Three Reasons For The Zombie Apocalypse Today - Alternative View

Three Reasons For The Zombie Apocalypse Today - Alternative View
Three Reasons For The Zombie Apocalypse Today - Alternative View

Video: Three Reasons For The Zombie Apocalypse Today - Alternative View

Video: Three Reasons For The Zombie Apocalypse Today - Alternative View
Video: 10 Reasons The Zombie Apocalypse Could Really Happen 2024, July

Everyone knows about the living dead, eager to get to the human brain.

The creatures with rotting flesh and mindless gaze, dressed in rags, have become some of the most beloved monsters that can be found in movies, television series, books and games. Their popularity and ubiquity has even led some people to seriously believe that the zombie apocaplipsis will one day happen.

Most of the zombies that can be seen on screens can be easily divided into two main categories:

- classic zombies: half-rotted corpses raised by their own or someone else's, often extremely stupid and slow;

- living dead: people who actually did not die, but under the influence of experiments or a virus lost their rational part, gained inhuman strength and lusted after flesh.

Initially, zombies are not the fiction of directors or authors who came up with a new monster to create another horror movie. Zombies exist in reality - at least according to the voodoo priests. If you wish, you can turn any person into a zombie and force him to fulfill all the whims of the "owner". Fortunately, the conversion rite does not imply real death.

To perform the ritual, fugu fish is needed, which, as you know, is poisonous and, if improperly prepared, the poison contained in it can kill a person. From it, the priest prepares a potion, which the future slave must taste, after which he falls into a coma. Relatives, believing that there was a real death, bury the victim, and after a while the poison is removed from the body. At this moment, the priest takes a new slave for himself.

Similar practices exist in Haiti, but are illegal.

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No matter how terrifying the zombie apocalypse is, in real life it is currently impossible:

1. Even if the voodoo priests want to gather their own army, their zombies, although they will not notice the wounds and pain, are still ordinary people, which means that they can be easily dealt with - for example, with sleeping gas. And they certainly cannot convert anyone like that.

2. Raised living dead look frightening, but their body does not function and the process of decomposition is in progress - which means that muscles do not work, zombies cannot walk or even move.

3. The situation with the epidemic seems more or less possible, although such a virus does not yet exist. But, in this case, infected people will be instantly quarantined, after which research and development of a vaccine will begin. However, this is exactly what many horror films look like, but one thing is that in reality an infected person would be extremely weakened and not even able to bite a new victim.

In biology, there are situations that can be attributed to the zombie theme: for example, a parasitic fungus cordyceps lopsided grows inside an ant, forcing it to leave the colony a few weeks after infection and climb the plant, catching there and staying to die. After the death of the insect, the fungus germinates and spreads spores. A host that changes behavior due to the impact on the brain of a foreign organism, in this case, is very similar to a zombie.