Split Personality - Cases - Alternative View

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Split Personality - Cases - Alternative View
Split Personality - Cases - Alternative View

Video: Split Personality - Cases - Alternative View

Video: Split Personality - Cases - Alternative View
Video: Woman conjures multiple personalities during extraordinary interview | 60 Minutes Australia 2024, September

Multiple personality cases

Split personality (multiple personality) is the spontaneous transformation of people into another personality. In our time, such a person most often comes under the supervision of psychiatrists. But medicine is unable to treat this condition. It is also unknown about the true nature of the alternating placement in one physical body of two or more persons of different sex, age, temperament and cultural level.

Mysterious Brazilian

In the 1920s, the story of the split personality of the Brazilian resident Carmine Mirabeli, who could spontaneously transform into different people, became widely known. Outwardly remaining the same Mirabeli, he became a person of a different nationality and culture. Moreover, at the same time as he acquired knowledge of foreign languages, Mirabeli received the corresponding erudition, which immediately disappeared when Mirabeli returned to its original state.

Thus, having visited in turn "in the shoes" of different people, Mirabeli wrote several dissertations and treatises in various languages, discovering amazing knowledge in the field of history, sociology, jurisprudence, theology, astronomy, philosophy, logic, medicine, physics, chemistry and others. sciences. These his abilities were repeatedly tested by various scientists who could not understand how and where Mirabeli gets, and then loses his scholarship.

Uneducated saleswoman

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Several years ago, Marina Daskalova (Bulgaria), a saleswoman from the city of Varna, fell into a stupor and suddenly began to speak in a pleasant baritone in the purest English with an Oxford accent. "My wife is crazy!" Her husband thought in horror. But the nephew who was nearby, although he was also frightened, but, knowing a little English, tried to talk to her. As it turned out, a male voice emanating from her urged her relatives to call her daughter in Sofia and convince her not to fly that day by plane. Later it turned out that this plane crashed, and all passengers were killed.

From that moment on, the trance states, in which Marina broadcast in different voices in unfamiliar languages, began to be repeated. Relatives recorded Marina's speech production on a tape recorder and showed it to specialists. As it turned out, this simple woman, who does not know other languages besides Bulgarian, in a state of detachment, easily speaks most modern European languages, as well as Latin. Moreover, the voice warned others about some kind of misfortune or disaster, which always came true.

Possession of the devil, or obsession

If in Muslim countries the phenomenon of a split personality aroused sacred awe, then among Christian peoples it was perceived as the instillation of the devil. As you know, the massive nature of the introduction of the unclean in the Middle Ages was greatly exaggerated due to the vigorous activity of the Inquisition, which, with the help of torture, forced women to incriminate themselves. But in our days, obsession also sometimes occurs. It should be recognized that the possibility of the occupation of the human body by the essence of the other world with the temporary replacement of his personality is allowed in almost all major confessions and in witchcraft.

So, for example, a certain Joan Smith from America, for 30 years suffered from demonic content, after which she underwent a rite of exorcism in the Catholic tradition. Only the priest had time to utter the first words of the spell, when the possessed woman escaped from the hands of the hefty men and, suddenly taking off into the air, swept through the church hall, sticking to the wall above the door, from where it was with difficulty managed to be torn off. Then wild screams, noises and voices emanating from the walls began to shake, and the woman's body was terribly swollen … In spite of everything, the ceremony did not stop, and ended with the complete expulsion of the demon.

The human body is a "dormitory" for spirits

This is one of the more famous "classic" cases of multiple personality disorder. The name of the heroine is Sally Buchamp. She mysteriously united four personalities who took turns taking possession of her body. The most harmful of these turned out to be a person named Sally, who openly called herself a spirit and appeared more often than others. Because these individuals knew about each other's existence, there was a constant enmity between them for the possession of the body of Mrs. Beuchamp. Sally, for example, deliberately put frogs or spiders among things, knowing that another pseudo-personality was afraid of them to the point of hysteria. Sally simply scoffed, knowing that another person would soon take her place, she deliberately left the city late in the evening so that her companion would feel fear, returned to her house on foot along the dark and dangerous streets.

But the record of possessing "personalities" in our time was achieved by a certain Stanley Mulligen, who had as many as 24 "people" - a real dormitory of spirits.

Mental epidemics

But not only a few spiritual entities settled in the body of one person. It happened, and vice versa, that one and the same "demon" took possession of the bodies of several people at once. The reason for this was not an infection, but widespread ignorance and fanatical religiosity. A typical example is the epidemic of obsession in the abode of the Ursulines in France in the 17th century, when the ghost of the devil began to appear at the abbess of the monastery at night, who gradually took possession of the nun's mind with the help of erotic words and touches.

But when the abbess told this to the other sisters, they also began to experience a similar manifestation of evil spirits. Gradually, sexual ecstasy took possession of the entire female community. At this time, the bodies of women convulsively bent, touching the back of the head with their heels. They screamed in a wild voice, barked like dogs, climbed a tree like cats. In this state, the nuns felt particular hatred for the image of Christ and the saints, spat on them and shouted blasphemy. Experienced exorcists were summoned, who drove the devil out of the nuns for a month and a half.

Preacher from Green

1887, March 14 - residents of one of the houses of the town of Morristown (USA) were woken up by the desperate cry of their neighbor, rushing around the yard, begging everyone to tell him where he was; swore that he had no idea of Morristown and that he was not Mr. Brown, as he was called, but Mr. Byrne, the preacher from Green.

A month and a half before this incident, the man had come to Morristown, introduced himself as Brown, bought a store, filled it with stationery, and opened a business.

The people of Morristown soon became accustomed to this affable but not very talkative person. It was known that he lived in the back rooms of his store, cooked his own meals, went to church regularly, and went to Philadelphia several times to buy goods.

And now he began to claim that he knew neither Morristown nor Morristowns, nor even himself!

The police, and then his own wife, who came from Green and threw herself into his arms, confirmed that he was none other than Mr. Berne, who unexpectedly disappeared from Green on January 17. What he did between January 17 and February 1, and how he turned into Brown, he could not explain. Until then, he did not show the slightest inclination to trade …

Meet a doppelganger

1931, March - in Moscow, the former Socialist-Revolutionary Ksenia Serebrovskaya met on the embankment with her former party comrade, writer Alexander Grinevsky. They got into conversation. When Ksenia said that she was going to Crimea in the summer, Green invited her to visit him and gave her a new address in Stary Crimea. When Ksenia arrived there, she saw a seriously ill writer who had never left Crimea. Hearing his story, which greatly perplexed him, Greene reacted in Byronic style: "I hope I was not too annoying in Moscow and did not try to borrow money from you?"

A. Vyatkin