Pyramids On The Moon - Unanswered Questions - Alternative View

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Pyramids On The Moon - Unanswered Questions - Alternative View
Pyramids On The Moon - Unanswered Questions - Alternative View

Video: Pyramids On The Moon - Unanswered Questions - Alternative View

Video: Pyramids On The Moon - Unanswered Questions - Alternative View
Video: Impossible Ancient Stonework | Beyond our Imagination DOCUMENTARY | Forgotten Knowledge 2024, October

The pyramids on the moon gained attention after 1966 photographs taken by the American automated probe Luna-Orbiter-2 were examined. They were located in the Sea of Rains region and were pyramidal and conical objects. There were eight mysterious objects. Since that time, scientists have split into two opposing camps. Some considered pyramidal objects to be natural formations, while others, on the contrary, asserted their artificial origin. In addition, the latter drew an analogy between the lunar and Egyptian pyramids, as well as with similar objects on Mars.

In particular, while studying the pyramids on the Moon, engineer A. Abramov discovered a clear similarity between the placement of these objects and the plan for the placement of the great pyramids in the necropolis of the Egyptian Giza. Further studies completely shocked scientists, for it turned out that the tops of the lunar pyramids are a mirror image of the pyramids of Cheops, Khafren and Mikerin!

In 2008, the Indian space probe "Chandrayan-1" was sent to the lunar surface, which transmitted several tens of thousands of photographs of the lunar surface. Among them were photos of a huge pyramidal object with a facet length of 4 km. However, most of the representatives of the scientific world reacted with skepticism to these photos, suspecting the Indians of falsifying data.

The pyramids on the moon also attracted the attention of the American writer George Leonard and the International Program for the Global Observing of Anomalous Phenomena on the Moon, which included Nobel laureate Francis Crick. They unanimously declared that the lunar pyramids are proof of the existence of alien civilizations that have erected similar objects not only on the surface of the Moon, but also on our planet.

Of course, such bold assumptions do not yet have any material evidence. Unfortunately, photographs of the lunar surface cannot be counted in this category, because until a person's hand touches the surface of the lunar pyramids, there is no need to say anything definite about these mysterious objects.

Pyramids on the Moon?

The secrets of the moon have always worried humanity. And people throughout their history have dreamed of flying to the moon. Finally, in the 20th century, this dream became a reality. From 1959 to 1976, a total of 60 satellites were launched to the Moon. However, in the next 30 years - only 6. Moreover, from 1974 to 1990, not a single spacecraft was launched to the Moon. What is the reason for such a sharp decrease in attention to our satellite? Did people find out everything they wanted about the Moon or SOMEONE made them understand that the place was already taken?

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None of the most powerful ground-based or space telescopes is able to give us the opportunity to study in detail the surface of the Moon, moreover, as you know, it is always turned to us only one side. But the spacecraft were able to make a fairly detailed photo-map of the lunar surface. Not all images are in the public domain, but those that are open to public view sometimes come across curious landscapes.

In 1966, NASA released a photograph taken by the Lunar Orbiter 2 satellite in the western part of the Sea of Tranquility. Objects are clearly visible in the photo, casting unnaturally long shadows. Some scientists then suggested that these objects could not be lunar boulders or mountain ranges. Among these scientists was William Blair of the Boeing Biotechnology Institute. Blair noted that in addition to the long shadows, the arrangement of these objects is regular, and suggested that they were artificial. These objects are now known as "Blair's Fangs".

Initially, NASA became interested in these objects, but then announced that there was nothing unusual about them, writing everything off to the low angle of the Sun. However, Blair's Fangs are still debated by scholars and enthusiasts.



The contrast of the photo was increased by 40%, making the darker area of the trench almost black to show the unusual rectangular shape of this depression. The horizontal trench angle is an almost unnaturally correct 90 degree angle. As Blair himself wrote, "the photo makes one think that it looks like a pit, the walls of which were destroyed or fell inward."

When an unusual object, such as this trench, is found in close proximity to other unusual objects of a completely different kind, such as the Fangs, it is reasonable to assume that the possibility of their artificial origin is significantly higher. This is so because the general geological explanation of the origin of both one and other objects is rather difficult. Such an incredible coincidence cannot support the natural theory of the origin of two completely different types of objects of an uncharacteristic shape for nature in one place.

The mystery of the lunar pyramids

The natural satellite of the Earth, the Moon, as scientists have found, is not as calm and ordinary an object as many are accustomed to believe. The fact is that back in 1966, with the help of the American station "Luna-Orbiter2", truly sensational pictures were taken in the region of the Sea of Rains from the invisible side of the Moon.

According to these images, pyramids were discovered on the moon - as many as eight structures of the correct conical or pyramidal shape. The distance from which the images were taken suggests that the pyramids on the Moon are simply gigantic. Later, the Russian engineer Abramov, examining the images obtained, made another sensational statement. As it turned out, the centers of the pyramids on the Moon mirrored the centers of the Egyptian pyramids in Giza. That is, the pyramids on the Moon are located in the exact same order as the pyramids of Cheops, Mikerin and Khafre.

Since 2008, the Indian space probe Chandrayan-1 has been sending many images of the lunar surface to Earth, which are inaccessible to our eyes. The objects in the pictures just defy any explanation. In addition to the huge pyramids on the moon, the remains of destroyed cities, tall buildings, board-like ships and gigantic mechanisms were found. Such finds simply turned the whole idea of the scientific community about the origin of the moon. After obtaining photographic data, a theory was put forward that the moon could be nothing more than an artificially created space base.

In view of such events, the International Program for the Global Observation of Anomalous Phenomena on the Moon was created in 1995, in which many countries participate. Perhaps just such a global approach will allow to unravel at least some of the secrets that the Moon hides in itself.

Who Built the Pyramids on the Moon?

On a satellite of the Earth, astronomers have recorded unusual structures, apparently built with someone's help. The mysterious structure was discovered on the moon by a resident of Argentina, Marcelo, when he was looking for even the slightest confirmation that life could be not only on Earth, reports the Daily Star.

While studying the surface of an Earth satellite using Google Earth, an amateur astronomer noticed a mysterious pyramid at least 200 meters high on the lunar surface. Marcelo uploaded a video of the found pyramid to YouTube, and Internet users unanimously supported the Argentine.

According to amateur astronomers, the US space agency NASA hides a lot from the public. However, there were also skeptics who doubt the credibility of the video. Besides. It has also been argued that the pyramid may have resulted from a rendering error.

In a NASA photo, ufologists have found a huge pyramid on the moon

On the moon, renowned virtual archaeologist Scott Waring spotted a pyramid in a photo taken by an American lunar orbital probe using one of its cameras. As the specialists of the American space agency emphasize in the annotation to the image, it covers an area about 900 meters wide in the Tsiolkovsky crater.


It is easy, therefore, to estimate: the height of the pyramid is somewhere around 40 meters. It is pointed, most of all like the pyramid of the Russian engineer Alexander Golod, which he erected in 1999 on the Novorizhskoe highway in the Moscow region. And their heights are similar - 44 meters in the earth.

Scott Waring considers the lunar pyramid to be man-made. That is, he believes that aliens built it for some of their needs, informs our journalist Amalia Chervinchuk.

The Pyramid of Hunger, according to his assurances, has healing properties and has a beneficial effect on the surrounding area. Maybe the lunar pyramid has similar properties.

The Tsiolkovsky crater is one of the largest on the Moon. Its diameter is 180 kilometers. Located on its back in the southern hemisphere. Well visible, looks like a dark eye with a light pupil.

There are plenty of pictures of the crater - it is a popular subject for photography. It is considered picturesque. But the pyramid is visible only in the LRO image taken in 2010. It is located at the foot of the so-called crater hill - an elevation in its center. In the photo, the slope of the hill is located on the right, shot in close-up. The color of the slope is gray, to the left of it - a dark color - the basalt surface of the crater.

By publishing the picture, NASA does not pay any attention to the pyramid, but suggests looking at the cobblestones that rolled down the slope.

How old is the object? It is not known, since there is no answer to the question of when an asteroid crashed into the moon and formed a crater. Maybe a million years ago, maybe hundreds of millions, or even a billion years ago.

But if the pyramid was indeed erected by the inhabitants of other worlds, then they acted wisely, as befits representatives of a highly developed civilization - the likelihood that an asteroid will fall into the same place is scanty.

Argentinian found a giant pyramid on the moon using Google Earth

One of the inhabitants of Argentina, who admired the landscapes of the moon, discovered a huge pyramid in the images of Google Earth. According to the Daily Star, it reaches a height of at least two hundred meters.

Now he assures that the find proves the existence of aliens. As proof, he posted a video with footage of the mysterious pyramid on the Web; users who watched it began to note in the comments that NASA specialists seem to be hiding a lot from people.

Earlier, Nation News reported that the unusual flying object, which was captured in the video, which collected over one million views on the Web, turned out to be an airship.

An ancient pyramid was discovered on the moon. Scientists are racking their brains

Increased attention is paid to the study of the lunar surface, and more and more scientists surprise the whole world with unexpected discoveries. The discovery was made by Canadian ufologist Pacitto Dominic from Montreal earlier this year, but it received attention on the network only after the intervention of more eminent colleagues of the researcher.

Pacitto noted that while examining images of a natural satellite of the Earth, which were transmitted by the automatic interplanetary station "Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter", on the NASA resource, he suddenly noticed several anomalies on its surface, very similar to various man-made structures. The Canadian is convinced that all of this is direct evidence that intelligent life was present on the Moon, and perhaps it is still present.

The scientist paid the greatest attention to the object of an even pyramidal shape, which is located in one of the large impact craters. According to Dominic's assumption, representatives of a certain extraterrestrial civilization erected pyramids on the Moon thousands or even millions of years ago, after which they visited our planet and built similar structures in Ancient Egypt, which are still a mystery to the scientific world.

At the same time, some experts are sure that the pyramids could be erected on the Earth and the Moon in parallel, while similar objects were seen on Mars. It is not clear what role such structures play and what their purpose was, and scientists are unlikely to be able to solve this riddle for a long time.