How Do Ancestors Influence A Person's Life? - Alternative View

How Do Ancestors Influence A Person's Life? - Alternative View
How Do Ancestors Influence A Person's Life? - Alternative View

Video: How Do Ancestors Influence A Person's Life? - Alternative View

Video: How Do Ancestors Influence A Person's Life? - Alternative View
Video: Can Your Ancestors Influence You Even Today? 🙏 With Sadhguru in Challenging Times - 13 Sep 2024, July

In any century, people believed that the life of their ancestors mystically influences the fate of subsequent generations. It is the children and grandchildren who “bear the answer” for the mistakes of previous generations. What is the matter here?

Many people can easily remember and give examples from the life of a separate family, when similar events occur in every generation. For example, going through a divorce and creating another family, a person repeats what once happened to his father, grandfather or grandmother, and the age often coincides. Or the enmity between brothers can continue in the same family for a long time, affecting more than one generation. At the same time, at first glance, the stories are completely unrelated to each other. It's just that the great-grandfather once quarreled with his brother and did not communicate with him until his death, but mysteriously the same fate overtook his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. One gets the impression that a person's life is already programmed for certain events, and the problems created once by a distant ancestor are passed on from generation to generation.

Many psychologists argue that a certain algorithm of intrafamilial behavior is being developed, which is stored in the ancestral memory, and it, in turn, captures everything: acute problems, and bright events, and accidents. So the history of an individual family is inextricably linked with modernity and often makes adjustments to its life. These echoes of the past truly prevent many people from building relationships, creating families, and living in harmony with others.

It is believed that some emotions are also "letters from the past." For example, a calm, soberly evaluating person under certain circumstances becomes aggressive or, conversely, begins to experience an incomprehensible numbness. Subsequently, he himself cannot explain the reason for his behavior, which is not typical for him. Maybe one of his ancestors was forced not to show their true attitude to what was happening and endured something unpleasant for a long time. Feelings that could not find a way out were pulled from the past to one of the descendants.

There is an opinion that a negative attitude towards a spouse or unreasonable outbursts of anger in his direction, in fact, stem from repressed negative feelings towards parents. Often this happens if a person cannot forgive something to his father or mother, but does not admit it to himself. It happens that a mother has lived her whole life with her father just for the sake of the child, suppressing her true feelings for her husband. Her daughter in marriage may also experience negativity and aggression towards her spouse, which she herself does not fully understand.

Bad habits are also often a heavy echo of the past. Often, with the help of alcohol and drugs, a person tries to get rid of the inner tension that torments him. This can manifest itself in subsequent generations. In addition, parents have a huge impact on their children, passing on their feelings to the unborn child and continuing to do this after his birth. For example, an overly anxious mother often simply programs her child for behavior that meets her expectations. As a result, the child grows up very restless, and in the future he is constantly overtaken by all kinds of difficulties.

The suicide of a family member has a profound effect on the entire family. This tragedy is associated with the strongest emotional outbursts in connection with the loss, and the feeling of guilt that they could not prevent it. Sometimes a resentment lurks at the deceased, so that such a tangle of negative moments cannot but affect the family, including future generations.

It is difficult to avoid problems if the people who create the family nest cannot wean themselves from the old one. If a person has the strongest bond with their parents, and not with their spouse and children, the family is likely to fall apart. When there is an imbalance between what a person receives and what he gives, problems cannot be avoided either. For example, one of the spouses sincerely and loyally loves, and the other only allows himself to be loved or simply endures for the sake of children. This alignment will surely affect future generations. If someone is sure that it is something that does not allow him to live normally, then psychologists advise mentally turning to those family members who have experienced these difficulties, accepting their pain, and then letting go, leaving everything that happened in the past.

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It is necessary to firmly believe that everyone has their own destiny, and thus to break the thread that feeds the problems of the present. You should once and for all allow yourself to be happier than those who were before us, so that descendants do not drag the negative burden from the past. It is also worth remembering that any actions and experienced or suppressed emotions may well affect children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. Any person, whether he wants it or not, passes on certain baggage to future generations, and it is worth thinking about what is invested there. What cannot be changed must be calmly accepted, and this will give strength in order to cope with the situation and find ways to solve any problem.