Several Facts That Make You Believe In Astrology - Alternative View

Several Facts That Make You Believe In Astrology - Alternative View
Several Facts That Make You Believe In Astrology - Alternative View

Video: Several Facts That Make You Believe In Astrology - Alternative View

Video: Several Facts That Make You Believe In Astrology - Alternative View
Video: 🟢Кофе с комментариями 🟢 Новые проекты 2024, September

Most modern people do not believe in astrology, considering it an invention or a figment of the author's imagination. Some also argue that astrology is nothing more than self-hypnosis. However, there are facts that make even hardened nihilists think.

Adherents of astrology cite the fact that people born at the same time are often like two peas in a pod as proof. Such astral coincidences are not uncommon. For example, there is a known case when two men from Toronto, born on the same day, married women of the same zodiac sign and drove the same brand of car. In addition, there were a total of about 10 matches between them.

In astrology, there is a concept of "dangerous Tuesday" - a day that is believed to be ruled by Mars - a planet that carries negative energy. If you look at what days of the week many terrible historical events took place, for example, the September 11 attacks, then doubts about the veracity of the concept disappear by themselves.

Nostradamus, who was engaged in predictions using astrology, described many events that occurred many centuries later.

There are other examples proving that astrology is based on real laws. However, to believe it or not, everyone decides for himself.