The First Woman With Gene Modification To Stop Aging - Alternative View

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The First Woman With Gene Modification To Stop Aging - Alternative View
The First Woman With Gene Modification To Stop Aging - Alternative View

Video: The First Woman With Gene Modification To Stop Aging - Alternative View

Video: The First Woman With Gene Modification To Stop Aging - Alternative View
Video: Reversing Ageing: New Studies Show it Can be Done 2024, July

A little over a month ago, a stunning experiment began: for the first time in the history of mankind, scientists and doctors decided to turn back the biological clock by interfering with the genome of an adult woman.

American researcher Elizabeth Parrish was injected with genetic material into a vein, which must penetrate into the nucleus of each cell and initiate changes that stop aging and rejuvenate the body. At the same time, revolutionary therapy, which has never been tested in humans, can cause unknown side effects …

Thanks to colleagues and friends from the International Longevity Alliance, KOMSOMOLSKAYA PRAVDA became the first popular media outlet that managed to contact the courageous tester and ask her the most exciting questions.


- Hello, - Elizabeth smiles affably on the screen when we communicate on Skype, and immediately amazes us. She is not in the least like a mad scientist, detached from reality, or an aging lady who, out of despair, decided on a desperate experiment to return her youth. Before us is a cheerful, attractive woman, and the operators of "KP" exchange glances in surprise: this beauty cannot be given her 44 years.

Liz, history keeps the names of scientists and doctors who experienced infection with dangerous diseases, the first vaccines invented, and subsequently their actions saved millions of lives. But when your predecessors took risks, the public could understand: they are doing it for the sake of curing specific serious illnesses. How much are you at risk and how did you explain to your loved ones why you are taking it?

“I am sure this is the most important step to take today. Many people don't think, but aging is now the number one killer in most countries. Cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and other life-threatening diseases begin as the body ages and is unable to correct the disorder. At the same time, laboratory experiments on animals unambiguously confirm: if you stop aging, rejuvenate the body, you can save yourself from dangerous diseases and prolong your healthy life. And it's real.

Promotional video:

“We can no longer let age-related diseases kill us,” Elizabeth says excitedly. “The elderly population around the world is growing, and these are people who have the potential to be healthy, strong and able to take care of themselves on their own, rather than end their days in wheelchairs in nursing homes.

“As for the risk, I am well aware that I could be seriously injured,” the researcher continues. “But at the same time I understand that if I don’t do this, I’ll still die from the diseases that aging brings with it. If the experiment is successful, it will help save millions of people.

My family, friends and colleagues supported this move. They know me well, my lifestyle and understand why I made such a choice.

Have you done risky things before?

- No, this is the first really big risky step in my life. I have always been interested in science, research, but I am not a rock climber, I don’t do deep diving and I don’t jump with a parachute,”laughs Liz. - I think I took a very calculated and reasonable risk.

- Liz, looking at you, any person would be surprised: this is a girl who looks great, why does she need to change something, to interfere with her body, especially at such a deep level?

- I am 44 years old, outwardly I can still seem healthy and look good, but in fact, my body has already accumulated a lot of damage in various organs and tissues. Memory is gradually deteriorating, muscle mass begins to fall, some digestive problems appear, and various foci of inflammation.

In fact, these are signs that one major monster disease is developing: aging, leading to severe age-related diseases from which people eventually die. To live long, aging must be treated, including by modifying genes.

At the same time, the main goal is not even so much to remain beautiful and young in appearance (this can now be achieved by other methods, including plastic surgery) - it is primarily about having health and strength to climb a mountain or run a marathon when you are 80 years old.

At what age is it time to start anti-aging treatment?

- First of all, gene therapy should be used for people who already suffer from severe age-related diseases. In the future, I hope this method will be used for more and more young people as a preventive medicine - to avoid aging and related diseases.

Perhaps it will be similar to how they are now vaccinated at a young age to protect themselves from polio, tuberculosis, hepatitis. But, of course, it will take a lot of gene therapy research, trials and testing to understand the long-term effects.

How did you prepare for the experiment? What were you warned about?

- The experiment is being carried out by the scientific and medical company "BioViva", whose management I am a member of. We shot a video where I confirm that I am aware of all the risks to my health, that something may go wrong, since this therapy has not yet been tested on humans, and I completely relieve other people of any responsibility, including from the doctors who perform the procedures for me. If something terrible happens, I will still be sure that I took the right step. If one step can change the world, and that step will cost your life, it must be taken.

What are the most unfavorable consequences?

- There is still skepticism about gene therapy, side effects are possible, but so far they are not known for sure. Some experts warn that the risk of cancer could potentially rise. At the same time, we do not think so, since there are studies confirming that the restoration of telomeres (see "How it works") just protects against cancer, makes cells stable and keeps them from degenerating into cancerous ones.

We will closely monitor all changes using analyzes. By the way, I have given my consent for access to samples of my blood and all my tissues to any research institution that wants to study them.


- The human genome has been sequenced (deciphered), but still little is known what the influence of certain genes. At the same time, there is evidence that the same gene may be responsible for different processes. Nor is there a recognized list of genes associated with aging. How were the targets for your gene therapy chosen in the face of such uncertainty?

- Indeed, thousands of genes are involved in various processes in our body, but the two genes that we use in therapy are already well understood. One of these has been tested in human clinical trials and has been proven to work well. We are talking about the introduction into the body of a gene - an inhibitor of myostatin, that is, a protein that inhibits muscle growth. We inhibit (inhibit) the production of myostatin, thereby stimulating muscle growth and preventing sarcopenia - muscle dystrophy that develops with age.

The second part of gene therapy is to stimulate telomerase production. It is an enzyme responsible for restoring the length of telomeres, that is, the ends of chromosomes that ensure the integrity and stability of our DNA (it is known that telomeres shorten with age, the cell becomes less protected, and mutations appear, which, along with other factors, can lead to the development of cancer and other dangerous age-related diseases. - Auth.).

“Repeated tests in mice have shown that stimulating the telomerase gene leads to the rejuvenation of cells in all tissues of the body,” continues Elizabeth Parrish. “Therefore, we feel confident using methods of influencing these genes. Yes, it is possible that their activation will lead to other effects, we will closely monitor this. For example, as I said before, telomere repair is known to protect against cancer. And inhibition of myostatin not only prevents muscle loss, but also has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

In the future, it may be necessary to work with other genes, but today we are sure that the impact on these two will bring the most significant benefits to most people.


Your biography is not yet available on the Internet. Tell us about yourself, what kind of education do you have, for example?

- I graduated with honors from college, then entered the University of Washington with a degree in biology. After studying for three years, I gave birth to a second child, I had to interrupt my studies, but now I plan to return and finish my biological education. Sometimes I am criticized for the fact that I myself do not have a PhD degree (an analogue of the Russian candidate of sciences. - Author), but I work with scientists, doctors and trust their experience and qualifications. They do what they can, and I do what I can: visually convey information to people about what needs to be done to change life and the world for the better.

It is known that you started with research on the treatment of childhood diseases, and eventually came to the fight against aging, how did it happen?

“My son got type 1 diabetes and I decided to use my basic knowledge of biology to find ways to help him. For several years I have worked with technology companies, helping to raise funds for their development.

Being engaged in the investment business, I got to a conference in the UK on genetics and organized by the SENS Foundation (the leading international fund to support research on anti-aging. - Author). I sat there, listened with enthusiasm to the speeches of scientists and understood: all these new types of therapies would allow treating children with the most serious illnesses.

I thought that I could attract investments in the development of drugs for the elderly, help them fight age-related diseases, and then the created drugs and approaches can be used for children. In general, it was understood that gene therapy can help make everyone healthier.

I founded a company to attract investment in research organizations. And I faced a problem: many investors were losing interest in supporting research, because they needed results in humans, and technologies applicable to humans did not appear. And then I decided that I needed to create a company that would test this promising gene therapy in humans.

To be continued. In the second part of the interview, Elizabeth Parrish told KP about the virus that had been introduced into her body to spread the “healing” genes, what changes she had already felt, why the location of the procedures and the name of the doctor were kept in strict confidence, as well as and whether anti-aging gene therapy can replace plastic surgery.

We would like to thank Elena Milova, coordinator of the International Longevity Alliance for her assistance in organizing the interview.


"Gene therapy is not quackery or an abuse of nature."

Scientist, expert in applied biomedical technologies, leading researcher of the First Oncological Scientific Consulting Center (PSCC) Andrei Garazha:

- Gene therapy is not quackery and not "an abuse of nature", but a very promising method that opens up the possibility of treating the most serious diseases. Today, clinical trials of various types of gene therapy in humans are already underway around the world. Including it has shown a positive effect in the treatment of cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, it is considered promising for getting rid of Parkinson's disease, muscular dystrophy and the treatment of certain types of cancer. However, there are still limitations associated with targeted delivery problems and poorly understood side effects.


As for the risks of stimulating the "enzyme of youth" (telomerase) in the experiment of Elizabeth Parrish, it is very difficult to predict them in advance. Yes, there is a possibility that this method will increase the risk of developing cancer. But it can also have some positive effect, or even be "invisible" and not lead to the rejuvenation that researchers are counting on.

In fact, for the reliability of assessing the results of the experiment, it would be good to have a twin sister, Liz, in order to compare their organisms and appearance in dynamics. In any case, raising public awareness of the problems of aging research and new therapies, albeit in such a sophisticated way, is a good undertaking and deserves respect.