"Tsar Bath" - Who And How Actually Created? - Alternative View

"Tsar Bath" - Who And How Actually Created? - Alternative View
"Tsar Bath" - Who And How Actually Created? - Alternative View

Video: "Tsar Bath" - Who And How Actually Created? - Alternative View

Video: SLR Lounge Constructive Critique Episode 9: Compositional Elements 2024, July

I am sure that most people believe in the official version of the creation of the Tsar Bath and do not even think that this is sheer nonsense. And now I will explain why the official version of the Tsar Bath is nonsense and how it could have actually been created, and most importantly when?

But first, a little about the object itself. The Tsar Bath, or as it is also called the Babolovskaya Bath, is a huge bowl made of solid granite, weighing 48 tons, almost 2 meters high, 5.33 meters in diameter and just over 1.5 meters deep. It is believed that to fill a "bath" with water, you need 1900 buckets of water, although according to another version it is 800 buckets. All this can be summed up in a few words - the dimensions are incredible and impressive.

And a little more official history. The "bath" was allegedly ordered to the stonecutter Samson Sukhanov. The master allegedly took to work, only asked to deliver a piece of granite weighing more than 160 tons to him. After that, a stonemason polished the bath from 1818 to 1828. A common thing, an order for 10 years, nothing special, does anyone believe in this? Only this already raises doubts.

And now, you can cite facts that "destroy" this whole "wonderful story." In our time, many professionals were interested in the bowl, including the turner, whose words have value.


Firstly, according to many experts, just for a piece of granite to get the shape of a bowl, it will take more than 10 billion hits with a mallet on the scarpel, not even mentioning polishing.

Can anyone imagine 10 billion hits? I am not an expert in the field of processing various types of stone, but during the existence of my channel, I have learned a lot. And I can say one thing, even if you beat one person in this way for half a day, there will be no living space left from the hands. But this is just the beginning.

Experts also note that the tools of that time were far from perfect. In other words, every 4 strokes approximately, the tool had to be sharpened.

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And then, you can find out the opinion of the 5th grade turner, which also caused a lot of discussion. Seeing the "bath" for the first time, the specialist said that it was machining, because convex and concave parts cannot be made by hand in principle, but polished, even more so.

All this concerns the processing technology of the object, I am sure that this cannot be done even in 100-200 years. Many experts have considered the Tsar Bath and most of them argue that it is impossible to do it manually. And then it is worth discussing the purpose of the "bath".

Most historians state that members of the royal family bathed in the bath. How did all this happen? It turns out that when someone wanted to take a bath, they gave a decree to fill the entire volume of 1900 with buckets of water, sounds plausible? - Something I very much doubt.


Besides, nobody knows how the water was drained. There are no drain holes.

Finally, how was the block moved from the quarry? Comparison with the Thunder Stone is inappropriate here, it's worth mentioning right away. Again, the issue of transporting a granite block raises strong doubts in the official history of the so-called "bath", its movement is also considered almost unrealistic.

If all this is combined into one picture, we can safely say that no master created anything. “Bath” was found somewhere and it was said that it was supposedly created by one master, but this is not so. But who created such an object? When? And with what technologies? Unfortunately, there are no answers to these questions, but I would like to say about the highly developed civilization of the past, only there is no confirmation of the version.
