Scientists Have Understood How Aliens Overcome Time And Colossal Cosmic Distances - Alternative View

Scientists Have Understood How Aliens Overcome Time And Colossal Cosmic Distances - Alternative View
Scientists Have Understood How Aliens Overcome Time And Colossal Cosmic Distances - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Understood How Aliens Overcome Time And Colossal Cosmic Distances - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Understood How Aliens Overcome Time And Colossal Cosmic Distances - Alternative View
Video: Reverse Engineering a UFO | National Geographic 2024, July

Researchers at the Andersen Institute of the United States of America have proven that, in principle, it is possible to travel both in time and instantly in unlimited space. This mechanism is probably used by alien, more advanced civilizations visiting our Earth.

For such trips, scientists assure, it is necessary to master the control of the so-called cosmic strings. These are a kind of "cracks" in the Universe, formed after the alleged Big Bang. For the first time, Princeton University professor Richard Gottu spoke about cosmic strings. However, he doubted that our civilization would ever be able to take advantage of such opportunities, since for this it is necessary to be able to control the universal energy, and we are still unable to cope with the earthly energy. We are still far from supercivilization, and it is naive to assume that such knowledge will be provided to us by aliens: they are not fools. After all, to give us such technology is all the same as an atomic bomb to a monkey: we will not be able to use it properly anyway, but to break the firewood of a universal scale - please …

Scientists at the Andersen Institute basically agree with the arguments of Richard Gottu, they simply explain the mechanism of such movement in time and space through the use of these thinnest tubes with incredible reserves of energy. In their opinion, in order to control such movements, it is enough to learn how to interact with at least one string, but it is optimal - with two “cracks”.
