryachislavna - at the office. versions of the princess of Polotsk, princess of Novgorod, princess of Pereyaslavl, grand duchess of Vladimir … Alexander Nevsky's wife

After the death of A. Nevsky, PesiNagi became active again and attacked Great Russia. The men were gone. Great Russia is devastated. The reins of government are transferred to the wife of A. Nevsky - Alexandra Bryachislavna. She had to introduce matriarchy.

During the period of danger for our country, even small children, like SvyatoSlav Khorobry, who was forced to become a warrior at the age of 3))), as a rule, the children did not have time to master all types of weapons, but only took possession of the spit-tube the eye slit of the enemy with a poisoned small "bullet" or "arrow". That is why modern children in primary grades and kindergarten are not clear why they start spitting at each other from tubes, although no one taught them this. This is a manifestation of deep memory - the memory of a past life!


It was hard. Blood was pouring. To preserve her people, Alexandra Bryachislavna obliged all surviving warriors who reached puberty to marry all free women and girls. Women had to give birth constantly. It was then that an artificial reduction in pregnancy occurred: from 18 months to 9 months. The time of puberty had to be shortened, too: from 72 years, when a person was fully formed, to 12 years. At the age of 12, Russian children were forced to have HAREMS (GORES from the word "grief"), and girls at the age of 13-15 were forced to become mothers. And allow the Tribes to mix with each other.


For these innovations, Alexandra Bryachislavna receives the nickname SUNNA, which in modern Arabic means rules of conduct. Well, and the Arabic language was the Russian priestly language. In some Muslim communities, the rite of circumcision is also called Sunnah, which Al. Bryachislavna introduced in order to prevent the phenomenon of adhesion, which is now rare, and even in the 19th century it was a common phenomenon that occurred in every fourth woman. The rite of circumcision allows you to avoid bonding and joint bearing of a child (this is how you can give birth to a god). This rite (circumcision) among the ancient Orthodox existed until the October Revolution and was canceled among the Orthodox after the revolution.


There is information about Alexander Bryachislavna even in the Bible, though, as always, in a distorted form. Where her name is given to the woman assigned to King David to warm him up - Avisaga SUNAMITIAN = Ave + Saga + Suna and Metyanka - "place" = "Welcoming saga of Sunnah".

Avisaga Sunammite
Avisaga Sunammite

Avisaga Sunammite.

Why was she called Sunnah, and not Manu, like Mary Ioannou d * Ark Manu (Mnishek)? Because Manu was introduced by Pokons for centuries, and Alexandra Bryachislavna introduced the rules temporarily so that the Russian people could survive, recover and win.

When, with a malicious giggle, someone says that Prince Vladimir had 300 wives and 2,000 concubines, we can argue to him - this is not debauchery. This is a necessity of that time, caused by a sharp decline in the male population of the Russian people: there were 2300 women per man. Russian soldiers had harems (correctly "griefs") as a measure of people's survival.

The griefs among the Russians, prescribed by A. Bryachislavna, existed until Nicholas I, when the last island of freedom - the Crimean peninsula fell under the onslaught of numerous armies of Roman troops (reptiles), and the Sinai (Roman) yoke reigned over the Russian people.


And the term "concubine" is not a woman for pleasure, as we are today presented, but the so-called women who subjected themselves to artificial insemination ("on the bosom" the seed was applied, therefore the concubine). Since then, the incomprehensible Russian expression "made with a finger" has gone, since children from artificial insemination, apparently, differ markedly from children born of love.

And the island of Leibos, where the remnants of the Russian people took refuge with a broken and wounded army, was the place where the new Russian army was forged.



Amazons. This word consists of three parts: a + ma, i.e. "Not a mother," and zong is a battle song. That is, the Amazons are women who no longer breastfeed and therefore can become warriors.



At the same time, there appeared girls - HETAIRS, who mastered the art of seduction, who did not want to be concubines, but wanted to be a wife, albeit three hundred, but a wife.



Women who gave birth to several children became Amazons.

The wounded Amazon
The wounded Amazon

The wounded Amazon.

And now a trained army of warriors and women - Amazons, led by Alexandra Bryachislavna, is advancing against the Pesinagi, to liberate Great Russia. Son Vladimir (king of Vesantia) also submits to her a part of his army from Antov. The triumphant liberation of the Great Russian lands from pesinags begins.


Alexandra is called affectionately as Mom, just as her husband is affectionately called Batey. She repeats the exploits of her husband. And restores the Great Russian state with its capital in Constantinople. The expression "Mamai passed" has survived, because the Pesinaghs were not taken prisoner. The name "Amazon" penetrated the New World, which is reflected in the name of the Amazon River, because both Americas were also liberated from invaders.

Makovkin. Russian beauty
Makovkin. Russian beauty

Makovkin. Russian beauty.

What was actually the name of Alexandra Bryachislavna, it is difficult to say, because Alexandra means "courageous defender", and this is not a name. If we take the name of the queen of the Amazons, Hippolyta, then this is not an Orthodox name. It should also not be admitted that her name was the Greek poetess Sappho, who was exiled to the island of Leibos. It is not possible for women to become famous in a purely male occupation - war, therefore the invaders carefully cleaned all female names of generals from history. Except perhaps the heroine of the war of 1812 - Vasilisa Kozhina.

The most likely portrait of Alexandra Bryachislavna, Queen Devora:

Queen Deborah, written off from Al. Bryachislavna
Queen Deborah, written off from Al. Bryachislavna

Queen Deborah, written off from Al. Bryachislavna.

Author: Larisa Mosunova
