Lemuria - Lost Continent Or "sister" Of Atlantis - Alternative View

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Lemuria - Lost Continent Or "sister" Of Atlantis - Alternative View
Lemuria - Lost Continent Or "sister" Of Atlantis - Alternative View

Video: Lemuria - Lost Continent Or "sister" Of Atlantis - Alternative View

Video: Lemuria - Lost Continent Or
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Their height is almost three meters. Their skin changes color from green to blue depending on the season. Their faces are very elongated, their eyes are huge, the eyelids do not open up, but to the side, like a door in a one-leaf elevator. They breathe through the skin, without the aid of the lungs. They are bisexual. But most importantly, their souls flew from the stars, Sirius and the Pleiades, and already on earth received a body shell …

So, according to one version, Mu, better known as lemurs, looked like. Their civilization was the oldest on earth, even older than the legendary Atlantis … Mu flourishes in the 14th millennium BC. e. But some argue that the country flourished much earlier (75,000 - 20,000 BC)

Mu = Lemuria?

For the first time, modern civilization heard of Mu in the 19th century. Scientist Augustus Le Plongeon researched ancient Maya texts in Yucatan and found out: the great people believed that they were descended from the Atlanteans, the ancient Egyptians and some Mu.

And in 1864, the English geologist Philip Sclater in the article "Mammals of Madagascar" mentioned the name Lemuria (where he got it - is unknown): he suggested that Madagascar and India are the remnants of the larger continent of Lemuria.

Since then, there have been legends that Lemuria was the very lost continent on which Mu lived. This was also confirmed by the letters of the Maya, which said that it was in the Pacific Ocean (hence another name for Lemuria - Pacifica). The Spanish scientist Javier Cabrera found detailed maps of the sunken continent on stone tablets (Ica stones) in Peru.

A multitude of people rushed in search of the "sister" of Atlantis. Among them was the writer James Churchward. He spent 50 years reconstructing the history of a great civilization. Churchward found that the continent was 8,000 km long and almost 5,000 km wide. Lived here 65 million people.

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Most of the Mu lived in houses with transparent roofs. Lemurs never got sick, did not suffer from stress and lived for a hundred years. Mu possessed the gift of clairvoyance, telepathy, teleportation and could make astral travel. Moreover, they knew how to control solar energy, supersonic frequencies and crystal energy. They knew how … but did not want to. Science did not play a big role in their life, the main thing for Mu was unity with nature.

The premarital custom is a test of nature

In particular, all lovers who wanted to get married had to pass the test of nature. The elder of the tribe ordered the man and woman to give all their property to the priest, and themselves to strip naked and go into the forest. The couple stayed in the forest for 28 days. During this time, the lovers had to build a house, learn how to make clothes from the gifts of nature and get food. If, after the expiration of the indicated period, the couple returned to the world without experiencing any negativity towards each other, the priest gave the lovers all their property and recognized them as husband and wife.

Lemuria and Atlantis - continents of interest

There is a version that Mu and the Atlanteans were closely related. The inhabitants of both continents shared their interests: people of science went to Atlantis, those who wanted to devote their lives to art and spiritual pursuits came to Lemuria. But the scientific experiments that were carried out in Atlantis caused the destruction of both civilizations.

The great flood is coming …

They say that many residents of Lemuria knew about the disaster in advance, and two or three thousand years before the sad event began to prepare for it. Their goal was to preserve knowledge about humanity and the Earth in general. Lemurs believed that if they were able to transmit information to as many people as possible, in descendants it would be deposited in the subconscious, it would fit into the memory at the genetic level.

Also, lemurs began to create detailed maps of underground tunnels that connected all the most important points of the planet.

And so, when Mu received the omen, they went down into the tunnels. But not all. Many remained on the surface and faced the end of their country with courage.

There is a belief that the peoples of Asia, especially the Japanese, are the bearers of the knowledge of lemurs (by the way, the bearers of the knowledge of the Atlanteans are the Egyptians and European Druids). But most of this knowledge is in the human subconscious. They can only open to those who visit the Egyptian pyramids or the black stones of Ica in Peru.

But those who think that the lemurs themselves disappeared from the face of the earth are mistaken. There is a version that they continue to live underground and only occasionally come to the surface from Mount Shasta (USA, California). Local residents have repeatedly said that they saw strange people in snow-white clothes who were hiding in the crater of the volcano. According to their words, in 1894, the Englishman Frederick Spencer Oliver (Frederick Spencer Oliver) wrote the work "Inhabitant of two worlds."

Lemuria has been found

In 1999, the research vessel JOIDES Resolution actually discovered a continent about a third of today's Australia on the bottom of the Indian Ocean. Research has shown that it sank 20 million years ago. This place was named Kerguelen. Scientist Mike Coffin of the University of Texas has confirmed that it is likely that Kerguelen once united India and Australia into a single continent (just like Lemuria!).

Fiji, Hawaii and part of modern Los Angeles are often referred to the remains of Mu. Many believe that Easter Island is a shard of the ancient continent. In the legends of the indigenous people, there is even a character of Khiva, who went down under the water to rise again when the time comes …

But if Kerguelen sank 20 million years ago, it means that it cannot be the legendary Mu. Perhaps Kerguelen only served as the basis for the myth of Lemuria? Or maybe we're just not looking for her there …

Yulia Lakhmetkina
