Is The Official Human History True? - Alternative View

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Is The Official Human History True? - Alternative View
Is The Official Human History True? - Alternative View

Video: Is The Official Human History True? - Alternative View

Video: Is The Official Human History True? - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, October

No, in this article you will not find the answers to the countless mysteries that baffle experts in human history. This has been happening for many decades. Today we'll just talk about facts that many consider to be “evidence” that the origins of man and the history of our civilization are not entirely accurate. We will recall just a few of the many discoveries that contradict the scientific understanding of the origin of humanity. And let's try to understand - isn't the time for a large-scale renewal of some of the established scientific dogmas?

Conspiracy about the history of mankind?

It seems to many researchers that the current state of affairs in the historical sciences looks like some kind of conspiracy. Which prevents them from doing more research on some interesting discoveries. But many of them come into conflict and cannot be explained by modern science. But most likely that is not the case. Just inertia and sluggishness. And also the holy faith in the power of the unshakable luminaries of the past and present.

So let's remember some of these discoveries.

In 2016, scientists discovered 13 human tracks in Tanzania. It would seem, well, what's the big deal? But what - their age dates back to almost 4 million years! These ancient human footprints are well preserved due to being covered in moist volcanic ash. And they were not exposed to the destructive influence of the atmosphere. However, according to the modern chronology of human origin, no erect hominids existed at that time.

Traces of an ancient man found in Africa
Traces of an ancient man found in Africa

Traces of an ancient man found in Africa.

And now we will go from Africa to Siberia. Here archaeologists have discovered the tooth of a young girl who lived about 128,000 years ago. What is surprising about this discovery? What is interesting about it is this - it is one of the oldest known species of people found in Central Asia. And it is believed that this species is about 100,000 years older than the famous Denisovan man. Known only from a few fossils. Amazing, isn't it? But this, as you probably understand, is far from all.

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Africa or Europe?

The human thighbone, discovered about 80 years ago, has recently been subjected to a number of studies. And they showed that these are the remains of a Neanderthal. It is 124,000 years old. They were found in Germany in the Holenstein-Stadel cave. Scientists were shocked when it turned out that the sample contains traces of modern human DNA! Based on this, the researchers concluded that human migration "from Africa" occurred much earlier than scientists thought. This happened about 270,000 years ago. Such information suggests that we need to rethink everything that we thought we knew about the history of mankind.

Another stunning discovery took place in Morocco. There, scientists were able to discover human bones 300,000 years old. This discovery showed that our species - Homo sapiens - arose much earlier than was thought. For at least 100,000 years. Once again, the history of mankind was in doubt.

Part of the human jaw is about 300,000 years old
Part of the human jaw is about 300,000 years old

Part of the human jaw is about 300,000 years old.

Modern scientists believe that most likely not Africa, but Europe was the birthplace of mankind. Because in the Mediterranean, they managed to find the fossil remains of a man 7.2 million years old!

Here are facts only about those finds that have received official confirmation. And their age is established with a high degree of probability. How many of them were rejected? Or just not found?

Mysterious structures of humanity

But let's finish with human origins. And look at the mysterious structures found around the world. Some of them challenge our understanding of the life of ancient civilizations. As well as the level of technological capabilities that they possessed thousands of years ago.

Of course, first of all we turn our gaze to the great pyramids at Giza. And generally on the very ancient Egyptian civilization.

The complex of the great pyramids at Giza remained a mystery to experts who have studied this historical monument for centuries. And no one has ever established for sure how it was built. And who exactly built it. Many experts still believe that such structures could not have been built by the ancient people of Egypt. The incredible precision of block fitting, perfect geometric shapes and much, much more still confuse the minds of researchers.

Okay pyramids. But how to explain the fact that traces of tobacco and cocaine were found in ancient Egyptian mummies. And these plants in those days grew only in America. So how did they end up in ancient Egypt? One explanation is that the ancient Egyptian civilization was capable of long sea voyages thousands of years ago.

And what about Egyptian hieroglyphs in Australia? In the Brisbane Water National Park, which is located in New South Wales, one of the states of Australia, Egyptian symbols were found on stones. And they have been there for at least five centuries. Since they are mentioned in local legends, which are of a very solid age.

Hammers and pipes

So, what else to remember … Yes, absolutely unimaginable things were discovered on Earth. Which do not fit into the history of mankind at all. Because their age exceeds hundreds of millions of years! Example? You are welcome. It is a 400 million year old hammer discovered in Texas, USA in 1934. The hammer head is believed to have been made with an iron purity that only modern technology can achieve.

China. Baigun pipes. They are believed to be over 150,000 years old. Considered by many as evidence of the existence of a technologically advanced civilization in this region in antiquity. Although a completely natural explanation has been proposed for this phenomenon.

A sectional view of the Baigun pipe
A sectional view of the Baigun pipe

A sectional view of the Baigun pipe.

Now let's take a look at the list of ancient Sumerian kings. It says the following: “… there were 8 kings in 5 cities. They ruled for 241,200 years. Then the flood swept the world … . But wait … How can 8 kings live and rule for 241,200 years? Were they immortal? Or aliens? In general, it is not clear what was meant.

Have you heard about the An-Naslaa megalith? It is a massive rock split in half. And not just divided. And cut like a laser. With perfect precision. This incredible stone is located in the Tamiya Oasis in Saudi Arabia.

Megalith An-Naslaa
Megalith An-Naslaa

Megalith An-Naslaa.

And there are dozens of such ancient monuments on Earth.

Numerous archaeological discoveries made around the world should, sooner or later, push science to change its understanding of the history of mankind. Someday, when a lump of contradictions rolls down the ossified mountain of modern historical conservatism, the true history of mankind will finally become available to us.

And who knows what secrets we learn about the origin of mankind …