Spiritual Practices: What Works And What Doesn't? - Alternative View

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Spiritual Practices: What Works And What Doesn't? - Alternative View
Spiritual Practices: What Works And What Doesn't? - Alternative View

Video: Spiritual Practices: What Works And What Doesn't? - Alternative View

Video: Spiritual Practices: What Works And What Doesn't? - Alternative View
Video: Oprah on Her Daily Spiritual Practice | Belief | Oprah Winfrey Network 2024, September

I want to devote this article to an important question: from what position of self-perception and spiritual practices can we get real results? “After all, not everything works, not everything works out, not everything fits,” we think. In fact, everything works. But we approach different practices at different times of our life and at different levels of consciousness, which means that they have different effects for us. I will clearly distinguish and characterize the two different approaches, although there are always transitional options. Where are you now?

The Broken Approach: The Victim Position

In this state, we usually come to spiritual practices. Fatigue, disappointment, problems are what makes us search. How do we feel ourselves and with what energies do we enter the practice?

1. Race for the result

We feel offended by life, we are ready to do whatever we want and believe in what we didn’t believe before.

Entering the practice, we are like a poor student who has learned a verse poorly and is trying to mechanically retell it to the teacher. The only goal of such practices for us is the result: improving life, solving problems, finding happiness. We dreamed about it for so long! Practices are perceived by us as a means to an end. Those that take time and regular implementation tend to dishearten us.

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We are like an elephant running into a porcelain store: we grab onto different tools and throw them away, not seeing instant changes in life. We (as capricious children) wish the "ball" to turn into a "doll" at the same moment. And discard it in disappointment if it doesn't. We do not respect energies, we do not respect other people, we do not think that our desires are often selfish and violate the fundamental laws of the Universe (freedom of choice, energy exchange).

It is important to understand that in such a state we do not see the depth and beauty of entering the practice. We do not allow ourselves to enjoy the process, in a hurry to see the result.

2. Low self-esteem

When we declare something in spiritual practices, we can justify it only by the fact that “I have been suffering for so long”, “I want the best!”.

Approaching the topics of manifestation, we often have problems with self-esteem. We declare our desires, not knowing about our beauty and value. We want - this is the key word. We want everything, everything at once, everything and a lot, everything like others. But behind this "wanting" there is no understanding of why we deserve to have it.

We express the intention to have something, but we cannot gain a foothold in faith, the feeling that we are worthy to receive it. And our timid manifestation is opposed by a deep-rooted realization: "I am not worthy, I am nobody and nothing."

Practices are counterbalanced by a constant inner feeling of lack, lack, infringement, insecurity, drama. And it, more often than not, outweighs in the creation of tomorrow's reality. Where and in what quality thought is found more often, there materialization takes place.

3. Doubts

We doubt desperately. It also happens that all our practices are an attempt to convince ourselves that it works! We practice to get evidence that it is worth doing and can be wasted on it. More often than not, we take a position of distrust, as if to say: "Well, let's see how it works." And initially we draw subjective conclusions, not seeing the whole picture as a whole.

In general, the position of the victim looks like this: I DON'T BELIEVE IT AT ALL, BUT IT COULD WORK.

Even if we actively and enthusiastically take on different practices, there may be just distrust inside. And after a while of lack of results, we get disappointment, depression - since the time is spent, the strength too, but the magical ideal life is never observed.

It turns out to be a vicious circle - we tell ourselves that we will believe if we see the result. But there is no result because we do not believe yet. We do not believe in the beauty, value and power of our Being and our manifestation, so nothing happens.

And here comes the crisis: we either discard all the games of "believe-do not believe" and move on on deep intuitive trust and understanding that spiritual practices are precisely our path; or we quit the practice under the slogan “does not work”.

A working approach: a creator's position

From the standpoint of the creator, we realize our responsibility for the state of our reality and our energies.

We are aware that there is our thought and there is our reality. And no more aggravating or accidental circumstances. That is why we are reminded all the time that we are like a creator God. We have only our thought and our reality - such as we thought of it. And we keep thinking and choosing day after day.

This is great freedom of choice! God with great Love gave us every opportunity to create our unique reality. And it's time for us to engage in conscious creation!

1. Enjoy the process

There is a wonderful moment that allows us to get out of the eternal race for results - this is the understanding that we have already done it. Everything we desire now already exists in our future. This allows you to create your best reality without unnecessary fuss, worries and negativity.

It is in this state (joyful connection with the future version of oneself) that the pleasure of the process manifests itself - we begin to observe how events, meetings, synchronicity are built. We begin to pull a healthier, more prosperous, enlightened future self into our now. It is a multidimensional process of transformation and improvement of life, and it is more effective than a linear process.

Any practice becomes a mystery, an amazing transformation process, where the process itself is important! If you want to eat an exquisite dish, then you are attracted by the enjoyment of the beauty, smell, taste of food, and not the state of satiety itself.

The awakening of a flower is beautiful and, like this, any practice is a sacred and trembling process of getting to know the true Self!

2. Awareness of your worth

Understanding your value, the importance of your stay on the planet is the main key to positive life changes. You will realize that invaluable experience and baggage of wisdom accumulated through all incarnations. You begin to understand your uniqueness and grandeur. And this means that you realize the power to move your energies, control them, understand the importance of your intention and manifestation.

You are no longer a beggar in search of happiness, you are a beautiful wise creature aware of your capabilities!

3. Confidence

Confidence in the effectiveness of one's intentions, practices and manifestations gives knowledge. Knowledge is power, but we have always perceived it in the context of material reality. Knowledge is the basis of the creative power of our thought, our energy. Knowing about our divine nature, our capabilities, understanding the mechanisms of work of our energies, we are deeply confident in obtaining a visible result. Belief in the power of his own intention is what gives him the ability to materialize.

Here, the transformation and improvement of life is not a search for evidence, but a clear understanding of one's actions, a confident conscious creation. We know for sure - it works, energies change their vibrations, matter and reality are built according to our choice. We know for sure - we are the creators of our reality and the masters of our own energies!

In the position of the Creator, we do not give up with the seeming lack of results.

We know that the results are already there, simply because we consciously start the processes and carry out the practices.

We know there are results already because we chose this.

We know the results are already there, because we have already done it!

We know that there is nothing more sacred than our intention and there are no barriers to the best, except ourselves.

Good luck to all of us on the path of conscious creation!
