Stalkers Of The Molebsky Triangle - Alternative View

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Stalkers Of The Molebsky Triangle - Alternative View
Stalkers Of The Molebsky Triangle - Alternative View

Video: Stalkers Of The Molebsky Triangle - Alternative View

Video: Stalkers Of The Molebsky Triangle - Alternative View
Video: Stalker Club - Full Movie 2024, September

The village of Molebna in the Perm district arose in 1787, after Alexander Demidov founded an iron-smelting and iron-making plant here. The population of the village is 250-350 people, and today it lives off agriculture and a semi-legal sawmill, repeating the fate of many Ural villages and settlements. Nevertheless, thousands of tourists from all over the world make pilgrimages here all the time. "Zone M", or "M-blue triangle" - this is how visitors call these places among themselves. What, in fact, is the matter here?

Mysterious circle

“… On the evening of October 30, 1984, I went to the Capercaillie junction of the Sverdlovsk railway. The day before, I was lucky enough to find a reliable landing site for a large (62 meters in diameter) UFO to the southwest of the village of Molebka, Kishert District, Perm Region. I surveyed the place for several hours …

I settled down on the only bench in one board, untied my backpack to refresh myself, looked at my watch (mechanical "Ray", absolutely serviceable and had never let me down before). It was three hours and 50 minutes. More than two hours were left before the train, and suddenly: “Tutu” - My transport “Shalya - Perm” rolled out from behind the turn.

I grab an untied backpack, a gun and tumble into the train, addressing the first passengers sitting at the entrance: "What time is it?" - "Six ten!" The train is on schedule, my watch has fallen behind … This is how I first encountered the chronal effect of UFO anomalies … "- a quote from the diary of the discoverer of Zone M, Perm geologist and ufologist Emil Bachurin.

No, with his own eyes he did not see the landing or takeoff of the "saucer". However, on the evening of October 29, 1984, Bachurin observed a glow over the forest near Molebka, and in the morning of October 30, when he approached the place where the light was coming from, he found radially melted snow with crumpled warm grass inside. It was the glow, melted snow and warm grass that made him think about the landing of an alien ship.

Promotional video:

First expedition

In 1986, the first expedition, consisting of scientists from Perm and Gorky universities, as well as psychics, doctors and just enthusiasts, moved to the site of the alleged landing of the UFO, a total of 16 people. The expedition was headed by the chairman of the Perm Commission on Anomalous Phenomena, the head of the Ural Roerich Foundation, biologist Vladimir Shamshuk.

Quote from the expedition report: “In the spot (that is, it was preserved even after two years! - Author's note) there was a significant" drift "of the oscillation frequency of the quartz generator relative to the second similar generator located outside the spot.

Potentiometry and magnetometry did not detect an electromagnetic anomaly.

A striking effect on vegetation (fir) and a depressed state of participants who carried out biolocation for more than 40 minutes in a row within the anomaly and the "guard ring" were noted.

Flying "balls"

The report went on to talk about "balls". The potentiometer began to "catch" the first "ball" from a distance of 160 meters - just to the west of the "plate tracks". It turned out that the object was hovering at a height of one and a half meters above a small clearing in a dense forest. It resembled a volleyball, glowing blue-gray at dusk. As people approached, the "ball" rushed swiftly through the bushes into the valley of the Sylva River. At the same time, he did not touch (!) A single branch.

The second object was seen in the afternoon, not far from the Vyselki farm. It looked like a large orange and had a matching color. When the researchers got to the "orange", "floating" about two and a half to three meters from the ground, it slightly increased in volume, and its surface became rough, letting people go eight to ten meters, the ball rushed away, as if "flying" through the plants.

"Since both" balls "demonstrated a clearly meaningful model of behavior when meeting people, high" power-to-weight ratio ", maneuverability and trajectories that no earthly moving object is capable of, they were unambiguously identified as UFO scout probes," report.

The reader, of course, drew attention to the fact that the glowing balls were already in the air at the time of detection. They did not descend from above, did not fly out of the ground, but hung over it, near the surface. And they "ran away" from people parallel to the ground, and did not soar, for example, vertically upwards and did not "fall through". All other similar balls found in the "Zone M" behaved similarly.

Unusual phenomena in nature …

In 1989, work was in full swing in Novosibirsk. The talented scientist Vyacheslav Dyatlov fought for the air. In one of the previous issues, we already wrote about ether, which for the "apostle of electricity" and "lord of energies" unsurpassed Nikola Tesla was a single undifferentiated field, consisting of time, space and energy (Tesla treated ether as something self-evident and didn't even think about proving its existence). However, it will not be superfluous to remind the reader that everything around us is a continuous energy field. Moreover, his energy is of incredible strength and is capable of transmitting any impact over huge distances with incredible speed.

Dyatlov, using the ether theory in his discoveries, wrote more than 100 scientific papers, a large number of articles and monographs devoted to anomalies associated with the Earth's crust and its atmosphere: lightning, tornadoes, plasmoids, paranormal phenomena. In parallel with Dyatlov, his friend, no less talented professor Alexei Dmitriev, who also made a lot of discoveries in the field of "earthly wonders", worked. The result of their work was a book published after the death of Dyatlov - "Unusual phenomena in nature and an inhomogeneous physical vacuum" (authors - AN Dmitriev, VL Dyatlov, A. Yu. Gvozdarev).

Energy ball

Despite conflicting rumors around the Zone, it is well studied from a geological point of view. Therefore, it is no secret for all those who are interested that the Zone is located at the epicenter of the accumulation of geological faults and karst voids.

The Earth, like any physical body, has both external and internal energy fields. In places of faults, they interact. This is accompanied by emissions of heavy gases (in 1969, a gas field was discovered near Molebka, insufficient for industrial production), which can cause hallucinations, as well as "infernal" sounds that the human ear may not register, but to which the subconscious reacts unambiguously (fear, seizures of temporary insanity, etc.). It is clear that being in such places is dangerous for a person with poor health. Alexey Klochikhin, a well-known Perm journalist and paranormal researcher, says: - Once I sailed there alone in an inflatable boat, for two days in silence. And here somewhere on the way to the Zone on me, for no reason,Suddenly there was such a feeling of meaninglessness of the life lived and of the whole world, that at least jump into the water. Just like a giant cotton ball. And then some place swam, and everything passed …

Black alien

- In general, anything can be in the Zone. Many times we heard voices there, walked towards them and did not find anyone. We heard the movement of the all-terrain vehicle. They were waiting: he was about to come out from behind the forest, but he never showed up,”says Nikolay Subbotin, director of the RUFORS research station, author of the book“Russian Bermuda Triangle”. Nikolay has been working in the zone for 20 years. - I twice flew around the Molebka area by plane, and every time I got into the "radio silence zone", which should not be at altitude. Further, in Molebka, mobile communication is poorly received, but in the Zone there is none at all. And suddenly we find a so-called booth among the trees - five by five meters, where every other time it is really possible to "catch" almost any mobile operator. I myself have not seen aliens or plates over the Zone. I saw it in Perm, but not here. But one of our employees met a black alien. But this is a story from the series "for methyl, I got scared, overcame fear, began to approach, stumbled - no one is there."


- In general, people are drawn here for who what, - continues Subbotin. - One colleague from a nearby region regularly drives to catch Bigfoot. He even brought some stinking bait - specially somewhere in the zoo he begged for primates. They see different things: some silhouettes, pictures on the walls of the tents … Probably, a person tunes in during the gathering in the anomalous zone, and upon arrival, some simply “turn on” it. There is a lot of incomprehensible, thought-provoking. There are places where it is simply impossible to be. It seems that the clearing is attractive, but no one wants to put up a tent on it. Or the lag of the clock … or the figures that some see: maybe it is, of course, and hallucinations, or maybe there really is something invisible nearby, just our ordinary eye does not notice it, and here there is "expansion of consciousness." As for the "plates"then if we assume that other civilizations have long overtaken us in all senses, it is quite possible that they have learned to transform the energy of such faults, for example, for refueling ships. I believe that the nature of the anomalous here is distributed approximately like this: 90% - terrestrial and 10% - alien properties.

Earth UFO

“… In our time, the idea is widespread, according to which UFOs are alien ships. With this direction of consciousness and other similar phenomena seem to be the creations of other civilizations, - wrote Vyacheslav Dyatlov in his monograph "Polarization model of an inhomogeneous physical vacuum" (1998). -… UFOs appear mainly in places of fractures of the earth's crust… Their occurrence increases significantly during the years of the active Sun. On the earth's surface, places of significant increase in the occurrence of UFOs have been identified, which were initially called plasmoids. Geophysical expeditions were organized there.

UFOs and rocks of the earth's surface in the places of UFO contacts with the Earth underwent direct instrumental physical research. This is how instrumental phenomenological studies of the anomalous phenomena listed above began, which made it possible to significantly deepen and expand the description of the physical properties of self-luminous objects of these phenomena.

Among the physical properties of anomalous phenomena, one property has increasingly attracted the attention of researchers - in the active areas of UFOs, ball lightning, tornado, poltergeist, miraculous explosions, there has always been a translucent self-luminous body that has a spherical, ellipsoidal, cylindrical or conical shape.

At night, this body in many cases was clearly visible with the naked eye. But it looked much more distinctly on videotapes and on sensitive photographic film. This self-luminous body allowed Dmitriev to name the objects of the anomalous phenomena under consideration as natural self-luminous formations. It was found that it is these bodies that can penetrate into dense matter and pass through it ….

Seconds before the first explosion

Thus, it becomes clear to us why balls the size of a ball managed to "run away" from the researchers, without touching trees and bushes, without making the branches sway or break. The balls passed through the vegetation, but the human eye did not have time to catch it. We add here the "jumping" of the balls in one direction or the other - but there is no point in drawing a conclusion about their reasonableness. It's just that the balls rush parallel to the Earth, as if between two magnets, attracted or repulsed by the efforts of their fields. Formed during the collision of the internal and external energies of the Earth, being its product, the balls are "attached" to it. And if in one place they come to the surface in a discharged state, then in another - as in 1998,in the same Losinka of the Sverdlovsk region that thundered all over the country - they are capable of causing dry thunderstorms and explosions of military warehouses (there are footage that recorded a glowing ball above ammunition depots seconds before the first explosion).

So our researchers are just lucky that nothing extraordinary happened to them. We will hope that further the Zone will not change its attitude towards them (by the way, while this material was being created, thunderstorms raged over the Perm Territory - lightning burned three houses and a trolleybus in the center of Perm, fortunately, people managed to jump out. Before such "evil" there were no thunderstorms).

"Plates" are

However, let's return to Molebka. From day to day a monument to UFO pilots will be erected there. It is supposed to install gazebos next to it, so that tired travelers - lovers of anomalies could rest and think about the unknown. The idea, however, is not new (in Ukraine last year they began collecting money for a monument to dead aliens), but it is relevant: "plates" patrol over Perm and the region with amazing regularity. And they do it according to all the rules of "saucer": they are often seen over the former and existing military facilities, warehouses, clusters of antennas, places of faults (of which there are a lot in the Perm Territory, and in general in the Urals - this is a feature of the tectonics of this region). Information about UFO flights appears frequently in the news.

But that's not all. On July 29, in the center of the Zone, Perm ufologists under the leadership of Nikolai Subbotin will begin to build a "brain maze".

Subbotin put forward the assumption that the stone labyrinths of Karelia and the Kola Peninsula, with their spiral structure, form a passive antenna, which can amplify the energy of faults in the earth's crust. Moreover, Perm researchers drew attention to the fact that the structure of some Karelian stone labyrinths copies the convolutions of the human brain. Based on this observation, a second assumption was made that georesonators (as Subbotin called the stone labyrinths) were designed to enhance the mental abilities of people. What, in fact, RUFORS will try to experience in the Prayer. Ufologists invite everyone to take part in the experiment. Although the author of these lines has some concern: if it is known in advance that the energy is negative, why strengthen it? However, the truth is somewhere nearby,as they say in the cult American TV series The X-Files.

Olga Volgina. Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" № 28 2011