The First Gospels Of The New Testament - Alternative View

The First Gospels Of The New Testament - Alternative View
The First Gospels Of The New Testament - Alternative View

Video: The First Gospels Of The New Testament - Alternative View

Video: The First Gospels Of The New Testament - Alternative View
Video: The Four Gospels: a Quick Overview | Whiteboard Bible Study 2024, July

Stephen was introduced into the text of the Acts of the Apostles, clearly only in order to briefly retell the Old Testament in the New, then the network to lean the Gospel on the Torah, to set the hierarchy of religions.

Modern mathematical methods have made it possible to discover that the New Testament is, as it were, glued together from two dissimilar parts and the most probable place of gluing is somewhere in the text of the Acts of the Apostles (Nosovskiy G. V., Fomenko A. T. Biblical Russia. Vol. 1, 2. - M.: Factorial, 1998.-- 1279 p.). Perhaps this is the end of the 7th chapter of "Acts …" - here the stoned Stephen dies (the last "reincarnation" of Matthew?) And at the same moment a certain Saul appears (the future "apostle" Paul), who immediately finds himself in the center of all further narration of the New Covenant (except for a kind of "Apocalypse", completing the Bible).

What, by the way, is a real historical figure that is the prototype of the biblical (book) apostle Paul?

The name Sa-ul is practically Sa-Rha, and if we ask ourselves within the framework of a short chronology, then the task arises of finding the largest religious organizer of Christianity with a name that sounds close to Sa-Rha, who lived in Rus-Israel somewhere in the 13th - 15th centuries … in the turbulent era of disintegration of the "seditious" ancient religion into the spectrum of modern great religions.

Such a figure is instantly found - St. Sergius of Radonezh. Dmitry Donskoy is associated with him and the traditional history of Russia, the rebuff to the Tatars (a break with the Muslims?), The battle on the Kulikovo field, the unification of Russia, the creation of a network (more than 75!) Of Orthodox monasteries, etc. We see here a clear strengthening (or rather, the formation) of the institution of Orthodoxy, an attempt to reformation of religion, the founding of a new powerful religious center, possibly in opposition to the emerging independent Muslim Turkey with its center in Constantipopolis-Tambula, which is rapidly reviving in the place of the former Byzantium.

The second (perhaps not an alternative!) Version: Sa-Rha is a Jew, Skhariya from Kiev (“a cunning mind, a sharp tongue”), who, as Karamzin writes, since 1470 in Russia, “Jewish (ready! Kiev!) heresy "- the primacy of the laws of Moses over Christian ones, Kabbalah, etc. This option is attractive because, according to "Biblical Russia", then the latest versions of the Torah (= Toga or Torah), a literary report on the recent conquest of the "Promised Land", could have just appeared. The final version of the Torah, however, could have been based on texts and / or oral legends about an even more ancient conquest. There were probably at least two conquests (see below).

In the "heresy of the Judaizers", by the way, the Zakhar-yin-Yurievs were implicated (from teleology it is clear that these are practically the Romanovs). It should be added that in the New Testament that appeared at that time, the relatively ancient Christian Gospel relies on the newly minted Jewish Torah, that is, the "Jewish heresy" was introduced into the New Testament being created, successfully merged with the Gospel text. It is important that the creation and layout of the Bible is associated with the Council of Trent, which lasted more than 10 years with interruptions and ended in 1563 - exactly by the revolution of 1564 and the beginning of the Romanov era. After the revolution of 1564, it was no longer renewed: there was no need - the deed was already done.

And in fact, firstly, the name "Allah" is one of the equal forms of the name of the fundamental ancient god "Shta" (here, let me remind you, the substitution of 1 for L and L for P appeared quite often in the language).

Promotional video:

Secondly, the Quran is composed of relatively short texts: suras - "notes, stories", the Gospel is already a full-fledged story, and the Torah is a large, even the largest historical novel. Agree that literary creativity began, of course, not with multivolume novels, but with short sketches, more similar in volume to the early suras (located now closer to the end of the Koran).

Thirdly, both the Gospel and the key point in the Torah associated with the appearance of the deity are skillfully prepared meditation (hypnotic!) Texts - hence so many worshipers. There are no such developed traces of manipulation of consciousness in the Quran, which is also indirect evidence in favor of its distinctive antiquity. The Torah plots may well turn out to be creative developments of the "seed" plots of the Koran and the Gospel.

It may even turn out that the protagonist of the Gospel in the original version of the legend - and she, as they say, is much older and stories about the Apostle Saule-Paul, and the Apocalypse - was not called Jesus at all, but Su, not Christ, but Hero, Chorus (see. "Biblical Russia") … then. is, this is again KL's great god. And behind the modern name "Christ" there may not be a person at all, but the country of Rus-Izranl (Fig. 2); ancient "religious" zeal for Christ could well have been a patriotic movement for ancient Russia, for a great Empire, for Israel.

Of course, a major special study is needed here. It is only reliably clear that all these sacred texts in ancient times were strongly connected. It is also clear that the great Ma-Wfa (Khan-saint, caliph - a person who unites secular and religious power) could not write the Torah, the Koran, and the Gospel at the same time. It could have been different Holy Khans (priests-khans, caliphs) 315, but rather, there was still creative borrowing. Perhaps the borrowing took place according to the scheme (Koran, Gospel) - Torah or (Gospel, Koran) - Torah - and when assembling (falsifying) the story, everything got mixed up. For this, they introduced into the plot of the "Acts of the Apostles" Stephen, jabbering the Torah - they say, Moses was much earlier than Jesus; it is Moses, and no one else, the question about the predecessor of Jesus is clear, do not ask him … There is such a technique in the art of propaganda:a pre-emptive false answer to an unwanted question not yet asked. Relying on the Torah and its ineffable god (ancient Utah), apparently, was the only way not to rely on the Koran and its ancient god Rha. Perhaps this was the key point of the so-called "heresy of the Judaizers." The compilers of the Judean (= Jewish, = Gotovsko) - Christian Bible tried not to say a single word about ancient Java, the true predecessor of the gods of great religions and the true god of Russia! The name of God is inexpressible - and everything is for you. However, although they themselves did not name the name Iva, they were in the already established Gospel text included in the New Testament.this was the key point of the so-called "heresy of the Judaizers". The compilers of the Judean (= Jewish, = Gotovsko) - Christian Bible tried not to say a single word about ancient Java, the true predecessor of the gods of great religions and the true god of Russia! The name of God is inexpressible - and everything is for you. However, although they themselves did not name the name Iva, they were in the already established Gospel text included in the New Testament.this was the key point of the so-called "heresy of the Judaizers". The compilers of the Judean (= Jewish, = Gotovsko) - Christian Bible tried not to say a single word about ancient Java, the true predecessor of the gods of great religions and the true god of Russia! The name of God is inexpressible - and everything is for you. However, although they themselves did not name the name Iva, they were in the already established Gospel text included in the New Testament.

So, finally, the ancient Ace Royal, once mortally dangerous with its diabolical pressure and global ambitions, was split and ideologically disarmed!