Exit From The Physical Body With The Help Of "swing" - Alternative View

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Exit From The Physical Body With The Help Of "swing" - Alternative View
Exit From The Physical Body With The Help Of "swing" - Alternative View

Video: Exit From The Physical Body With The Help Of "swing" - Alternative View

Video: Exit From The Physical Body With The Help Of
Video: How To NOT Swing When Doing Pull Ups (And Leg Raises) 2024, July

Most researchers in out-of-body phenomena agree with the view that our subconscious mind forces us to leave our body every night. With the help of certain exercises, you can learn to use this fact and train your subconscious mind to "wake up" you after it leaves the body.

There are many methods of imprinting the desired setting in the subconscious: self-hypnosis, reading certain books, listening to suggestions and musical compositions affecting the subconscious that help to get out of the body, and visualizing a special kind of images.

The first method - self-hypnosis - is as follows: you repeatedly repeat to yourself something like "I want to experience an out of body experience" or "I want to leave my body." The best time to do this is immediately before falling asleep, and especially in the morning when you just woke up. In these minutes you are in a very close connection with your subconscious. Take your time to get out of bed in the morning. If possible, spend about half an hour communicating with hidden areas of your consciousness. Perform the necessary self-hypnosis and do not forget to reinforce it several more times throughout the day.

The second method is to read books like the one you are currently holding in your hands. Many people note that the likelihood of leaving the physical body for a while increases after reading the next book on astral projection or something like that. When you read about out-of-body experiences and naturally think about it at the same time, your subconscious gets a kind of additional suggestion, which is often more effective than direct command.

The third method is listening to suggestive, hypnotic tapes. A large selection of such recordings is offered, for example, by the Monroe Institute.

The fourth method involves the use of imagination. Suggestion made using visual imagery is usually more effective than verbal suggestion. Imagine how your consciousness is separated from your body, and at the same time say to yourself: "Yes, I can do it!" Imagine scenes as vividly as possible in which you are either flying above the ground or "shooting" from your own body into space. Again, such suggestions must be repeated several times a day, and they are especially effective in the morning, immediately after waking up.

The last method consists in listening to musical compositions that in one way or another remind your subconscious of the task at hand. It doesn't matter what kind of music it will be, as long as it evokes the necessary associations.

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Body preparation

The best time to try to exit your physical body is in the morning when you have just woken up naturally (that is, not by the alarm). Since most people work on weekdays, it will be easier for them to do it on weekends. Give your body a proper rest. It is known that different people need different sleep times. The trick here is to keep the body slightly tired (this keeps it relaxed) but not very tired at the same time. If you do not get enough sleep, you will be too tired and during the exercise you will again "fall" into a deep sleep.

If you “oversleep,” your body will be overly alert and your mind will not be able to focus well. In a word, the body should rest well, but, nevertheless, remain relaxed, and the consciousness should be vigorous.

Over time, you may learn to accurately gauge how tired you are. If you're feeling too tired, stretch in bed or shake off sleep. Many people prefer to get up first and have a cup of coffee. This is enough to keep you from falling asleep again during exercise. In general, it is best to wake up fully before starting. Listening to music is a good way to relax and calm your mind. There is nothing wrong with listening to soothing music while leaving the physical body, but sometimes this can be a hindrance: when you listen to sounds from the outside, your attention is distracted and unable to focus in yourself.

Also, if you listen to music in the evening before bed, you may find yourself too sleepy and relaxed the next morning. Make sure there is normal blood circulation in the body during exercise. Take a position in which you will be insured against limb leakage.

It is very important that nothing distracts you during the exercise. Do not open windows to prevent street noise from interfering with you, turn off your phone, turn off the radio, TV and other noisy appliances. Do not pre-set any restrictions on the duration of the exercise. The need to glance at the clock, as well as the anxiety about whether the allotted time is over, is highly distracting. Finally, empty your bladder before starting the exercise.

Step 1. Relaxation

One of the most important conditions for leaving the physical body is its complete relaxation. The importance of relaxation is that if the body is not relaxed, there are too many distracting signals from it. Research carried out in laboratories on astral travelers using special equipment has shown that the physical body is more relaxed during out-of-body experiences than during sleep. Ideally, the degree of relaxation should be absolute. To be able to do this, you should try to practice the art of relaxation as often as possible.

Relax your body, starting from the tips of your toes and working your way up to your head, until the tension leaves all your muscles, including your face. You can use any technique you know to do this, and if you are not familiar with it, try the following: tense each muscle in turn and keep it in tension until you feel a little tired; then relax it and listen to the sensations. When you have done this with all the muscles, check if there is any tension left anywhere. Eventually you will notice that the more relaxed the body is, the less signals it sends.

Support this feeling: while relaxing, try to imagine as vividly as possible that you do not have your left hand, as if it was cut off and you could not feel it. When you can actually feel this, your hand will be truly relaxed. Then do the same with the other arm and legs. Try to imagine your hands lying in positions that are different from what they really are, and see how realistic this is. If you can, with the help of your imagination, feel that your hands are lying differently, consider that your body is sufficiently relaxed.

Now you need to thoroughly relax your facial muscles. Here's one possible trick:

without opening your eyes, start gazing into the blackness in front of you and at the same time slowly tighten your eyebrows and lift your eyes up until you feel fatigue in the muscles of the eyebrows. Then relax all the muscles in your face completely for 15 seconds. Repeat the first part again and then, when the muscles of the eyebrows are tired again, relax them for another 15 seconds. Do this 6-7 times, then completely relax your whole body again and try to clear your mind of all thoughts. Already at this moment, you can feel the appearance of vibrations, which will make the rest of the steps of the exercise unnecessary. Otherwise, move on to the next step and try not to pay any more attention to your body.

Step 2. Calming and focusing the mind

This step is the most important. There are five key points that consciousness must focus on in order to have an out-of-body experience: state of mind, realism, movement, receptivity, and passivity. When you are trying to break out of the physical body, the most important condition for this will be your state of mind.

When you are "perfect", leaving your body is no more difficult than child's play, and as natural and easy as breathing. Otherwise, the task becomes much more difficult (but not impossible). It is impossible to "teach" the required state, but it can be described. Later, having performed astral projection, you yourself will know exactly what state of mind is required for this. This is the position of a silent, completely passive, focused observer.

In this state, consciousness does not wander anywhere, emotions are absent. You are not trying to analyze anything, you are just observing. In many methods of generating out-of-body experiences, visualization of images plays an important role, and a passive state of mind facilitates this process and allows the mental image of the object to be kept in front of our eyes for a long time.

The second point, realism, is related to the degree of focus of attention. We can say that the world around us looks real to us, because our attention is firmly focused on it. You need to learn how to collect your consciousness in one single bundle and focus your attention at a point outside your physical body, to such an extent that the sensations that arise become realistic.

The third point concerns the oscillatory movement, which each person, if desired, is able to feel inside his body. To do this, first you have to imagine it in your mind, and later it will become absolutely real. At this point, you will be able to use the feeling of vibration to "push" yourself out of the body. Imagine that your body sways evenly and gently back and forth or left and right, and try to make this sensation as vivid as possible. The next important point is receptivity. An alert and open state of mind is necessary in order to create a sense of vibration in the body. You have to accept whatever you feel during your exercise.

And finally, the last important aspect is passivity. The more passive you are, the easier it is to leave the body. As long as there is a conscious “controlling interest” in you, the purpose of which is to perform astral projection, your consciousness remains too focused on the material plane. Give up this attitude, think this way: I do the exercises not because I want to succeed with them, but simply for the sake of the exercises themselves, or - to see what will happen next.

In a word, the reason must be passive. When doing the exercises, think only of the present moment and accept whatever is happening. Try to be in a position where it really doesn't matter to you what happens next. Live in the moment and don't think about what will happen in the future. If your senses bring you information about something that is happening, remain passive. The most you can afford is to think:

"Oh good!" - and continue to lie, holding the created mental images.

In such a passive state, you can start any actions (for example, visualization of images) without reacting to them. If you become interested in them and start responding to your own thoughts and perceived images, you will simply fall asleep. If you manage to maintain a state of detachment and keep your consciousness from falling into the trap of sleep, thereby you can keep it clear even when it leaves the body. All you have to do is maintain a passive observer position.

Slow down your thought processes, and then free your mind of thoughts altogether. There are a number of methods for this, and if you are not familiar with any of them, try this: with your eyes closed, imagine that you are looking at something directly in front of you, but do not create any shape. Just quietly look at the inner screen of your consciousness, on which there is nothing but darkness.

Step 3. Walk on the edge of consciousness

The next step is to "take a walk on the edge of consciousness" and explore the line between waking and sleep. Start falling asleep, but have time to "catch" yourself on this, wake up and make sure that you are fully awake. Now start falling asleep again, only this time go a little further and wake up again. Do this several times until your body becomes very relaxed, and your consciousness finally passes into the state of a passive observer, which was discussed above.

Step 4. Rendering the object

Now imagine a small object, for example a cube, which is about 1.5-2 meters above your face. Create a clear image of this cube in your mind. Do not move on to the next steps until you succeed.

Step 5. Slightly offset the object

Begin to slightly move the object created in your imagination towards you and away from you, it will visually increase and decrease slightly. Visualize only a slight slow shift at first. Continuously maintain this reciprocating motion, trying to keep it even and rhythmic. Don't let the cube stop. Imagining a moving object will help fix its image in consciousness and make it realistic.

Step 6. Gain the bias

Now slowly increase the distance the object you represent is shifting. Continue to rock it back and forth and bring it closer to your face each time. In doing so, you may notice that his image has become even more alive. Check if you have a sense of perspective and depth. Every time your object gets closer, it should get bigger, and when it gets away, it should get smaller. Remember to maintain a passive, silent state of mind.

Step 7. Wobble in antiphase with displacement of the object

Try to feel as if you are swaying in the opposite direction to the movement of the object you created. Imagine that he has a strong gravity that affects you. When an object approaches you, you are attracted to it. When it is removed, you return to the starting position inside your body. As the cube gets closer and closer to you, you should feel its gravity pulling you more and more in its direction.

Step 8. Grabbing the object and leaving the body

When the mental image you have presented becomes very vivid and vivid, "grab" it at the moment of approaching with your consciousness. And as soon as the object begins to return back, your consciousness will follow it and will be pulled out from the physical body. So, you will achieve what you want and find yourself outside the body. Now you can abandon the passive, silent state of mind. With a clear mind, experiencing a surge of cheerfulness, begin to study the subtle world!

Useful Tips

During this exercise, it is important to check yourself to see if you are sleeping. Ask yourself: "Is this really happening or am I dreaming?" Later, when you return to your body, remember how clear your mind was during this experience. Learning how to leave the body takes a lot of time, training, and patience. Don't expect success to come your first night. The exercise described above is very difficult, has many subtleties, and you will have to repeat it more than once in order to remember all the details and succeed.

Some spend years on this, and some fail to achieve positive results precisely because they are too zealous. Do not repeat their mistake, because the main condition for leaving the physical body is relaxation of the body and soul. And remember, the first time is the hardest. After you do astral projection for the first time, the next attempts will be much easier for you. And don't be afraid to experiment. Try new methods, develop new techniques, and use whatever works best for you.

Astral Rope Exit Method

This technique is so named because the key part of it is an invisible imaginary rope attached to the ceiling of your room. It is used in order to exert a pulling effect on any point of the astral body and thus cause its separation from the physical body.

This technique is more effective than other, passive and indirect methods - relaxation in anticipation of vibrations or visualization of yourself outside your own body. As far as vibrations are concerned, they are a side effect and not a cause of astral projection. When pressure is exerted on the astral body, sufficient for it to loosen its connection with the physical body and begin to separate, the person's energy cocoon expands and a large flow of energy begins to flow into it through the chakra system. This energy, coming through hundreds of large and small chakras and the meridians connecting them, causes vibration. The same process usually occurs during sleep, but the senses are disconnected from the brain and unable to register it.

Building pressure on the astral body

More passive and indirect than the proposed methods of astral projection affect the astral body and stimulate its separation, but the effort applied with their help is not concentrated and distributed over a rather wide area, and this weakens the effect of its influence. In addition, although they pay some attention to transferring the center of awareness to a point outside the physical body, they do not explain in any way the mechanism by which this action contributes to the implementation of astral projection, namely, that any thought operation that moves the center of awareness outward automatically exerts pressure to the astral body.

This method is based on modeling in the mind of a simple and completely unambiguous action on which it is easy to concentrate attention - a mental ascent with the help of hands up a rope tied to the ceiling. This technique allows you to concentrate all the forces of the mind in one dynamic action, due to which a significant pulling force is applied to the smallest area of the astral body.

There are other, more subtle and disguised methods of influencing the astral body. For example, they include most of the meditative techniques, which can be called passive methods of working with the astral body. Whatever the technique of meditation, it is aimed at moving attention deep into oneself, which is often accompanied by the feeling of falling somewhere inward. This also puts pressure on the astral body, which in turn reduces the activity of the brain and puts you into a trance, where deeper levels of consciousness are manifested.

The feeling of an inward fall, moves the center of awareness from the physical plane to the astral or higher, although not outside the physical body in terms of coordinates in space. However, the pressure created by this on the astral body is dispersed throughout its entire volume and directed in the direction opposite to that which is needed for the implementation of the out-of-body experience, that is, down, not up. In other words, the astral body is passively given the opportunity to "fall out" of the physical body, but the familiar bonds that bind them remain quite strong, and this rarely allows us to achieve success in astral projection.

Most people attempting to exit the physical body do so through passive pressure on the astral body, when they imagine themselves hovering around themselves and hope that such efforts will cause a real separation of bodies.

Others try not only to create in consciousness an image in which their astral body is separated from the physical, but at the same time they also try to move their consciousness into the subtle body and look at the world from this point of view. This method is more effective, but, of course, much more difficult to learn. 99% of people do not have an innate visualization ability, so they need to go through a long training session if they want to create a more or less realistic image of themselves outside their own body. And the transfer of consciousness into this image is a completely overwhelming task for an unprepared person.

In addition, the visualization method influences the astral body in an indirect way, which is why its effectiveness is inferior to the methods of direct influence.

All of the above, and in addition, the general lack of information about the mechanism of out-of-body experience, that is, about how it happens, and determine a very large percentage of failures among those practicing in astral projection. Prolonged application of passive pressure to a large area of the astral body can eventually cause its separation. However, during this time, the complex concentration of attention necessary for good visualization can have a devastating effect on the consciousness. Therefore, let's talk about another, easier, faster and more effective method of astral projection.

The idea of using an imaginary cord to exit the body is not new, but only this method provides a comprehensive explanation of its mechanism of action and offers practical advice on this basis.

By knowing exactly how the learning method works, you can use it more effectively and achieve much better results. And the fact that it reduces the time required for projection and optimizes the use of the mental energy at your disposal, allows it to be successfully used even by individuals who are not accustomed to prolonged mental efforts. One of the most important ingredients in a successful astral projection is proper motivation.

Without it, you will not be able to release the amount of mental energy sufficient to exit the body, and either simply fall asleep, or immediately after returning from the projection you will forget everything that happened to you. Thus, it is desirable to reduce the duration of all preparatory stages to a minimum, so as not to turn the entire exercise into a difficult and devastating task. A newcomer to astral projection is usually full of enthusiasm, which is essentially pure mental energy. The proposed technique, plus an explanation of how it works, brings this energy source into action and allows it to be used to great benefit to the practitioner.

Developing a Rope Feeling

Attach tape or rope to the ceiling. Let this tape hang over your ribcage so that you can easily reach and touch it with your hands. After that, you must touch it many times so that this feeling becomes familiar to you and is fixed in your consciousness. The tape is a means of supporting the sense of touch. Stretching out your hands and touching it, you fix in your consciousness the spatial coordinates of the place where the invisible imaginary rope will be located. This rope will develop as an image in your consciousness and at the same time as a thought-form on the mental plane, and thus it will be easier for you to imagine yourself grasping it and pulling yourself up with your imaginary hands.

Remember, you don't have to visualize or try to see this rope, you just have to imagine where it is. After all, the peculiarity of this method is that it does not use visualization at all. Stretching the imaginary arms up and lifting with their help along an invisible rope moves the center of your consciousness outside the body and simultaneously puts great pressure on one 'single point of the astral body.

For those who have the "third eye" chakra more active than the heart one, which sometimes happens, it is necessary to modify this exercise in such a way that the imaginary rope hangs not over the chest, but over the head, and thus your mental arms will not stretch perpendicular to the body, but at an angle of approximately 45 degrees to it. If you use real tape for pre-preparation as recommended, also hang it over your head. This will allow you to make the most of your most active chakra and bring the best results.

In any case, the rope should be in the most comfortable position for you, in which it is easiest to imagine. It is important that the position of the imaginary rope and the angle of the outstretched arms are completely natural to you.

You are ready?

The relaxation exercises, calming the mind, opening the chakras, and raising the energy described above are designed to prepare you for projection. However, during the out-of-body phase itself, you will not use all of them. You just need to quickly go through each stage and immediately move on to the next. If you try to work them out until exhaustion every time before carrying out an astral projection, it will drain your reserve of mental energy and at the moment of exit you may not have the necessary willpower and energy for this. Therefore, all developmental exercises must be performed at a different time.

In the same way, any athlete performs exercises to develop strength, endurance and agility, although they are not directly related to the sport in which he is fond of. Simply thanks to them, he can more effectively do his main business. If you try to do astral projection without having the "mental muscles" sufficiently developed for this, you will fail. On the other hand, no athlete will enter the competition after a grueling workout, but a good warm-up will not hurt here. Therefore, before each attempt at astral projection, do the exercises for relaxation, entering a trance and saturating the chakras with energy - once and as well as you have already learned it.

The whole point of studying astral projection is to learn how to separate the astral body from the physical, while maintaining clear consciousness. The sooner you succeed, the better. Otherwise, you will find it too difficult for you and eventually give up. Therefore, it is best for beginners to focus their efforts on the most effective and at the same time the simplest methods of astral projection. Once you achieve success and gain confidence in your abilities, you can try other, more difficult ways to get out of the body.

So, before starting the experiments on the implementation of astral projection, you must get some experience in the art of relaxing the body, purifying consciousness and concentration. Then you need to learn to listen to the sensations of your own body and create a clear, tangible image of "mental hands" with which you will perform certain actions both inside and outside your body. And, finally, you should at least begin to open the chakras and raise the energy in them, as well as spend quite a long time in a trance, getting used to this state and studying it. All of these skills will help you when you start out of the physical body exercises.

It is advisable that you practice relaxation, concentration, and mental tranquility exercises daily, actively using your imaginary hands. Exercises to open chakras, raise energy and others should be done at least once a week. It is possible and more often, but it is important not to earn chronic overwork of the nervous system.

Sequence of steps for making a projection

It is difficult to give one universal sequence of steps for any person - after all, different students have different abilities and different levels of experience. Therefore, we will give here the most general description of the out-of-body procedure, and you yourself will supplement it with variations that take into account your desires and experiences. Remember, you should use exercises that work effectively for you. Find the combination that works best for you and works most successfully.

The sequence of steps for realizing a real astral projection:

1. Deeply relax all the muscles in your body.

2. Clear and calm your mind by at least concentrating on your own breathing.

3. Deepen your trance in any convenient way.

4. Raise the energy into the chakras and open them.

5. Push your astral body out of the physical using the imaginary rope pull up method.

Steps 3 and 4 can be reversed if it is convenient for you, that is, you can first open the chakras, and then put yourself into a trance. However, most people prefer to do these exercises in the order we have suggested because working with energy and chakras is more effective when you are in a trance state. On the other hand, if you think you are not very trance-prone, work with the chakras first - this makes it easier to enter a trance state.

Even if you still struggle with step 3, try using the rope ascent as a means of getting into a trance until you get into that state. Then do the energy and chakra exercises and again return to the rope method. It will give especially good results if you have developed the ability to concentrate, but for beginners it will most likely be the most effective. Therefore, we recommend that you master the "rope method" perfectly before learning other, more complex ones. Most people with its help are able to carry out a real astral projection, and its duration will depend on the degree of opening of their chakras and the flow of energy achieved through them.

1. Perform relaxation exercises until you are completely calm, but no more than a few minutes, otherwise you will drain the psyche.

2. Stretch your imaginary arms up and begin to pull yourself up, hand by hand, up the strong, imaginary cord or rope hanging over you. Try to imagine a thick, coarse rope that you are holding with both "hands."

Remember: don't try to create a visible image! You have to imagine grabbing a rope and pulling yourself up on it in absolute darkness, so that you cannot see anything at all, you only know its location and feel it with your touch. Visualization absorbs a lot of mental energy, which is best used to put additional pressure on your astral body. During this action, you will feel a slight "whirling", especially in the upper torso. This sensation arises in the astral body, which is freed from the fetters of the physical as a result of pressure. It will become more intense the more you concentrate on the intention to pull up on an imaginary tightrope.

There are two very important points to make here:

1. Diligently note any sensations like the one described above, as well as the feelings of pressure and dizziness that occur the moment you pull up the tightrope. Try to notice what kind of mental action is causing them, and practice it to learn how to do this action of your own free will. In general, the first few times, it is better to focus on finding such an action and only then move on to the "real" projection.

2. Ignore all the sensations that you will experience during real projection, otherwise they will distract you, destroy your concentration and you will not be able to leave the body. Focus all your attention on one single act of climbing up an imaginary rope and forget about everything else. Put all of yourself in this action, but do not strain your body - everything should happen only in your consciousness.

Continue to "climb" the rope, hand by hand, and a feeling of heaviness will begin to envelop you. It arises because the pressure exerted on the astral body forces you to go deeper and deeper into a trance. Ignore it and keep concentrating on the "lift." Soon after, you will feel your chakras open in response to pressure. Again, don't stop and keep doing what you did. Then you will feel a vibration that will soon engulf the whole body, and it will seem to you that it is paralyzed. Don't let yourself lose concentration and keep climbing the tightrope in your mind. Finally, you will feel that you are free from the body. Coming out of it in the direction of an imaginary rope, you will find yourself floating above it in zero gravity!

Do not under any circumstances lose concentration at the moment when the vibrations begin, and this is a rather difficult task. As mentioned above, vibrations arise as a result of the fact that a powerful stream of energy begins to flow through hundreds of large and small chakras in your body. If you can't keep your attention focused when the vibrations begin, spend more time exercising to develop concentration and you will overcome this problem.

If you haven’t learned how to use your imaginary hands to relax the muscles of your body, draw in energy through your legs, and open the chakras, you may also find it difficult to imagine how you grab and pull the “astral rope” with them. In fact, opening the chakras is not absolutely necessary for astral projection, it just helps, and at the same time you learn to use your "second" pair of hands.

The effectiveness of the above method may be intimidating to you. It reduces the time it takes to master Astral Projection to a minimum! As soon as you, in all seriousness and with a desire for success, begin to pull your imaginary body up the imaginary rope, it will force you into a trance, open the chakras, cause vibrations to appear, and very soon you will be outside the physical body. And although at first this whole gamut of new impressions will seem overwhelming to you, later you will appreciate the enormous amount of mental energy that is saved in this way and which can then be used during the projection.

Those who can boast of their ability to concentrate will achieve success with this method much easier and faster than with any other, even without having much experience in relaxing the body and entering a trance. Another important ability is the ability to perform energetic imaginary actions without connecting the body, that is, the ability to separate imaginary and real actions. If using this method you feel difficulties at any stage, give it extra attention and engage in exercises to develop the missing ability.

There is another variation on the rope method that you can also try. Do all the preliminary steps, ending with raising energy and opening the chakras, but do not move on to the projection itself. Without closing the chakras, get up and take a break - drink tea, leaf through a book, etc. Then go back to bed (or chair, if you prefer), take a couple of minutes to relax, and go straight to the tightrope pull-up. Such a break will increase the supply of energy in the chakras and prolong it.

How does the rope technique work?

This method is the most dynamic of all astral projection methods, and once you master it, you will hardly need to learn any other. Let's try to understand the mechanism of its action and highlight the main points. Purification of the consciousness: the mental action of climbing up the tightrope involves all consciousness without a trace, and as a result it is freed from secondary thoughts. Brainwave Activity: Cleansing the mind and applying unidirectional, dynamic pressure to the astral body reduces the electrical activity of the brain.

Deep relaxation: A decrease in brain wave activity immerses the body in deep relaxation.

Trance state: Strong pressure applied to the astral body while the physical body is completely relaxed, plus reduced brain activity automatically puts the mind and body into a trance. Chakras: Pressure in a trance state on the astral body entails opening the chakras and increasing the flow of energy through them.

Vibrations: The pressure exerted on the astral body in trance with the chakras open causes energy to flow through the more than 300 chakras of the human body, which begin to vibrate.

Separation: The pressure exerted on the astral body when the latter is energized and in a state of vibration causes it to separate from the physical body. The entire sequence of operations, from relaxation to exit from the body, takes less than fifteen minutes, and some fit into five. This quickness and lightness allows you to use virtually all of your mental energy in one concentrated effort. If during the first fifteen minutes you do not leave the body, you are unlikely to succeed in the current session. In this case, you should either get up and take a break, or get some sleep.


During the projection, some people may feel a kind of "adhesion" in certain parts of the body. For example, a person frees himself from the body, but feels as if something does not release him in the abdomen or head. If this happens, the continued pressure on the astral body by climbing the rope can cause pain or discomfort. There are two explanations for this phenomenon:

If you experience this sensation in the abdomen, it may be due to improper diet, for example, you ate something difficult to digest before starting exercise. To avoid this, choose light food, eat fish and white meat together with red, avoid fats, nuts and cheese.

If you are "attached" to the body in the head area or elsewhere, a similar symptom indicates that you are alone. from your chakras is inactive, perhaps due to a blockage of energy flow. In this case, during your energy work exercises, you should pay special attention to this chakra and its opening. If you notice a problem with a chakra while trying to project, stop and try to open it right away. The fact that you are already in a trance, when working with the chakras is especially effective, will help you to do this. But now your actions have reached the goal - now return to concentration on the ascent of an imaginary tightrope.
