Take Someone Else's - Lose Yours! - Alternative View

Take Someone Else's - Lose Yours! - Alternative View
Take Someone Else's - Lose Yours! - Alternative View

Video: Take Someone Else's - Lose Yours! - Alternative View

Video: Take Someone Else's - Lose Yours! - Alternative View
Video: Imagine Dragons - Nothing Left To Say (Art Film) 2024, July

This is a story about a little boy who forgot to fulfill his mother's instructions and also tried to cheat her about his grades. To avoid punishment, he decides on a simply disgusting act. But joking with the afterlife is more dear to himself, as young Jake will be able to see from his own experience …

“Go straight to the store and don't be late,” the mother ordered sternly, handing the money to her son. “Your father's boss is coming to us for dinner today, I want to cook his favorite dish - liver and onions. We need to make a good impression on the guest, so take the best liver they have."

“Okay Mom,” Jake replied. He had tried not to contradict his mother in any way since he brought home a fake report card. Jake rolled his bike out of the garage and drove towards the nearest store. However, on the way, he met his friend Frank. "Hi Jake!" Frank called out to the boy. "Ours are going to play baseball on the old court and we miss the catcher."

Immediately, all thoughts of his assignment disappeared from Jake's head. The boys walked towards the park. Jake tried very hard to win the match for his team, but by the time it was over, it was already deep twilight. It was only now that Jake remembered his assignment. "Liver!" he gasped. "I have to get to the store in time!"

But all the nearby grocery stores were already closed. "Mom will kill me," Jake muttered. First a fake report card, and now this! She won't let him walk for a whole month!

* * * * *

When the boy was driving home past the churchyard, he had an idea. It was just a sickening idea, but it would save him from the punishment that awaited him if he came home without a liver. His cousin uncle died the other day and was buried in the cemetery. Why not take advantage of this circumstance?

Jake hurried home, crept into the garage as quietly as possible and took his father's shovel and flashlight. Then he returned to the cemetery, turned on the flashlight and began to unearth the grave of a deceased relative …

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… This evening, Jake's mother cooked a stew of liver with onion rings, and the boss loved it. The guest was having such a good time that he did not leave until late at night.

Jake went to bed relieved that he got away with this. The boy fell asleep almost instantly, as soon as his head touched the pillow, but soon woke up, confident that he had heard a voice.

"Where is my liver?" A ghostly voice rose from the stairs, hoarse as if the speaker's mouth were full of earth. Jake gasped with fear and flung himself under the covers as muffled footsteps reached the top steps.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Footsteps drew nearer until they froze at the door of Jake's room. "Who has my liver?" the nightmarish voice asked again.

“Go away. Go away, Jake whispered. His entire body trembled with horror as the voice asked again, “Where is my liver? Who has my liver?"

Sheer terror made him suddenly muster up courage. Jake threw back the covers and saw the wrinkled white face of his great-uncle looming directly over him. "We ate your liver!" the boy shouted.


“I know what you did, Jake,” the half-decayed corpse of his great-uncle said quietly, reaching out its hook-like hands toward the numb boy. Jake screamed shrilly.

Jake's parents ran into the room and found their son dead on the bed. His liver was ripped right out of his body, but an autopsy proved that the boy had already died of fright before his liver was removed.