In Minnesota Photographed Witch - Alternative View

In Minnesota Photographed Witch - Alternative View
In Minnesota Photographed Witch - Alternative View

Video: In Minnesota Photographed Witch - Alternative View

Video: In Minnesota Photographed Witch - Alternative View
Video: 25 CREEPY Things Found In The Woods 2024, September

A user of the famous entertainment site "Reddit" claims to have recently photographed a real witch rising from the grave.

According to the American, one night he went to the Loon Lake Cemetery in Jackson, Minnesota. There he took many photographs (with the hope of catching something mystical) of the old churchyard, created by the first settlers. When the man returned home, he, to his joy, discovered something creepy in one of the pictures he received.

The image below shows the grave of an unknown person with a small headstone. According to the urban legend, the remains of a powerful witch are buried here. At first glance, there is nothing terrifying in this photo. However, if you look more closely, you can see thin and dirty human legs in the upper left corner. The author of the picture swears that he was alone at that time and did not see anyone who walked around the cemetery at night, especially barefoot.


Loon Lake has a reputation for being a bad place with all kinds of devilry going on all the time. Legend has it that in 1881, 17-year-old Mary Jane Tervillegar lived in Jackson. Another local named James Sanford Peters accused the girl of sending damage to his mill. After that, Mary was cruelly executed for witchcraft, and her remains were buried in this cemetery in an unmarked grave. Before her death, the girl confessed that she really was a witch (although she did nothing wrong to any of her fellow countrymen), and stated that everyone who tried to desecrate her grave would certainly die.

It is believed that if a person steps on the Tervillegar tombstone, he will die within 3 days. Our hero reports that he did not desecrate the witch's grave in any way, he simply captured it in a photograph, which, in his opinion, can hardly be attributed to a bad deed, rather the opposite. Maybe this made the witch materialize in our world and even appear in the picture? Many daredevils said before that they noticed Mary's spirit at the cemetery, but until now no one has been able to photograph it. The ghost of the witch this time clearly wanted to tell something or just remind about itself: to be sure, modern society is becoming more and more infantile in the spiritual sense …