Giants - This Is Not A Fairy Tale, Not A Fake Or Fiction. Sensational Video From Steve Quayle! - Alternative View

Giants - This Is Not A Fairy Tale, Not A Fake Or Fiction. Sensational Video From Steve Quayle! - Alternative View
Giants - This Is Not A Fairy Tale, Not A Fake Or Fiction. Sensational Video From Steve Quayle! - Alternative View

Video: Giants - This Is Not A Fairy Tale, Not A Fake Or Fiction. Sensational Video From Steve Quayle! - Alternative View

Video: Giants - This Is Not A Fairy Tale, Not A Fake Or Fiction. Sensational Video From Steve Quayle! - Alternative View
Video: Steve Quayle Tim Alberino: The Holocaust of Giants 2024, September

Today there are probably no people in the world who have not heard anything about the giants who lived on Earth. Myths and fairy tales speak about them, ancient texts mention them, sometimes the public even sees some artifacts that have escaped the watchful eye of the special services.


There is a global conspiracy around the theme of ancient giant people, part of which is, in particular, an abundance of supposedly "photographs" of huge skeletons, made in a graphic editor:


Naturally, after getting acquainted with such images, 99% of people will conclude that giants are complete nonsense and fiction. Nevertheless, there are several stubborn enthusiasts of this topic in the world who, despite the ridicule of the "academicians" and the audience listening to them, persistently do their job.

One such person is Steve Quayle, who has been searching for giant-related artifacts for decades. This is a very important point to make it clear that Steve is not a semi-literate Harlem YouTuber who has mastered Photoshop a little and decided to make some money on it. Steve is a serious adult uncle who does not deal with cheap forgeries.

On July 10, 2018, Steve finally posted his new, long-promised video, which does not require translation and comments. Just turn it on and watch - the truth is there:

Steve's find is really amazing, because the legends about the giants are known, there is even a simple and logical theory that explains why people were different before.

Promotional video:

Everyone has obviously heard about bonsai - the technology for creating dwarf trees:


There are many techniques for growing dwarf plants, and some are even kept secret, but the general principle is to place a tree sprout in a vacuum flask, where a low atmospheric pressure is maintained. This leads to dwarf growth.

As a result, if the pressure is large, then all living things will also be large at this pressure, which is confirmed by experiments on small animals and various plants. Therefore, if we assume that once upon a time the atmospheric pressure on the planet was greater than it is now, then everything that grew on it was also huge.

This insane, at first glance, theory is supported by facts. In amber, that is, in the petrified resin of ancient trees, there are many air bubbles, the pressure in which is exactly the same as when the stone was formed. The pressure in the amber bubbles is always about 8 atmospheres. So it is not at all surprising that when the trees were large, reaching a height of kilometers, giants roamed the Earth.