"Optimization" Of Medicine As A Means Of Dealing With The "extra" Population - Alternative View

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"Optimization" Of Medicine As A Means Of Dealing With The "extra" Population - Alternative View
"Optimization" Of Medicine As A Means Of Dealing With The "extra" Population - Alternative View

Video: "Optimization" Of Medicine As A Means Of Dealing With The "extra" Population - Alternative View

Video: Global Optimization with MATLAB Products 2024, July

Medvedev's "optimization" of medicine is bearing fruit: here and there, doctors are organizing "Italian strikes" throughout the country, threatening to leave people without any help. At the same time, officials report that there are no problems. The story of the massive dismissal of surgeons in Nizhny Tagil has just thundered, and already in the Moscow region doctors-oncologists have rebelled and threatened with layoffs, in Perm there is an incomprehensible situation with doctors and medical personnel, and the ambulance union predicts that a third of doctors and medical personnel will be laid off early next year. If nothing is changed, then in the coming years we will no longer catch up with Ukraine, but the poor countries of Africa, where the only type of medical care will be going to a shaman

After the regional authorities tried to pretend that they didn’t smell in Nizhniy Tagil and all this was a provocation and dastardly media, the check showed that the truth was after the doctors. “In Nizhny Tagil, surgeons applied for dismissal en masse, because they overwork, get tired, go out to work the night shift when diagnostic services are not working, but a decision must be made and operated on. They have little information, therefore, there is a higher risk of making a mistake and then becoming a defendant in a criminal case. The city has already completed the investigation of six such cases. In addition, they did not receive money in full for processing,” Anna Lenskaya, assistant to the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Urals Federal District, said following the audit.

Thus, the presidential representative fully and to the smallest detail confirmed the words of the doctors, despite the fact that the regional authorities have long and stubbornly proved to everyone that everything is calm in Baghdad, there are a lot of doctors, and these “show off”. It turned out that it was not the doctors who were "showing off". According to Lenskaya, the Ministry of Health instructed the Minister of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region, Andrei Tsvetkov, to overload the operating surgeons, which is unacceptable. The region is poorly provided with medical personnel, although the Ural State Medical University is located in Yekaterinburg. Also, the regional ministry for three years did not submit an application to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for financing budgetary places in residency. All this was said to the person who had already become a popular meme, after the frames of the meeting with the rebellious doctor. Here is this legendary photo and guess which of them is a doctor who works for two or three days without rest, and who is the minister, whose "doctors are fed up".


However, if in Nizhny Tagil, after the direct intervention of Moscow, the issue will nevertheless be resolved, in the rest of the country the situation, to put it mildly, is not the most joyful. While the talk-show participants were making fun of the "Doctor Death" from Ukraine, we have a situation in which already next year the level of medical care will fall not even to the Ukrainian, but not to the African level. The example of Tagil surgeons, who, due to difficult working conditions, massively wrote letters of resignation, may be followed by 30-40% of all doctors in Russia. This was announced by the chairman of the independent trade union of ambulance workers, paramedic Dmitry Belyakov.

According to Belyakov, doctors are not satisfied with their work because of low salaries, a system of fines and a lot of physical activity, and by the new year in Russia there may be a collapse with a massive layoff of doctors. This trend is already outlined in the Chelyabinsk region, Stavropol Territory, in addition, the ambulance workers in Petrozavodsk threatened to strike. “The working conditions that have been presented to the doctors today are really out of the ordinary. Not only are doctors paid differently for the same job today, but the medical community is also attacked by law enforcement agencies who are initiating criminal cases in batches, as well as citizens who believe that doctors are servants, nothing more. It's really impossible to work anymore,” Dmitry Belyakov said on Sunday.

Of course, such a pessimistic forecast caused a lot of criticism in social networks, but the “defenders” of our government did not have time to take a breath in order to accuse Belyakov of working for the “enemy”, as a scandal broke out at the Blokhin Research Institute of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology. There, patients and doctors wrote a collective appeal to the country's leadership with a request to resolve the conflict between the medical staff and the leadership of the institution. As the journalists of Ren-TV reported, two months ago the institute was headed by Svetlana Varfolomeeva. And right there, according to doctors, she offered to resign more than 40 specialists. “REN TV has at its disposal the results of an inspection by the prosecutor’s office of the Blokhin Cancer Center in the capital, which revealed many gross violations. The Investigative Committee also began its investigation. As it turned out, the hospital premises were illegally rented out, patient data was transferred to a company that provides exclusively paid services, and doctors were transferred part-time, well, or simply fired. The staff had long suspected that the new management was working exclusively for their own enrichment, and therefore asked to sort it out,”the channel said.

Of course, the management of the Research Institute of Pediatric Oncology denies everything, no one is fired, on the contrary - the staff is just being recruited, so now a team of psychologists is working there, and all the troubles are from the lack of digitalization and electronic maps. “Everything that is needed to make the work of staff more successful and less labor intensive. This is a big and very important task, all centers have already passed this story. And being from the very beginning involved in digitalization in another institution, I can say that yes, it is quite difficult, it takes time, but it gives an amazing result, Varfolomeeva said in an interview with the state portal National Projects Future of Russia.

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Undoubtedly, after receiving additional funding for digitalization and the involvement of psychologists and oncologists, they will not be needed - the children themselves will be cured of cancer …

In general, the federal media bypassed the essence of the conversation, leaving only the words of the employee of the Ministry of Health Elena Baybarina, who noted that she received conflicting information from various sources. And, in her opinion, some of the complaints are not objective. To study the situation, the Ministry of Health will form a commission, which will include oncologists, specialists in wages and working hours rationing, and specialists who can evaluate scientific work. “We will also meet with parents, we will listen to everyone and understand the situation. I am sure that the situation will soon improve,”the representative of the Ministry of Health reassured.

But what the visiting doctors said "remained behind the scenes." Meanwhile, the most interesting thing was right there. The first to take the floor at the press conference was the Deputy Director of the Research Institute of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology of the Department of Management of the N. N. N. N. Blokhin »Maxim Rykov. According to him, the director openly stated that she wants to replace all doctors, but so far she does not have such an opportunity. The hospital management puts pressure not only on staff, but also on patients and their relatives. For this reason, the relatives of the sick children asked the president to understand the situation. “The administration, on pain of being discharged from the hospital, forbade the patients' relatives to attend the press conference. The parents of the patients, the sick children themselves, and the staff are dissatisfied. This means that something needs to be changed,”Rykov stressed.

The deputy director was supported by the attending physician of the oncology center Natalya Subbotina. She agreed that changes were needed. But the innovations introduced by the guide are not entirely correct. As a result, the work became more difficult, the doctors became more tired. The head of the Nastenka charitable foundation Jamila Aliyeva, who works with the cancer center, took the side of the doctors. She said that the doctors did not tune the parents of the patients, but the nervousness cannot be hidden. The relatives of the patients were even going to come out with banners. But they were dissuaded.

Anastasia Vasilieva from the Alliance of Doctors trade union recalled a similar conflict in the Research Institute of Eye Diseases: they also cut staff and put pressure on employees. She said that the "Alliance of Doctors" organized a trade union and now can officially represent the interests of doctors. “There are only 300 pediatric oncologists in the country. I was amazed by the fact: how inflated the staff of managers in the cancer center is and what bonuses are issued to document specialists. And doctors don't seem to be needed. We will deal with this and will do our best to stop the incomprehensible processes,”said Vasilyeva. The doctors were also supported by the lawyer Janis Juksha, who drew attention to the general trend: the conflict between managers and specialists. On the example of Blokhin's cancer center, it is noticeable that there are fewer doctors, and more and more managers. “You say: we will attract specialists in payment, but even without specialists it is clear that doctors are underpaid … From the screens they say all the time that it is necessary to be treated abroad. But you come abroad - and there are doctors who speak Russian. These are specialists who were trained in our country, but they treat patients abroad. And they tell us: okay, we'll raise money and send them to Germany or Israel for treatment. But don't we have professionals? Why did they begin to appreciate just as they retire and leave? ", - noted Yuksha.

So, on the one hand, the director, who denies everything, and on the other, there are journalists who have the results of the IC check, doctors, parents, the trade union … How it all ends is not yet known, but if even these four dozen out of 300 specialists are fired with the growth of oncology from year to year, several hundred children will not receive treatment. Moreover, it makes no difference whether the director of the Center will arrange digitalization there or not. And the best thing for them then is to have time to collect SMS-translations so that the same oncologists treat their children in Germany. Moreover, there are already unconfirmed rumors about a doctors' riot in Perm. Of course, the leadership of the region refutes everything, but if they are confirmed, then we can speak of a crisis in the health care system as such. Moreover, it is no longer possible to blame everything on “local fools” - the dismissals of doctors are taking place against the background of “total optimization”. According to Rosstat, the number since 2010 has decreased by exactly one thousand - from 6.3 thousand to 5.3. The number of hospital beds has decreased, but the number of polyclinics has increased and has almost reached the 2005 level.


Once again, we note that the number of beds seems to be decreasing, and the salaries of doctors, as planned, for some reason do not grow. Unlike the load, of course. So, mass dismissals of doctors while reducing the number of "patients" is no longer a fantasy in our country. However, there is nothing to be surprised at here either - this is the very result of the government “optimization” that Medvedev was predicted at the stage of discussion of the bill. However, Dmitry Anatolyevich is a man of high thoughts and is not interested in boring details, the main thing is the idea. As he yesterday issued another "imperishable" about the poor: "It is absolutely clear what categories of people we have low incomes. It's clear who. These are people who have a relatively small source of income. "So if you follow his logic, then it is quite clear which categories of citizens will not receive medical care in our country. These are people who will not have medical care and just business.

However, do not be upset, as we all know, a “holy place” is never empty and all kinds of “witches”, “witches”, “fortune tellers” and grandmothers from TV-3 and other federal channels are ready to take it, which for a decent fee they will explain that it is not the appendicitis that has burst, but "just an evil eye" and will issue a corresponding certificate. And the fact that people will begin to die en masse is even a plus - again, the issue of the pension reform will be resolved. There are no retirees, no problems. So Dmitry Anatolyevich can safely talk about the success of his reform, it turned out even better than with the renaming of the police into the police and the transfer of time.

Author: Ruslan Lyapin
