Prospectors Of The Middle Ages. Tortoria. Continuation Of - Alternative View

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Prospectors Of The Middle Ages. Tortoria. Continuation Of - Alternative View
Prospectors Of The Middle Ages. Tortoria. Continuation Of - Alternative View

Video: Prospectors Of The Middle Ages. Tortoria. Continuation Of - Alternative View

Video: Prospectors Of The Middle Ages. Tortoria. Continuation Of - Alternative View
Video: Medieval Literature and its characteristics 2024, July

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The Gauls, otherwise calling the Celts, could rush into battle - without clothes, but were always hung with gold. Dishes and household utensils, ornaments for horses, shields and weapons of gold and silver- Where is the wealth of wild mustachioed barbarians like the Gauls portrayed? So they captured and sold slaves - they zombie us from school, and also served with the Romans, who generously paid them for their service. but this is a complete lie! Do not hide the fact that Caesar's gold coins appeared only after the conquest of Gaul, while Gaulish coins were circulating much earlier. Back in 2006, Jones Terry, a Welsh actor and popular historian, author of television programs, in the book "Barbarians against Rome" said - archaeologist Beatrice Coyu showed the world - the Gauls mined their own gold! Gallic gold came from hundreds of mines !!! According to experts, the Gallic mines produced about 70 tons of raw materials. In DORDONI / hear Tortor, Tartaria / a gold mine 100 feet deep has been discovered. The shaft galleries were fully lined, and drainage systems and Archimedean screw pumps were used to pump out the water. The wooden formwork of the underground galleries has been preserved. But gold mining is a complex system of specialized industry, and gold bars were delivered to mints and jewelry shops hundreds of miles away. Do you know why this discovery is not advertised? Because this knowledge turns the whole picture of official history upside down. It proves that Gaulish gold mining was part of a powerful single economy, which the Romans just looked at from below - opening their mouths in childish envy, because Caesar promised his soldiers Gallic gold, which he thought was just lying underfoot. The concepts of GALLA and GOLD are GOLD.finally merged reasonably, in the form of the Gallic trade union of gold miners-miners. And if the Gallic and Trojan wars are returned from the depths of centuries, according to the New Chronology, then these mines and mines operated during the heyday of Tartary. By the way, the mine in the Dordogne sounds like Tortor.


And not only gold was mined. Gallic steel was of excellent quality, and steel works were ubiquitous and plentiful. Salt has also been mined for a long time. Silver Mines In the 13-14 centuries, described by Marco Polo and Arab travelers. Marco Polo wrote that Kublai Khan used "black stone" for heating and production. And then they write about oil production! 500 wells with white and black oil oils in the vicinity of Baku are described as follows “A temple of fire worshipers was erected in the area of the village of Sukhany. Here people worshiped the magical "eternal fire" emerging from limestone - "well, we are already accustomed to the fact that officials interpret everything in a religious way, we know what kind of oilmen are religious people - from watch - home, and immediately on our knees in prayer, who met the shift workers on vacation, will confirm. But this is not the point now. When and how did you start using oil and oil products?

So what exactly was called moonshine before is a question. The Dvina Chronicle of the 15th century mentions the Chud tribe, which collected oil from the surface of the Ukhta River and along its banks. “River tar” was collected from the surface of the water with an ordinary wormwood broom, like cream from milk … Let me remind you that tar is still called TAR, and its use is very wide. And they also say about Chuds that they went underground and did not return, not wanting to betray the faith of their fathers … But let's look realistically - Chuds were engaged in collecting oil on the Ukhta River, and their departure underground, uphill, may mean descent into the mining mine. The ascent from the mine sounds like it - on the mountain.

Oil rigs 19th century
Oil rigs 19th century

Oil rigs 19th century.

Gallic mines
Gallic mines

Gallic mines.

Promotional video:

Distillation apparatus
Distillation apparatus

Distillation apparatus.

Distillation apparatus
Distillation apparatus

Distillation apparatus.


In the very word oil, we guess the warning-NOT DRY. How did the ancestors use oil? We are assured - as a cure for joint and skin diseases, as well as in painting, and for lubricating wheels, fuel oil, kerosene and gasoline were not used as fuel, because "oil and candles were much cheaper." Moscow Trade Books "of the early 16th century fix - a bucket of oil costs 3-5 times more expensive than a bucket of wine. Why? What did oil do - a gift of nature - collect it with a broom - or scoop up with buckets - more expensive than oil and wine, for which you need to work for a year? It is logical to assume just the opposite, if oil was more expensive than candles, which means there was a demand for it! And the application was wide! Let's start with the fact that kerosene and kerosene lamps have been known here from time immemorial, and moonshine kerosene is literally within walking distance,After all, even today we can build a distillation apparatus literally on our knees. At a minimum, oil-fired home heating systems were to be used. But how else, after all, if our forests are only 2 centuries old, it means that there was nothing to heat with 200 years ago. But how did people get warm in the then treeless north, if not using oil products?

The military use of petroleum products has been known since the Trojan War, when cities and ships were bombarded with a combustible mixture from copper pipes. Kerosene was also obtained from a copper distillation apparatus.

To the Word of Three. The luxury of the Trojan cities dazzled the guests. This fact indicates that the Trojans mined gold in huge quantities. Actually, in the name of Troy or TORIA, one can hear again the name of the people who own the art of making holes, digging holes in the soil, miners, miners. Actually the World antediluvian TORtoria.


Let me remind you that the Hittite God TARKHUN is the one who makes the breed, the one with an adze-shaped pick. We can only speculate about antediluvian technologies, attributing certain properties to the images that have come down to us. A traveler who has traveled half the world sent me materials from filming in Egypt and I present his conclusions from the first person.

I even think that the Hittites are the first survivors after the Gods, what is described by the Sumerians. they got some technologies from the gods and how they could survive there, settled down. The population was small because the cities were small too.

Then the water left and the coastal territories began to inhabit, these are ancient cities such as Ephesus, Perge, Hierapolis, etc. then the water receded further and these cities fell into decay due to their remoteness from the sea. or another option, because of the thermal springs, which have ceased to provide water. All the ancient cities of Anatolia were built on the site of a natural terminal spring. then again the cataclysm and the ancient cities of Turkey did not begin to restore. We moved to the region of Italy, Greece.

The Hittites used the same cuneiform as the Sumerians, so I think they were one people.

Antalya Hatusa
Antalya Hatusa

Antalya Hatusa.

Antiquity did not exist by itself. The construction of cities, canals, technical structures, the same weapons required huge resources. Obviously, the builders had an abundance of resources. And we see mines and voids left after workings. On the other hand, there is a great Tartary in our minds. But the Russian language repeats many times Tory means to perforate to drill the soil. in the very name of Great Tartary, the name of the profession is exalted - STARatel, miner! The Immeasurable Wealth of the Empire of the United stood precisely on the wealth of NEDR, and it was on the resources of World Tartary that the masterpieces of world antiquity were built.

Author: Tamara Savchenko