How Do Past Lives Affect The Present? - Alternative View

How Do Past Lives Affect The Present? - Alternative View
How Do Past Lives Affect The Present? - Alternative View

Most people not only do not believe in rebirth, but generally doubt that they will continue to exist after death. The motto of many is "everything will turn to dust, so it is useless to build any theories."

I think differently, and have written about it more than once. Now I will not dwell on this in detail, but I will tell you about something else. If you believe that a person's soul may well be born again, well, or at least admit such a possibility, then you probably wondered how the past life can influence the present one.

So, let's begin…


Fears often come from past lives. This is especially true of a panic fear of something, which a person has from childhood and is not caused by any trauma. It happens that such fears are strong at a young age and pass later. Sometimes, unfortunately, they stay with a person all their lives.

They are caused by the fact that a person has experienced a very strong shock in the past, and often died as a result. In terms of psychology, such fears are very difficult to work through, because their origins lie outside the boundaries of ordinary memory.

Abilities and inclinations are also usually a consequence of past "best practices". For example, a person was born into a simple "worker-peasant" family, but he is crazy about classical music. Or from childhood he draws beautifully, although no one taught him. Almost all of those whom we call talents and geniuses are developed souls, in addition, they could have "experience" in a certain area over several lifetimes. Therefore, training is given to them many times easier than to others.

An interesting fact - the soul has no gender. Yes, this is so - there are no “female” and “male” souls. Few people are born more than two or three lifetimes in a row as a woman or a man. As a rule, the sex is reversed in the next life or after one. This happens in order to restore balance and gain new experience.

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Many now may object - well, there are people who feel as personalities of the opposite sex, how to explain this? I believe that sex change in their souls just worked for such people, but they were born in a “wrong” body.

Appearance in different lives is often similar. This does not mean that a person always looks the same, but nevertheless, some similarity is always present. Why does this happen? The fact is that in the subtle bodies of a person, which are not destroyed after death, information about physical bodies is stored in the form of a certain "imprint". We can say that a certain genotype is being formed, but already at the energy level.

For example, if a soul has lived for a long time in bodies with a European type of appearance, and then it happened to be born somewhere in the East, then more likely a person will appear in a family with a mixed genotype. Or a combination of genes, rare for those places, will “emerge” in him, in which he will be more like a European than those around him.

But the most similar thing in all lives is the look. No wonder they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. We are so arranged that it is when looking into the eyes that we most accurately read the “imprint” of the soul, which remains unchanged in all incarnations.


People with whom we have a strong bond have met us in the past. In principle, we are all parts of one global organism, or neurons of a huge "brain", which are interconnected. In addition, each one specifically has a soul mate closest to him.

These people evoke the strongest emotions in us, and we are most connected to them. That is why, in all lives, a person is literally attracted to such "relatives" - the circle of his closest friends consists of them and it is easiest to fall in love with them.

Roles in relationships with others change all the time. The law of balance is at work here - having acted in one image when communicating with a person, we must subsequently change places. There can be many such examples - for example, in one life I am a child of my parents, and in the next they are born to me. Roles change in a couple (husband-wife), in work (bosses - subordinates) and in many other areas.

Past desires affect the present, sometimes not in the best way. It happens that all the troubles in life are attributed to "karma", but this is not entirely correct. Often it is a matter of incorrectly formulated desires in the past.

Let me give you a personal example - in one of my distant lives, I was a poor man and looked at rich people with envy. I thought they were lucky for their children, even if they were crooked, the servants were always running after them and blowing dust off them. Apparently this thought (what is it like to be a rich and flawed child) so stuck in my head that a desire was formed at the level of the soul.

The next time I was really born a son to rich parents but … with epilepsy. Indeed, there was a servant everywhere who followed me, who helped me during and after the attacks, but I had little joy … This story, I think, can serve as an example that one needs to control one's thoughts and form desires clearly.

However, fortunately, there are also many examples of the fulfillment of "positive" desires. Many wonderful things and happy coincidences are nothing more than a consequence of past dreams and hopes.


And finally, I will summarize …

Quite often I heard the following from people - what difference does it make to me who I was and where I lived last time, I still don't remember anything - so we can assume that “that I” is a completely different person. However, I disagree with that.

On the one hand, when we are born in a new life, we start all over again. But, on the other hand, we continue the path that we started long ago. Therefore, all unfinished stories, fears that have not been overcome, unfulfilled desires and dreams are drawn after us like a train.

We come into this world with a significant "baggage" that we do not even suspect about - these are our inclinations and abilities, connections with people close to us and obligations to them. And how we handle this all directly affects our next life.

Author: Viktorya Nekrasova