Mysticism Of India And Blavatsky - Alternative View

Mysticism Of India And Blavatsky - Alternative View
Mysticism Of India And Blavatsky - Alternative View

Video: Mysticism Of India And Blavatsky - Alternative View

Video: Mysticism Of India And Blavatsky - Alternative View
Video: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky ★ Spiritual Traveler 2024, September

The fashionable teachings of the 19th century laid the foundation for a rapprochement between the West and the mysterious and mystical India. All that was needed was a person who would combine into a single whole completely incompatible things - the science of the West and the wisdom of the East. This person became a native of Yekaterinoslav (now - Dnepropetrovsk) Elena Petrovna Blavatskaya (1831-1891). It was this woman who became the overthrower of traditional religion and orthodox science. This is the most mysterious figure of the 19th century - either a great teacher of humanity, or a charlatan who was engaged in philosophical and religious speculations.

Her father, Peter Alekseevich Gan, belonged to the Russified German noblemen, and her mother, a famous novelist, came from the Dolgoruky family. From childhood, Elena amazed relatives with stories of her visions. These visions were for the girl as real as a human life can be, and they were, in the opinion of young Elena, her life in past incarnations. The visions (or maybe fantasies?) Were intensified in the paleontological museum located on the estate of her grandmother, E. P. Fadeeva. The main feature of Blavatsky's mental state was that reality and fantasy in her life were so intertwined that it was impossible to separate one from the other. Moreover, each of Elena's stories about her past differs significantly from both previous and subsequent ones.

What is reliably known about her life? At the age of 17, Elena married the 40-year-old vice-governor of Yerevan N. V. Blavatsky, and a few weeks later left her husband. But instead of returning to her father's estate, she boarded a steamer bound for Constantinople. Then, for a long time, the girl traveled around Europe and Asia, repeatedly visited North and South America. Except for the money given by the father

Madame Blavatsky made her living by séances. According to her own stories, she worked as a circus rider, gave piano concerts, traded in ostrich feathers and even was the owner of an ink factory in Odessa. It is difficult to say which of these biographical details was true. Most likely, she was the kept woman of several rich people: Baron Meyendorff, Polish prince Wittgenstein, Hungarian opera singer Agardi Mitrovich and others, although Blavatsky herself denied this. According to rumors, Madame Blavatsky even gave birth to a son to Mitrovich, however, whenever such questions arose, Elena got a medical certificate indicating her inability to have children due to either congenital or acquired anteflexio uteri disease (bending of the uterus). True, during Blavatsky's trip to Russia in her travel documents a certain boy Yuri was entered. According to the stories of Blavatsky herself, he was the son of her friend. The further fate of the boy is unknown, according to the widespread version, he died shortly after this trip.

Most of the stories she told herself are not very believable. So, in the years 1850-1851. and in 1854 Blavatsky allegedly traveled to North America, in 1867 she participated in the Garibaldi uprising, in which she even received several saber and bullet wounds, and in 1871 she miraculously escaped in a shipwreck, during which many passengers died. In between these events, she managed to meet with various mystics and magicians around the world: with the great initiates in Egypt, voodooists in New Orleans, shamans in Central Asia and sorcerers-healers in Mexico.

The most mysterious episode of Blavatsky's travels was her seven-year stay in Tibet, where she allegedly became a student of the most mysterious inhabitant of these places - teacher Moria. This story seems completely incredible: Tibet at that time was a closed country in which the geopolitical interests of Russia, Great Britain and China collided. And the troops of each of the countries, stationed at the borders of Tibet, had to intercept potential spies. According to one of the versions, Blavatsky was indeed in India, but the British troops stationed on the passes did not let her into Tibet, and she invented her apprenticeship while sitting in a Calcutta hotel. According to another version, in general, the whole trip to India was invented by her in Europe, because, according to her own words, the first meeting with the teacher Moria took place in July 1851 in London. However,Madame Blavatsky claimed in her notes that teacher Moria had been her personal guardian angel since childhood.

Helena Blavatsky
Helena Blavatsky

Helena Blavatsky.

Who was this mysterious Moria? He was allegedly one of the members of the mysterious brotherhood of the Mahatmas (Blavatsky also calls them sometimes great initiates, sometimes teachers of humanity). According to Elena Petrovna, mahatmas have superhuman abilities, they are immortal and immaterial, they can instantly move over great distances or incarnate into living beings and even inanimate objects. Their other ability - clairvoyance - allows them to communicate with each other using some kind of spiritual semblance of mobile communication. True, when describing the world of the mahatmas, Blavatsky was pretty confused. In some books, she called the already mentioned Moriya the head of the Mahatma brotherhood, in others she writes that their head is a certain Lord of the World, who lives in the mysterious country of Shambhala. Blavatsky calls Venus one of the locations of Shambhala in her writings. According to this version, the Lord of the World only occasionally leaves his residence on Venus and, with a few assistants, goes around his earthly possessions. At the time of Blavatsky, this Master of the World lived (according to her) in the body of a young man and was about to reveal himself to the world, although for some reason he never announced his presence on Earth.

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Each mahatma, according to Blavatsky, has its own specialization, and they are all united into a special hierarchy. So, the Master of the World has 4 substitutes (Buddha, Mahagoyan, Manu and Maitreya), and all of them are in a clear hierarchical connection: Buddha is the most important among them, and Maitreya is the least, and very often Blavatsky calls him an analogue of Jesus.

The teacher Moria, according to some information from the writings of Blavatsky, is "the ruler of Power and Strength", he directs national and racial issues and dwells in the body of a young black Rajput prince who lives in seclusion in a certain Indian valley. But another teacher of Blavatsky, a certain Kut Humi, in his own words, in a past life was Pythagoras, and now he performs the functions of an overseer for various earthly religions, as well as for art and education. To fulfill his duties, he was embodied in the body of a blonde, blue-eyed and fair-skinned Kashmiri Brahmin. Kut Humi allegedly visited Leipzig University in this body, but not in order to receive knowledge there, but in order to inspect the state of education at this university. In his spare time, Kut Khumi also works as a caretaker of an occult museum in one of the valleys of Kashmir.

In addition to Kut Humi, the religious situation on Earth is also controlled by Jesus, who for some reason is called the Mahatmas a Syrian. The Hungarian prince Rakoczi, who was in past incarnations as Count Saint-Germain, and also both famous Bacons - Roger and Francis, are responsible for magic in the council of mahatmas. Scientific activity is controlled by the Greek Illarion. Beauty management belongs to another Greek - golden-haired and blue-eyed Serapis. These mahatmas represent the elite of the brotherhood, but a certain Dwai Hul is only capable of carrying out small heavenly orders. The number of mahatmas, with various authority and position in the brotherhood, includes all the teachers of mankind: Abraham, Moses, Solomon, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Plato, Boehme, Cagliostro, Mesmer. According to Blavatsky, the mahatmas are waging a protracted war against the dark forces, or, as they also call them, the Lords of the dark face. It is precisely this circumstance that makes the mahatmas hide. They hide both from people and from agents of evil in secret shelters, impenetrable thickets and high in the mountains. All of the above is hard to believe. However, it is quite possible that Blavatsky herself believed in the reality of everything she spoke about.

However, it is possible that Madame Helena did not make any mysterious trips to India, and she took her teachings from the novels of E. Bulwer-Lytton (1803–1873) Zanoni (1842) and A Strange Story (1862). This novelist was not only familiar with the philosophy of Boehme, Swedenborg and Mesmer, but he himself, together with his friend Eliphas Levi (Alphonse-Louis Constantine, 1810-1875), participated in occult experiments. It was E. Levi who first began to assert that the immortal adepts-mahatmas are the bearers of the secret doctrine. It is interesting that the assumption of the presence of the mahatmas in India was also made long before Blavatsky. One of the creators of fake Rosicrucian pamphlets of the 17th century. Heinrich Neuhaus tried to understand where the European Rosicrucians had disappeared. And he, without further ado, suggested that they all moved to India,that is, to such a remote place from Europe, where it is difficult to get, which means that it is practically impossible either to refute or confirm their existence.

In 1873, according to Madame Helena, the mahatmas ordered her to go to America. Here she first lived in poverty, then received her father's inheritance (but quickly spent it, trying to get her own poultry farm). However, in 1874, after meeting her future husband, Henry Olcott, her affairs began to improve dramatically.

In his life, G. Olcott changed many occupations: he was engaged in farming and even published several books on agronomy, served in the army of the northerners during the Civil War, after retirement due to disability he worked as a lawyer in New York and even was a member of the commission to investigate the murder of Abraham Lincoln. However, legal practice did not bring him success, and the divorce from his wife that took place soon contributed to the emergence of mystical moods. Olcott became interested in spiritualism.

Blavatsky and her husband settled in an expensive hotel in New York, and right there Elena Petrovna, who did not even have money for the way back to Europe, had a bunch of expensive oriental things: Chinese and Japanese lockers, a mechanical bird, fans, carpets, a statuette of a Siamese monk, lacquered boxes and a gold statuette of Buddha. They were supposed to be evidence of her travels in Asia, but were most likely bought by Olcott at local flea markets. The mysterious interior was complemented by stuffed animals: a lion's head above the door, monkeys and birds in the corners of the rooms, and lizards, a gray owl and a snake stood on the bookshelves. However, the most important curiosity was a stuffed huge baboon - in glasses and a tie, he stood on his hind legs with Charles Darwin's book "The Origin of Species and Sexual Selection" under his arm. The scarecrow was supposed to symbolize the stupidity of modern science compared to the wisdom of truth available only to the initiated. It cannot be said that Blavatsky completely denied evolution, at least in the three-volume Secret Doctrine, which came out just before her death, she paid much attention to evolution (though she was primarily interested in spiritual evolution).

Probably, at first, the spouses were going to make a living by séances of spiritualism, but at that moment, spiritualism was in decline, communication with spirits was less and less occupied by people. Attempts to attract the attention, and hence the money, of gullible Americans were noisy but unprofitable. The Theosophical Society and Miracle Club (Miracle Club), founded by Olcott, Blavatsky, and several of their friends, did not generate income. But Blavatsky and Olcott did their best. They really wanted to create their own church, their own creed, which would make them famous. Every faith needs a miracle. And such a miracle first happened on March 3, 1875, when Olcott received from Blavatsky's hands a mysterious letter written in gold ink on green paper and enclosed in a black envelope. Its author Tuitit Bey from the Brotherhood "Luxor" (Egypt) invited Olcott to become a disciple of the Mahatmas, and Madame Helena was to become the transmitter of the teaching. It is interesting that the mahatma's letter was not entrusted to the mail, but rather to be transmitted through Madame herself.

Later, Madame Blavatsky received such messages thousands of times. Until now, there is no unequivocal answer what this phenomenon was, although cases of such a letter have been recorded more than once. It received the name "automatic writing": the medium falls into a special trance state, in which he begins to write words and sentences that he does not understand. Some researchers suggest a banal fraud, others believe that this phenomenon is based on the special neurotic excitability of the medium, and others suggest that instead of a person, some astral beings control his hands. The proponents of the latter hypothesis even cite the widespread legend that Moses wrote the Torah while in a similar state, and that is why at the very end of the Torah, Moses described his own death. The hypothesis of neurotization of the medium looks more logical,especially since it was during the days of mental crises that the number of messages received by the EPB [6] increased sharply.

This miracle, which was repeated many times, made those around them believe in the reality of the mahatmas and constantly drew attention to the person of Blavatsky. Many could see how she, being in perfect health, fell into a trance and began to write the text. However, the miracles did not end there. Mahatmas allegedly knew how to materialize letters of command out of thin air. According to the testimony of followers and friends of Madame Helena, such letters sometimes materialized even in the compartment of a traveling train. However, weren't such letters an obvious fake? Imagine a situation: Olcott or EPB attach a letter to the ceiling with unstable glue, then invite some acquaintance or even a stranger to their compartment and distract him with a sweet conversation, in the middle of which a letter unstuck from shaking falls from the ceiling. The miracle is ready.

In the future, in just such a mysterious way (materializing out of thin air), sheets of divine revelations appeared in Blavatsky's room, which then formed the basis of her "Secret Doctrine". The only evidence that these messages had a sacred origin was Olcott's testimony that the handwriting on these sheets was different from the usual handwriting of the EPB. On such occasions, Blavatsky claimed that her teacher took possession of her body and wrote with her hand. And Olcott spoke. that sometimes he noticed that during the "astral dictations" Madame Blavatsky's voice grew deeper, and her brown curly hair turned black and straightened, as if she were turning into a Hindu. At the same time, the room was filled with various spirits, and even the ringing of heavenly bells was heard. However, Olcott's testimony as a stakeholder must be treated with extreme caution.

It seems, however, that in this too Madame Blavatsky was unoriginal. Her friend and rival, the popular New York medium Emma Harding Britten, in her book The Art of Magic, argued that she was not the author of the book, but just a stenographer who wrote down what Chevalier Louis dictated to her - a kind of spiritual being. Chevalier Louis looked suspiciously like the Mahatmas of Blavatsky. And half a century before the publication of Britten's book, Joseph Smith enjoyed just such guidance, who, with the help of the angel Moroni, discovered gold tablets buried in the ground with the text of the Bible in an unknown language, which formed the basis of the Book of Mormons. To this day, some authors of esoteric literature seriously argue that the books they wrote were dictated by some higher mind or its individual representatives, and this kind of literature was singled out as a special genre,called "channeling".

And so Madame Helena and Colonel Olcott decide to go to India. More logical would be a trip to Egypt to the Mahatmas Tuitit Bey and Serapis, representing the Luxor brotherhood. However, India, a country distant and mysterious, attracted them not only with its occult secrets: at that time in the States they were besieged by creditors from all sides. Almost simultaneously with the departure of Blavatsky and Olcott to India, Madame's oriental trinkets were put up for auction.

After a short stop in London in February 1879, Madame and the Colonel arrived in Bombay. Neglecting the danger of catching plague or cholera, Olcott, barely stepping ashore, knelt down and kissed the land of India. It is difficult to say whether it was so in reality or this story is one of the idle tales of a retired colonel. But what Olcott and his girlfriend had to face was the true oriental cunning of the Indians. Harichand Chintamon, a member of the Aryan society "Arya Samaj", who many times invited Olcott and Blavatsky to India and promised to arrange a grand reception upon arrival, put a pig on the travelers. After the promised reception, he handed the dear guests an invoice, which even included payment for the telegrams sent by Harichand to America. After such a warm welcome, Olcott and Blavatsky were forced to settle in a cheap hotel in a poor neighborhood.

However, it was in India that the extravagant couple's affairs went on the mend. Already in the spring of the same year, they began to publish the Theosophist magazine, the circulation of which was constantly increasing. Now the colonel and Madame Blavatsky traveled throughout India, visiting sacred sites in Buddhism and Hinduism. On one such trip, they met Swami Dayananda Saraswati, another member of Arya Samaj. According to rumors, he was a great yogi and possessed various secret abilities, such as levitation, the ability to inhabit a foreign body, prolong life and transform one matter into another. At the same time, he clearly distinguished these occult abilities from the fakir tricks with which he and other Hindus entertained the invaders. To the tricks of the fakirs, Swami Dayananda Saraswati also attributed the ability to materialize and dematerialize objects,because - he argued - it only requires a long training, but the spiritual forces are not used. Swami tried to keep the mysteries of yoga a secret from the uninitiated and, moreover, reprimanded Europeans for their fascination with Eastern occultism.

When Blavatsky and Olcott got rich, they bought the Crow's Nest estate in Bombay. A variety of miracles, so much condemned by the yogi Swami Dayananda, immediately began to occur in the estate. Materialization of objects most often happened: brooches suddenly appeared on a flower bed; cups materialized out of thin air; music was heard from an unknown sound source, etc. Thanks to these miracles and the patronage of two of his friends - the journalist A. Sinnett and A. O. Hume - Madame Blavatsky and Colonel Olcott fell into the circle of the British administration of India, although the yogis themselves, and not only Swami Dayananda, contemptuously called what was happening in the Crow's Nest estate as tricks. And in America and Europe, many questions arose for Madame Elena. Thus, even many members of the Theosophical Society, which she created, considered the frequent cases of the materialization of letters as a clever trick. They accused Madame Blavatsky of obscuring true occult phenomena from the public and compromising her real abilities. Sometimes, under the pressure of irrefutable evidence, Madame Helena admitted that sometimes she allowed herself dubious tricks, claiming that they were generated by "the base part of her nature", and true miracles happened under the guidance of mahatmas.

Hume and Sinnett, who trusted Blavatsky, wished to become disciples of the Mahatmas. However, the messages of the Mahatmas that they received through the EPB did not contain any heights of esoteric knowledge, but only recommendations to treat Madame Blavatsky well. In 1882, a remarkable episode took place, which was the reason for their break with Madame Blavatsky. Hume and Sinnett wrote a letter to Mahatma Kut Humi asking to communicate directly with them and not through a medium (EPB). But since only Madame herself could deliver the letter to the Mahatma, the British handed their letter for Kut Humi to her. Elena Petrovna retired to another room to play the piano while the sealed envelope was handed over to the mahatma. However, just a few minutes later, Blavatsky jumped out of the room - angry, with an unsealed envelope in her hands. As soon as it became clearthat it was Madame who played the role of mahatmas, Hume became disillusioned with the abilities of Blavatsky and, in general, with spiritualism. But although there were now quite a few Englishmen who had lost faith in her, Elena Petrovna unexpectedly received support from the Indians.

Divine wisdom brought considerable income, and already in December 1882 the colonel and madame moved to an estate in the suburb of Madras, which still remains the headquarters of theosophists.

So Blavatsky and Olcott continued their stormy activities. About 100 lodges were formed in Ceylon, India and Burma. The lodges that appeared in different countries gradually received autonomy. Blavatsky copied the structure of Masonic lodges in the Theosophical Society. It is possible that in this way she was trying to prove that Theosophy is the heir to Freemasonry. One way or another, but in the ranks of the Theosophical Society were at that time many outstanding minds, such as the inventor Thomas Edison or the collaborator of Charles Darwin A. R. Wallace. However, together with talented people, Theosophy also attracted people who were mentally inadequate - neurotics, hysterics, and even madmen.

The first loud revelation occurred when A. Sinnett, who remained faithful to Blavatsky, published his first work - "The Occult World". Assuming nothing wrong, he published in this book the letters received from Coot Humi through Madame Helena. Sinnett's book became very popular and soon fell into the hands of the famous American spiritualist Henry Kiddle, who recognized a rather impressive fragment of his speech in the letters of Coot Hoomie. Kiddle wrote a letter to Sinnett, in which he quite rightly pointed out this suspicious similarity of the texts. It smelled fried, and Blavatsky was forced to make excuses. She suggested that Kut Humi (one of the wise and immortal mahatmas) caught on the "astral radio" part of Kiddle's speech, and then forgot about it, just as a person can sometimes unconsciously repeat other people's phrases. This excuse was so primitive and stupid that few believed it. It would be much more logical to explain the "similarity" of the texts by the fact that Koot Hoomi dictated these "divine truths" to a spiritualist from America, but for some reason chose not to show himself.

The next major scandal involved another book by Sinnett (Esoteric Buddhism, 1883). She was opposed by the head of the London lodge, Anna Kingsford, who argued that Sinnett perverted the essence of Buddhism and became obsessed with its external manifestations - psychic phenomena and miracles, as well as the manifestations of spirits. Thus, Kingsford believed that Sinnett takes symbols and images for reality, confuses form and content. And besides, the author presents Buddhism as a sensual religion in all senses, while it is generally known that Buddhism, on the contrary, focuses its attention on rejection, on the elimination of the sensory plan in human life, since feelings give rise to illusions and suffering. To resolve the conflict between Sinnett and Kingsford, Blavatsky and Olcott arrived in London in the spring of 1884.

However, when she met Anna Kingsford at a meeting of the society, Blavatsky made a scandal, for she instinctively felt a rival in Anna. Both ladies were not shy in expressions, but Mrs. Kingsford was in a more intelligent mood and was content to found her own Hermetic Lodge on April 9, 1884, and soon her own Hermetic Society. The program of the Hermetic Society was very similar to the program of the Theosophical Society with the only significant exception - Anna removed from the program all references to the mysterious Indian teachers.

It is difficult to say whether Blavatsky performed any magical rituals on her rival, but Anna Kingsford died the following year. Before her death, she said that she had a dream in which she allegedly reconciled with Madame Blavatsky in a Buddhist paradise. Madame Blavatsky was still smoking her cigarettes, and Anna was accompanied by Hermes, who served her as a kind of guardian angel.

The inscription on the gate in the city of Fatehpur Sikri, which translates as "Issa says - the world is like a bridge", 1596
The inscription on the gate in the city of Fatehpur Sikri, which translates as "Issa says - the world is like a bridge", 1596

The inscription on the gate in the city of Fatehpur Sikri, which translates as "Issa says - the world is like a bridge", 1596

While Blavatsky and Olcott were in Europe, a scandal erupted at the Indian headquarters of the Theosophical Society in Adyar, a quiet suburb of Madras, centered around Emma Cutting, who assisted Blavatsky in 1872 in her attempts to open a spiritual center in Cairo. Later, Emma married the Frenchman Alexis Coulomb and, together with her husband, tried unsuccessfully to get into the hotel business. In 1879, fate again pitted Emma and Helena, and this time Blavatsky helped her friend - she took her to the residence as a housekeeper, and her husband - as an auxiliary worker. In addition, Emma provided Elena with invaluable assistance in staging complex miracles.

According to the official version of Theosophists, during Madame Blavatsky's absence from Adyar, her housekeeper tried to extract money from a wealthy neophyte, Prince Ranjitsinji. Perhaps the housekeeper considered herself entitled to receive some "bonuses" on the grounds that she was helping Blavatsky and covering up for her falsifications. But since relations between Blavatsky's closest aides who remained in India were very tense, someone from the "retinue" reported the housekeeper's misconduct, and Elena threatened Emma with punishment in a letter. However, another option is also possible: one of the constantly quarreling companions slandered Emma Coulomb.

The housekeeper began to blackmail the members of the Board of Governors of the Theosophical Society who remained in Adyar by the fact that she had letters from Blavatsky, which directly indicate that Helen deliberately staged occult phenomena, and Emma had to continue to mystify the public in the absence of Blavatsky. Emma showed the doll with which Madame Blavatsky staged the apparitions of the Mahatmas. Then the housekeeper showed a hole in the ceiling through which the "mentally transmitted" letters of the mahatmas entered the room. In addition, she said that in the wall between the Theosophical sanctuary and Blavatsky's bedroom there is a wardrobe that opened in both directions, which served Elena Petrovna for performing complex tricks, for example, the trick of growing together in the cupboard of a shattered saucer (Emma herself replaced the fragments). The Kulombs demanded money for their silence. Council members burned the ill-fated closet that evening, but their faith in the miracles caused by the EPB was undermined.

Meanwhile, Blavatsky's correspondence with the Mahatmas intensified. Perhaps this was a special move in order to try to convince the public and the members of society themselves of the authenticity of the letters of the mahatmas - after all, they continued to appear after the revelations. In the summer of 1884 the Coulombs were forced to leave Adyar with nothing.

Blavatsky's sister, writer V. P. Zhelikhovskaya, comments on these events as follows: “On the initiative of the Scottish Jesuit Patterson (he himself, judging by the reports on this case, which was repeatedly in print, did not hide that“for Christian purposes”he bribed the servants of H. P. Blavatsky“to deliver the necessary information to him ") a whole conspiracy was played out there. The former housekeeper of Blavatsky, who was bribed by him, and her husband, her carpenter, who were entrusted with the things in Adyar and some amendments in her rooms - the people whom she literally saved from starvation - made such a gimmick of forged letters and carpentry structures, supposedly intended for future deceptions that they served to the eternal slander of her ill-wishers against her. No matter how many later its supporters publish denials, no matter how decisively and clearly they prove the falsity and absurdity of these accusations,all the dishonesty of the actions of the London Society for Psychical Research, which published its accusatory "report" based on the testimony of only one person, who did not even allow to compare the handwriting of the fabricated letters with the genuine handwriting of Elena Petrovna, nothing helped to remove the shameful accusation from her."

In 1885, Blavatsky's health deteriorated and she left India. EPB lived for a while in Germany, then Belgium, and eventually moved to London. At the end of her life, Blavatsky published the multivolume Secret Doctrine, which she said was a commentary on the sacred text of Dzyan. This cryptic text has not yet been found. Blavatsky herself allegedly saw him in an underground Indian monastery. It was the Secret Doctrine that became Blavatsky's most controversial work. The reason for this was the concept of races set out in it, which, according to some researchers, formed the basis of the ariosophy of Guido von List and Lanz von Liebenfels. These Germanic occultists of the early 20th century, in turn, influenced the formation of the ideology of the Third Reich. However, as controversial as the figure of Blavatsky is, it should be noted thatthat in this case, even the accusers themselves do not deny significant differences between her theosophical concept and Hitler's nationalist ideas. In particular, Blavatsky did not identify the Aryan race with the Germanic peoples. In addition, she has never advocated the use of force.

In fact, we can say with confidence that Blavatsky borrowed the doctrine of races from the Greek philosophers, who divided the mythical past of their civilization into "ages": gold, silver, bronze and iron.

According to Blavatsky, different races of people have lived on Earth for many millions of years. There are five such races in Madame Helena's concept. The last, fifth race (the Aryans), in her opinion, is capable of realizing true "humanity" in its material embodiment. Elena Petrovna prudently placed the preceding races on the sunken continents in case someone asked her where the proof of their existence was. Thus, her arguments can neither be confirmed nor refuted, she can only be trusted. The former races are as follows: the astral race, which arose on the invisible and sacred Earth; the Hyperboreans who lived on the disappeared polar continent; the Lemurians, who lived on the continent in the Indian Ocean, and the Atlanteans.

It was Madame Blavatsky who was the first to introduce the image of the legendary Shambhala into literary and philosophical circulation. According to one of the versions, when the Lemurians were mired in evil and vice, their priests, who remained highly spiritual, went to a country called Shambhala. True, the location of Shambhala near Blavatsky often changes. So, sometimes she says that Shambhala is in the Gobi Desert, but earlier the desert was an island covered with a tropical forest. According to another version, Shambhala is in Tibet. According to the third, Shambhala was lost on the same Lemuria, island or continent in the Indian Ocean, from where the representatives of the Lemurian race came out. Most often, however, Blavatsky calls the Indian foothills of the Himalayas the place where Shambhala can be found.

From the book: “History of Humanity. Facts. Discoveries. People"
