"Ghostly" Infrasound - Alternative View

"Ghostly" Infrasound - Alternative View
"Ghostly" Infrasound - Alternative View

Video: "Ghostly" Infrasound - Alternative View

Video: Combination Tones 2024, September

At the next congress of the British Scientific Association, which was held in Manchester, the British specialists of the National Physics Laboratory presented a statement to the world community, which says that "the appearance of ghosts" directly depends on infrasound. The proof of this was the results of their studies of the direct effect of low-frequency sound waves on humans. It turns out that such sounds, although not audible to the human ear, are still perceived by the body.

To find out more precisely how infrasound is capable of affecting a person, scientists suggested that people, voluntary participants in the experiment, listen to various musical compositions, some of which included sound waves of very low frequency, and then tell in detail about their feelings at the moment of sounding each melody. Of the 750 people, 165 volunteers clearly identified the pieces of music that contained infrasound, saying they caused a sudden feeling of dread. And since some buildings, during subsidence or slow destruction, are sources of infrasound of this range, it is quite natural to assume that it is he who is the main "reason" for the appearance of ghosts, since it causes the same sensations as when meeting restless souls, namely unexpected anxietychilling cold and other similar feelings.

From this, British scientists concluded that infrasound has a negative effect on a person's mental state.

Also, sound vibrations of low frequency are frequent satellites of earthquakes, severe storms and hurricanes. It is believed that animals, most of which are able to hear infrasound, are used to determine the approach of such natural disasters.

However, many lovers of the supernatural considered the statement of the staff of the National Physics Laboratory not convincing enough, despite the results of the research work they provided, and believe that scientists today are not able to scientifically explain the origin of the paranormal.
