Ophiuchus Is The Most Mysterious Sign Of The Zodiac! - Alternative View

Ophiuchus Is The Most Mysterious Sign Of The Zodiac! - Alternative View
Ophiuchus Is The Most Mysterious Sign Of The Zodiac! - Alternative View

Video: Ophiuchus Is The Most Mysterious Sign Of The Zodiac! - Alternative View

Video: Ophiuchus Is The Most Mysterious Sign Of The Zodiac! - Alternative View
Video: Is Ophiuchus the 13th Zodiac sign? 2024, October

Take a closer look at the screen - this is the zodiac calendar. Here are all 12 zodiac signs in sequence. Aries (Aries) - he opens the constellation calendar, and the sign of Pisces (Pisces) closes the astral year. Few people know, but in fact, this calendar lacks one sign - Ophiuchus - it must be between Scorpio and Sagittarius (Sagittarius). People born from November 30 to December 17 are Ophiuchus, and not Scorpio or Sagittarius at all. The 13th zodiac sign is the most mysterious in astrology. Astrologers predict an extraordinary fate and a very contradictory character for a person born under the auspices of this constellation.

It would seem how this zodiac differs from the usual Pisces, Libra and Aquarius? Why do astrologers around the world so stubbornly refuse to include him in horoscopes?

The American Space Agency has driven humanity to hysteria! In 2017 alone, NASA employees made several high-profile statements, and the strangest thing came from the mouth of its head Charles Bolden. He said that the invasion of aliens on Earth will happen in 8 years. After Bolden's shocking speech, NASA employees immediately took him off the stage, and then suddenly announced: "The leader went on sick leave." It is not reported where the ex-head of the space organization is now, but what exactly did he want to tell the world in his address? Could this be the reason for Bolden's removal from the agency?

It may seem strange, but shortly before the incident with Bolden, NASA scientists suddenly announced that the zodiacal scheme that we use now is fundamentally wrong! It turns out that we have not 12, but 13 zodiac signs. But why was this not noticed before?


Among the constellations of the sky, a line is drawn along which the Sun and the planets move, this line is called the ecliptic. There are 88 constellations in the sky in total, but this line cannot pass through all. It passes through 12 constellations - they were called zodiacal. The constellation of the serpentine is directly adjacent to this line, i.e. is next to her.

In fact, scientists have known about the existence of the constellation Ophiuchus for a long time. Several times astrologers observed suspicious activity in it, the last (2 bright flashes) recorded in 1848. But why, 170 years later, NASA employees suddenly start talking about Ophiuchus again? Isn't something happening there again?

Constellation Ophiuchus
Constellation Ophiuchus

Constellation Ophiuchus.

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What scientists have observed in this constellation is not like the birth of a new star. This is a completely different activity, but if before it happened once every 100-200 years, now astrologers record it almost several times a year. What's going on there?

NASA scientists cannot directly answer this question and explain their statement simply that 3000 years have passed since the first zodiacal map was compiled. During this time, the position of the Earth's axis allegedly changed, which means that the pattern of the starry sky changed. But numerous studies do not confirm this fact. So what are American cosmologists really hiding?

Why were the zodiac signs invented? This is a kind of projection of the constellations on paper (drawing) so that calculations can be performed.

Nevertheless, astrologers around the world immediately began to reshape the zodiacal charts. People born under the auspices of Ophiuchus were credited with an extraordinary fate, and the rest of the zodiac signs shifted by almost a month. So haven't all the astrological predictions made earlier turned out to be wrong?


Surprisingly, for some reason, many astrologers still deny the presence of the 13th zodiac sign. Not to be afraid to admit that all this time they made incorrect predictions? Or maybe they really have something to hide?

Today, the constellation Ophiuchus includes the fastest star known to modern astronomers in terms of speed, it is called the Red Dwarf or Barnard. In addition, a large number of globular clusters and dark nebulae distinguish it from all other constellations.

In the constellation Ophiuchus, scientists have counted 2500 thousand variable stars, but the main mystery of this space object is the formation of new planetary systems around 9 stars of the constellation. Scientists managed to detect this phenomenon only in 2017.