"The Road To Nowhere." Archaeologist About Finds That Science Cannot Explain - Alternative View

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"The Road To Nowhere." Archaeologist About Finds That Science Cannot Explain - Alternative View
"The Road To Nowhere." Archaeologist About Finds That Science Cannot Explain - Alternative View

Video: "The Road To Nowhere." Archaeologist About Finds That Science Cannot Explain - Alternative View

Video: Nefilim Velikovsky 2024, June

Who "inherited" on the territory of the present Rostov region in the Middle Eocene epoch - 38 million years before man appeared on our planet, who taught him to melt copper, helped to invent the wheel? The scientist answers the questions of "AiF-Rostov".

“I remember a quarter of a century ago - in June 1992, when I was sitting in the steppe over an object called“The Road to Nowhere”, I kept repeating: this simply cannot be,” says Mikhail Kraisvetny.

In recent decades, many strange objects and objects have been discovered by archaeologists around the world. It just so happened that life also confronted Mikhail Kraisvetny with finds, for which there is still no clear explanation.

“I am far from the only one who admits that at some point the mind could have been brought to the Earth from the outside, or that there were civilizations that we know nothing about,” the scientist says.

Mystery in the middle of the steppe

Victoria Golovko, "AiF-Rostov": Mikhail Ivanovich, it so happened that in June 1992, you accidentally stumbled upon something called "The Road to Nowhere." As far as I understand, there is still no clarity of what it is in general …

Mikhail Kraisvetny: I want to say right away that I am the most materialist. Accustomed to trust only what he saw or felt, held in his hands. And I agree that that "road" is a natural, natural object only if they explain to me a lot of the oddities associated with it.

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But let's start in order. In 1992, life threw me to the Tarasovsky district of the Rostov region: I conducted research that had nothing to do with archeology. Once a bulldozer came up to our group. He said that he was mining sand in a gully nearby. And it was about 30 kilometers from the village of Tarasovsky. And at the bottom of the beam, he saw a picture that amazed him. We went there, of course.

Mikhail Kraisvetny: Reason could have been brought to Earth from outside. Photo: AiF-Rostov / Victoria Golovko
Mikhail Kraisvetny: Reason could have been brought to Earth from outside. Photo: AiF-Rostov / Victoria Golovko

Mikhail Kraisvetny: Reason could have been brought to Earth from outside. Photo: AiF-Rostov / Victoria Golovko

And what struck him so?

- We saw an area that really looks like a road, built of stone slabs - quartzite sandstone. But the only thing is that the soil layer in which that "road" lay, belongs to the Middle Eocene - the period … 40-50 million years ago. But then there were no people on Earth. Primitive man appeared, according to official data, 2 million years ago.

What is this object? After all, no one needed him there - if we assume that there were no people then

- And I would gladly agree that this is such a bizarre and strange handiwork of nature, but … Firstly, it is very likely that the plates are firmly fitted to each other. If some of them are irregular, a pebble of the right size was inserted between them. Many slabs were as if cut out to fit a ruler. Secondly, the ends of the slabs (and the sandstone is rough!) For some reason were smooth, as if polished. I was climbing, feeling these plates with bewilderment. I said to myself: "This is impossible!" And thirdly … On some of the slabs were applied (more precisely, carved in stone or vice versa - as if squeezed out by something from the inside) drawings. These were parallel lines or 2-3 circles inscribed one into the other. The impression was that someone took a compass and drew it all.

Later, an assumption was made: they say, maybe there were some microorganisms - for example, worms, which, moving strictly in a circle, left these traces. It turns out, then, jumping a few centimeters to the side, they again crawled in a circle. If I am shown worms that move exclusively in "concentric circles", I believe that this is possible …

By the way, the patterns found on that road in the Tarasovsky region partly resemble the images on the famous also incomprehensible megalithic monument - a rock near Achnabrek in England.

Unfortunately, with regard to the fate of the Don road, there is nothing to brag about. She, in fact, has sunk into oblivion. Soon the most interesting slabs disappeared: some of them inadvertently split, and most of them were taken away. Although these studies needed to be continued.

Unanswered questions

What makes you admit that the mind could be brought to Earth from outside?

- I am one of those people who believe: the world is much more complicated than it seems. Many historians (I am far from being the only one) ask the question: how did it happen that approximately in the 7-9th millennium BC. a global "neolithic" - in fact, a technical revolution begins in various regions?

Plates. of which the money consisted of where the road was going. very similar to man-made ones. Photo: AiF-Rostov / Boris Panasyuk
Plates. of which the money consisted of where the road was going. very similar to man-made ones. Photo: AiF-Rostov / Boris Panasyuk

Plates. of which the money consisted of where the road was going. very similar to man-made ones. Photo: AiF-Rostov / Boris Panasyuk

A man who has been engaged in primitive hunting and gathering for thousands of years suddenly moves to a new stage of development. Humanity has started, if we call a spade a spade, the selection of cereals. Ceramics, the beginnings of construction, medicine, astronomy, etc. This is despite the fact that our ancestors almost did not have free time: they had to constantly think about where to get food, how to fight off a foreign tribe, where to escape from the cold.

In the excavations, of course, I found many times bone, copper, iron tools. I often caught myself thinking: how suddenly did a person come up with the idea of going into metallurgy? How did people know the whole chain of making the same copper items to the smallest detail? Melting point of copper, for example, +1083.4 degrees. It is impossible to reach it in a fire; oxygen must be added.

For some reason, a person should have paid attention to a copper nugget that does not stand out in any way. He should have been thrown into the fire. Then wave something by the fire for a long time, increasing the temperature. After that, our ancestors should have come to mind precisely for this nugget to hit with a stone, that is, forge.

It is unclear how the wheel was later invented.

Meanwhile, in the myths of most of the peoples of the planet, it is said that the gods brought them knowledge from heaven.

Mysterious objects that are found in Egypt, Mesopotamia, and South America also baffle science. And I think it is a wrong idea to dismiss these facts. Take the same Machu Picchu - the ancient city of the Incas, awarded the title of the new wonder of the world. In 1532, all of its inhabitants mysteriously disappeared. But this is not his main mystery. There, primitive buildings of the Indians coexist with a megalithic city of fantastically complex construction! There were no tools that closely resembled those that were needed for such a construction.

Riddle - and the Egyptian pyramids. It is believed that the multi-ton granite blocks from the quarries were transported across the river to the construction site in fragile boats. Since this is difficult to believe, some serious scientists believe that the priests may have had the skills to make stone blocks float through the air. All this is still incomprehensible.

An unusual road was discovered 25 years ago in the Tarasovsky district. Photo: AiF-Rostov / Boris Panasyuk
An unusual road was discovered 25 years ago in the Tarasovsky district. Photo: AiF-Rostov / Boris Panasyuk

An unusual road was discovered 25 years ago in the Tarasovsky district. Photo: AiF-Rostov / Boris Panasyuk

Images on the Ica stones (found in the Andes since the 1930s) can only be applied with a carbide iron tool. But he leaves behind micro-grains, which today, after analysis, are easy to detect. For some reason, these grains are not there. And add that on some of those boulders people are depicted next to dinosaurs.

In the quarries of Egypt, cuts are found in granite, which, even with the help of modern technologies, cannot be made! Or, for example, why are the huge geoglyphs (images) on the Nazca plateau plotted so that they can be clearly seen from above? There are a lot of such riddles.

By the way

Panspermia is one of the alternative hypotheses of the origin of life on Earth, proposed by the German scientist Hermann Eberhard Richter in 1867 and finally formulated by the Swedish scientist Arrhenius in 1895, according to which life could be brought to Earth from space - by meteorites and cosmic dust. In 1973, the British molecular biologist, biophysicist and neurobiologist, Nobel Prize Laureate in Physiology or Medicine Francis Crick put forward the hypothesis of controlled panspermia - he suggested that life on Earth could be deliberately brought to Earth by an advanced alien civilization on the verge of extinction or destruction, or preparing to colonize planets.

Material prepared by: Victoria Golovko
