The Death Of The Ancient World. Flood Tsunami Of 1535! - Alternative View

The Death Of The Ancient World. Flood Tsunami Of 1535! - Alternative View
The Death Of The Ancient World. Flood Tsunami Of 1535! - Alternative View

Video: The Death Of The Ancient World. Flood Tsunami Of 1535! - Alternative View

Video: The Death Of The Ancient World. Flood Tsunami Of 1535! - Alternative View
Video: 536 A.D: The Worst Year In History | Catastrophe | Timeline 2024, June

Before us is the painting “Panorama with the Abduction of Helena among the Wonders of the Ancient World” by MARTEN Van Heemskerk, 1535.


The picture is simply magnificent, it is a whole panorama of the ancient city of Antiquity. But there is confusion - in one place it is indicated that this is Sparta, in the other that Troy, although in the picture we seem to be the Colossus of Rhodes!


Here's a riddle, how to solve it? Maybe this is the city of Rhodes? And I think it's not surprising, and that such Colossi were in every city on the sea.

The title of the picture refers to ancient Greek myths, in this case - the Abduction of Helen the Beautiful.


Oh, something reminds me of Russian folk tales, or rather the FAIRY TALES of the SLAVS. Remember - Vasilisa the Wise, and here Elena … but who cares, both are Beautiful.

Promotional video:


Now to the point.

It seems like the picture tells about the famous story of the abduction of Elena, but there is something more depicted here, even much more than we can imagine.

A whole team of people is running in the foreground, but they are clearly not stealing Elena or a bunch of Elena. They hastily take away valuable figurines and other things made of pure gold. All and sundry are running - warriors, nobles, servants and just residents, who in what and who with what.


Is this just the kidnapping of one person? And who is Elena then? No, friends, this is something different.

Several boats can be seen at once near the coast, ships are waiting a little further. Far away at the stairs, people are also waiting, everyone is loading something on boats and ships, as if in a hurry they grabbed the most valuable thing and run as soon as possible from this place.


On the left, too, a lot of people just run towards the coast and boats, in a hurry, so they jump right from the semi-rotunda in order to quickly swim to the ships.


But what is strange here is the presence of already destroyed and flooded structures, for example, where the boat is tied. And what does a Slavic boat do in Greece? Nearby are the idols of Sventovit, half in water.


Even animals run with people, so they are far away in flocks, although they may just graze.


Even the snake escapes from something terrible, but the warrior was going to cut it, so he swung, apparently from fright.


So these warriors do not pursue anyone either, but simply run to the ships with others, and the dog with them.

One soldier was not lucky - he was ordered to guard the chest of silver, the poor man is bored.


Very strong waves are noticeable around boats and ships - the beginning of a strong storm? The waves are very noticeable, and the ships sway to the sides! But the rook is covered with a high wave, so that it will soon turn over. The sea is raging with might and main.


However, the most horror takes place in the background. Maybe you think that everything is all right here? I will show that it is not. Here is a natural APOCALYPSE, Water attack, GREAT FLOOD, nothing else. Although if you zoom in, then everything seems to be fine. And this creates the appearance of a huge Tsunami. I'm just sure that the artist wanted to convey information that a terrible Catastrophe happened to the city.


At first it seems that within the city limits there are only hills overgrown with greenery, bushes and trees. But if you zoom in, we see a lot of blue, this is clearly not grass or earth. Starting from the left, we see the whole stormy streams of water.


They gradually flood everything around, here people run higher, fleeing the water.


In the distance, the area around a huge strange bowl floods, and waves are raging behind the dilapidated wall.


The most horror takes place in the distance behind a high stele with a gold pommel, there is simply the 9th VAL, or a huge tsunami hanging over the city, and all the buildings are already flooded there, although they are above sea level.


There are a lot of people in the center and they don't seem to understand what is happening. Could the Catastrophe have taken them by surprise? Could this have happened suddenly?


The center of the picture is the Tower of Babel, and next to it is a dilapidated pantheon, just below the sacred grove with idols in a circle. Judging by the grass and trees, a strong wind is blowing, and the semicircular AQUEDUK fills with water almost to the top. It was not for nothing that I said about the grove - this is a real temple of gods with idols in a circle, within the boundaries of the Sacred Grove, everything is purely Slavic.


In general, it is strange - places covered with clay are visible everywhere. Even the pier and that one is filled up, and even floods with water. To the left of the Colossus, the whole Castle is covered with clay, and the Tower of Babel is filled up as if it were a hill. Half-ruined temples and aqueducts are everywhere. In the distance, high in the mountains, are the ruins of the Rotunda and a large temple.


Yes, there are even PYRAMIDS. Here is one among the ruins and a pile of clay, the other to the right of the Colossus is also among the ruins after the Tsunami, or maybe during the Tsunami?


There are really many miracles here, that's for sure, the name does not fail. What is strange - it has its own Town Hall, or rather the Indian stupa, and even inside the Rotunda, well, just a fairy tale. True, this is not India, and what the Stupa is doing here is a question. Another dome is a bell at the top of the temple, right there, next to the stupa. There is an amazing clock on the facade of the temple.


By the way, besides the Golden Colossus, there is also a golden statue on the square near the bridge, a certain seated golden man. Let me remind you about the top of a huge stele - a golden ball with a spire.


An amazing rotunda temple in the foreground - here are the golden capitals of the columns, and the golden dome on top. Near the entrance to the temple stands a tall golden statue of a woman with a child. Is this a goddess? She reminds me of someone … Oh yes, this is the Golden Woman, the cult of the inhabitants of Great Asia, she was often depicted on old maps, for example, she is on several maps.


And this is a modern photo in the Urals, even now there is something left.


Even in front of the very entrance of the statue of two lying Atlanteans, these are the giants who lived here. But the people running around here are clearly not the size of everything around. And in general, the whole city, judging by the gigantism of buildings, was built by ATLANTS or ANTAS.


The city has definitely been in a terrible Holocaust.

I believe that this picture depicts not just the abduction of a mythical beauty, it depicts the Death of ANTIQUE CIVILIZATION, it is shown what happened to her, but it was a huge FLOOD that destroyed the Atlanteans who lived here. And the presence of incredible buildings and wonders - speaks of the High Technologies of the Ancient Civilization of the past. I also think that a purely Vedic and Slavic city is shown here, as indicated by many of the signs mentioned above.

Finally, let's look at a few words:

Rhodes is simply the word ROD, that is, the island of the god Rod. OS prefix - artificially attached later


The colossus is the same story, there is simply KOLO, i.e. The sun, and also the pun COLOSS - WHEEL - WHEEL - COLOSSO, as you can see, everything is nowhere easier).


And, of course, Elena the Beautiful - a beautiful Russian princess!


Well, that's all for now.

Author: Evgeny Makarov