New Conspiracy Theory: Trump Is Suspected Of Substituting For His Wife - Alternative View

New Conspiracy Theory: Trump Is Suspected Of Substituting For His Wife - Alternative View
New Conspiracy Theory: Trump Is Suspected Of Substituting For His Wife - Alternative View

Video: New Conspiracy Theory: Trump Is Suspected Of Substituting For His Wife - Alternative View

Video: New Conspiracy Theory: Trump Is Suspected Of Substituting For His Wife - Alternative View
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Rumors circulate on the Internet that American First Lady Melania Trump has disappeared somewhere and has been replaced by a double. What really happened to Melania is unknown. Previously, footage appeared on the Web that puzzled America. A week ago, the President and First Lady visited the Presidential Guard's Secret Service training facility in Maryland. Making a statement to the press, Trump seemed confused - then it seemed to the listeners that he had forgotten that his wife was with him.

“Me and my wife Melania, who happened to be right here,” said the American leader.

Moreover, the Americans did not recognize Melania in the woman on the right hand of the president (the eyes are not visible behind dark glasses, the nose is of a different shape). Users of social networks began to spread a sensation - supposedly the real Melania Trump had disappeared somewhere, and the president was accompanied by a double. Tens of thousands of reposts on social networks and discussions on television. Thus, the famous actress Whoopi Goldberg stated:

“New conspiracy theory around the White House. They are discussing it right now. Those who saw these shots insist that they are not really Melania."

However, skeptics quickly discovered another video, filmed on the same day. According to them, Melania, taking off her glasses, instantly became herself. That is, the unfortunate shape of the frame made her unrecognizable. As for Trump's weird line, it may be that he speaks that way or has memory problems. This fall, he had somehow forgotten that his wife was one step away from him. In September in Florida, during a visit to the hurricane-affected area, he said: “Melania really wanted to be with us, she was very moved by what is happening here. We have seen destruction. Melania is already used to this, on her face there is no discontent, no bewilderment. On the contrary, she exchanged smiles with a neighbor on the podium.

Ridiculous rumors about the wife of the owner of the White House arise quite often. Earlier, users noticed that she was "unnaturally" moving her head and suggested that the woman was replaced by a robot. Or, for example, for different performances with the same speech, Melania made up her eyes differently. Users immediately began creating videos with the headlines "Trump's wife is played by two different actresses."

Rumors of this kind are quite common among American politicians. There is, for example, the actress Teresa Barnwell, who makes her living by portraying Hillary Clinton. Clinton's opponents have repeatedly stated that Barnwell portrayed Clinton in addition to the stage, for example, in the role of secretary of state and during the election race.