Rebellious Consumer. In The Grip Of Illusion. Part 3 - Alternative View

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Rebellious Consumer. In The Grip Of Illusion. Part 3 - Alternative View
Rebellious Consumer. In The Grip Of Illusion. Part 3 - Alternative View

Video: Rebellious Consumer. In The Grip Of Illusion. Part 3 - Alternative View

Video: Rebellious Consumer. In The Grip Of Illusion. Part 3 - Alternative View
Video: World Of Illusion beta Ost 4-2 2024, September

In the previous parts ("Economics and Psychology. Part 1" and "The Working Class and the Culture of a Consumer Society. Part 2"), we talked about the prerequisites for the formation of a special character of modern protest, as well as the difference between the modern consumer and the proletarian of the early 20th century. Now let's see what ideas are prevalent in the minds of the rebellious consumer and where this “protest” leads.

According to Marx's theory, the basis (productive forces and production relations) is primary in society, the superstructure (culture) is secondary in relation to it. Class interest is higher than the difference in cultural content. A striking feature that catches the eye in modern protest is its countercultural nature. Modern protest is almost entirely based not on class solidarity, but on unification according to the idealistic principle of belonging to countercultural groups (subcultures). This division of the population is very convenient from the point of view of targeted management and exactly corresponds to the ancient Roman principle of "divide and rule". For thousands of years, the dominant classes have been practicing methods of managing the population using the cultural (ideological) level. The most famous example of such a control is religion. Religious people are much more obedient and controlled, as they are guided not by reason, but by faith. However, with the advent of the consumer society, traditional religion gave way to other irrational beliefs of people that spread among people as an information infection. In the youth environment, counterculture has almost completely replaced Marxism as the basis of radical political thought. This has misled a huge number of people, and the political consequences of such a substitution cannot be estimated. In the youth environment, counterculture has almost completely replaced Marxism as the basis of radical political thought. This has misled a huge number of people, and the political consequences of such a substitution cannot be estimated. In the youth environment, counterculture has almost completely replaced Marxism as the basis of radical political thought. This has misled a huge number of people, and the political consequences of such a substitution cannot be estimated.

Let's look at the most common countercultural concepts in the protest movement and where they lead.

1) Fighting the System

Probably the most common counterculture stamp, gleaned from the theorists of the Frankfurt School. He says that the system, that is, society and culture, achieve order and organization exclusively by oppressing the individual, depriving him of the pleasure of life. A person is limited by any rules. Then liberation lies in the revival of the ability for spontaneous pleasure - through unrestrained entertainment and the removal of any inhibitions. Moreover, the struggle is being waged not against class exploitation, but against society and culture in general. Counterculturers seriously believe that the simple fact that a person is having fun and having fun is a real subversive action. Hedonism began to be seen as something revolutionary. Needless to say, such actions cannot undermine any "System"since the consumer society is built precisely on the principle of satisfying needs. People affected by such a brain slug cannot be persuaded to take risks in the name of social justice, because such a struggle is unlikely to lead to pleasure. Practically all countercultural movements are based on this stamp, and the result in the form of a drain on the left protest movement is evident. The counterculturalist instead of the revolutionary simply becomes a social parasite, in principle incapable of self-organization. At the same time, a real revolution is precisely based on the self-organization of the masses. Practically all countercultural movements are based on this stamp, and the result in the form of a drain on the left protest movement is evident. The counterculturalist instead of the revolutionary simply becomes a social parasite, in principle incapable of self-organization. At the same time, a real revolution is precisely based on the self-organization of the masses. Practically all countercultural movements are based on this stamp, and the result in the form of a drain on the left protest movement is evident. The counterculturalist instead of the revolutionary simply becomes a social parasite, in principle incapable of self-organization. At the same time, a real revolution is precisely based on the self-organization of the masses.

2) The illusory nature of the world

One of the main philosophical concepts that postmodern philosophers have developed and introduced into the counterculture is the idea of the illusory nature of the world. It is obvious that such views directly contradict the materialism on which the communists relied. The world in this case is viewed as an illusion, society as a performance. At the same time, objective reality is denied as being imposed by the "System" for the purpose of oppression. Liberation in this case consists of awakening and awareness. Of course, in this case, class protest is as meaningless as any other action. The result will be the same as with the replacement of the government in the Matrix - essentially nothing will change. Therefore, instead of an interest in social justice, a person begins to be interested only in a narcissistic concern for personal spiritual growth and well-being. That,what is now called "self-development". Very often, such views can be found among hippies and in fashionable pseudo-Buddhist movements, the main message of which ultimately boils down to the fact that it is necessary to achieve enlightenment, and there is absolutely nothing to do in this world. It is also not uncommon for people affected by such a brain slug to use psychedelics that "expand consciousness." For example, in the 1960s, hippies really believed that the widespread use of marijuana and LSD would solve all the problems of society: it could influence geopolitics, end the war, eradicate poverty and create a society of "peace, love and understanding." The result is understandable - such a protester simply goes into the world of illusions, considering them "real reality" and does not conduct any social struggle, considering it useless or even being in drug addiction. Very often, such views can be found among hippies and in fashionable pseudo-Buddhist movements, the main message of which ultimately boils down to the fact that it is necessary to achieve enlightenment, and there is absolutely nothing to do in this world. It is also not uncommon for people affected by such a brain slug to use psychedelics that "expand consciousness." For example, in the 1960s, hippies really believed that the widespread use of marijuana and LSD would solve all the problems of society: it could influence geopolitics, end the war, eradicate poverty and create a society of "peace, love and understanding." The result is understandable - such a protester simply goes into the world of illusions, considering them "real reality" and does not conduct any social struggle, considering it useless or even being in drug addiction. Very often, such views can be found among hippies and in fashionable pseudo-Buddhist movements, the main message of which ultimately boils down to the fact that it is necessary to achieve enlightenment, and there is absolutely nothing to do in this world. It is also not uncommon for people affected by such a brain slug to use psychedelics that "expand consciousness." For example, in the 1960s, hippies really believed that the widespread use of marijuana and LSD would solve all the problems of society: it could influence geopolitics, end the war, eradicate poverty and create a society of "peace, love and understanding." The result is understandable - such a protester simply goes into the world of illusions, considering them "real reality" and does not conduct any social struggle, considering it useless or even being in drug addiction.the main message of which ultimately boils down to the fact that it is necessary to achieve enlightenment, and there is absolutely nothing to do in this world. It is also not uncommon for people affected by such a brain slug to use psychedelics that "expand consciousness." For example, in the 1960s, hippies really believed that the widespread use of marijuana and LSD would solve all the problems of society: it could influence geopolitics, end the war, eradicate poverty and create a society of "peace, love and understanding." The result is clear - such a protester simply goes into the world of illusions, considering them "real reality" and does not conduct any social struggle, considering it useless or even being in drug addiction.the main message of which ultimately boils down to the fact that you need to achieve enlightenment, and there is absolutely nothing to do in this world. It is also not uncommon for people affected by such a brain slug to use psychedelics that "expand consciousness." For example, in the 1960s, hippies really believed that the widespread use of marijuana and LSD would solve all the problems of society: it could influence geopolitics, end the war, eradicate poverty and create a society of "peace, love and understanding." The result is clear - such a protester simply goes into the world of illusions, considering them "real reality" and does not conduct any social struggle, considering it useless or even being in drug addiction."Expanding consciousness". For example, in the 1960s, hippies really believed that the widespread use of marijuana and LSD would solve all the problems of society: it could influence geopolitics, end the war, eradicate poverty and create a society of "peace, love and understanding." The result is clear - such a protester simply goes into the world of illusions, considering them "real reality" and does not conduct any social struggle, considering it useless or even being in drug addiction."Expanding consciousness". For example, in the 1960s, hippies really believed that the widespread use of marijuana and LSD would solve all the problems of society: it could influence geopolitics, end the war, eradicate poverty and create a society of "peace, love and understanding." The result is understandable - such a protester simply goes into the world of illusions, considering them "real reality" and does not conduct any social struggle, considering it useless or even being in drug addiction.considering it useless or even being in drug addiction.considering it useless or even being in drug addiction.

3) Oppressed minorities

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To replace Marx's concept of an oppressed class of the proletariat, the Frankfurt School developed the theory of oppressed minorities. In their opinion, representatives of oppressed groups are suppressed solely because of their belonging to these groups. For example: women, blacks, crazy and homosexuals. Thus, there was a substitution of concepts - the concept of class struggle disappeared, being replaced by the concept of "oppression of minorities" through some form of psychological domination. According to this concept, injustice has psychological, not social, roots. Therefore, it is necessary not to change certain institutions, but to transform the consciousness of the oppressed and oppressors with the help of psychological practices. It should be notedthat often it has the character of promoting pathology among young people - some mental and sexual disorders have become fashionable. The leftist movement is heavily affected by such ideas, while completely ignoring the class composition of these minorities. Of course, such a protest does not lead to anything, turning into completely comical and inadequate actions.

4) Cultural protest

Contrary to Marx's assertion that the basis is primary and the superstructure is secondary, counterculturalists have their own opinion on this matter. They believe with precision, but on the contrary: that it is culture that controls the political and economic machine. Therefore, instead of changing the government and socio-economic relations, it is necessary first of all to change the culture. And this should be done with the help of "cultural sabotage", actions that should violate social cultural norms. Any such action is considered to be politically radical and has important political consequences, even if it has nothing to do with politics. Of course, such actions essentially do not change anything. But on the other hand, playing in a rock band, creating works of avant-garde art, taking drugs, having a lot of random sex are much more interesting activities,how to organize real political and trade union work. The key is to convince yourself that all this entertainment is more subversive than traditional left-wing politics, as it attacks the source of oppression and injustice on a "deeper" level. Except as a pleasant self-deception, it can in no way be called.

5) Not like everyone else

An interesting feature of many modern protesters is their fundamental misunderstanding of the social order, because of which they become quite harmoniously coexisting with the modern consumer society. More often than not, they do not want to simply “work for their uncle,” but still they cannot deny themselves the pleasure of consuming fashion products. Therefore, most often they gravitate towards the "free" professions. This is the usual petty bourgeois approach, which ends up with very strange results. Often it turns out a social parasite, which, due to narcissism, however, wants to feel exclusive. Therefore, he consumes not ordinary serial goods, but only those that create the image of a rebel, "not like everyone else." It can be an exclusive creative style of clothing, “eco-friendly” products, handicrafts, etc. Furthermore,such consumption is often competitive, increasing the “consumer race” between people. That is, in fact, such a protest acts entirely in the interests of the class of the petty bourgeoisie, focused precisely on such a small-scale nature of production. Of course, such behavior does not pose any threat to the consumer society, being acceptable and safe for it.

Protest in modern society, based on postmodern concepts and consumers with a psyche distorted by society, is practically doomed to failure. Many different "protest movements" are, in fact, just another postmodern construct, which has a beautiful shell, but behind which there is nothing. And the peculiarities of consumer psychology make it problematic for people to organize themselves, to unite them with a common goal. This problem can only be solved together, for a start, by seriously studying the existing theoretical legacy of Marxism, modern psychological and conceptual research, as well as understanding the current situation.