Under The Zombie Apocalypse, Humanity Cannot Survive - Alternative View

Under The Zombie Apocalypse, Humanity Cannot Survive - Alternative View
Under The Zombie Apocalypse, Humanity Cannot Survive - Alternative View

Video: Under The Zombie Apocalypse, Humanity Cannot Survive - Alternative View

Video: Under The Zombie Apocalypse, Humanity Cannot Survive - Alternative View
Video: Why The Zombie Apocalypse Would Fail Quickly 2024, July

Canadian mathematician Robert Smith is confident that when infected with a virus, all people on the planet will turn into the walking dead very quickly.

The formula derived by the scientist can be used to model the spread of diseases in the modern world. Smith published his research in the book Mathematical Modeling of Zombies.

This is what the equation of the zombie apocalypse looks like: (bxN) x (S / N) xZ = bxSxZ. N is the total population, S is the number of people susceptible to the zombie virus, Z is the number of living dead themselves, and b is the probability of transmission of the virus. According to Smith, if a total infection does occur, the living dead will take over the world, since people simply cannot coexist with them normally.

The scientist noted that the infection will spread at a monstrous rate. In order to infect an entire city, only one zombie will be enough, he says. At the same time, quarantine will not slow down the zombie apocalypse, but will only slightly delay the spread of the infection.

It is worth noting that scientists are quite serious about bringing to life the plots of films about the invasion of living corpses. According to doctors, the world may well be hit by an epidemic of a zombie virus that appeared as a result of a simple flu mutation. Doctors-virologists completely deny the possibility of resurrecting the dead, but admit that making a person something like a zombie with a penchant for cannibalism is quite realistic.

“If we imagine that the viruses of rabies, and, for example, the flu as a result of mutations, we will see something terrible,” - said Samita Andreanski, associate professor at the University of Miami, virologist.

There are also those who still do not exclude the invasion of the resurrected dead. Several years ago, the American authorities told about how to escape from bloodthirsty monsters. An article titled "Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse" was posted on its website by the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

The author of the document advised in the event of a zombie attack to take the same measures as in a hurricane. He suggests, first of all, to stock up at home with an emergency suitcase. It should contain water, products with a long shelf life, a knife, scotch tape, a battery-powered radio, copies of documents, as well as soap, towels, blankets and a first aid kit.

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Previously, scientists have already dealt with the problem of a possible invasion of zombies. So, one of the employees of the University of Parma came to the conclusion that it is best to hide from carnivorous monsters in a supermarket.