The Legend Of The Crystal Skull - Alternative View

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The Legend Of The Crystal Skull - Alternative View
The Legend Of The Crystal Skull - Alternative View

Video: The Legend Of The Crystal Skull - Alternative View

Video: The Legend Of The Crystal Skull - Alternative View

The Atlantean civilization possessed knowledge not only of a technological nature. There is reason to believe that occult practice and communication with the other world have become widespread. Indian legends say that crystal skulls are gifts from the gods. Who were these gods and is there a commonality between the gods from the Book of Enoch?

The technological perfection of the crystal skull, which is completely obvious to everyone, haunts many researchers, raising the following question: what it was intended for. Undoubtedly, it is very easy to answer using the standard methods of official science: this is an ordinary, albeit perfect work of art. But this is an obvious reluctance to face the truth. Fear of admitting to oneself that there are questions beyond our understanding. Using the impotence of modern science to explain this phenomenon, esotericists got down to business. They generously endowed the crystal skull with all kinds of supernatural powers: telekinesis, color change, the spread of an unusual aroma. However, it should be said that such properties are very difficult to prove due to the fact thatthat they can manifest themselves only in a certain situation (by no means always fitting into any pattern). So far, the presence of all these magical properties has not found universal recognition.

Given our ignorance of what we are dealing with, the most logical is to turn to ancient legends. For example, there is a legend about the crystal skull, which tells about the ancient rituals associated with crystal skulls. According to legend, there were thirteen such skulls. Thirteen clergymen were supposed to simultaneously peer into "their" skull. According to legend, in this way, the ancient priests were able to see any secrets: what happens in other places, past and future events, up to the end of the world. Legend also claims that initiates could see in the turtles even the day of the return of the gods …

To better understand the meaning of this legend, it is worth turning to the apocryphal Book of Enoch, which speaks of the angels who fell from Heaven. According to this legend, they brought people who lived before the Flood, previously inaccessible knowledge, some of which was extremely harmful to people (in particular, occult knowledge). These fallen angels could be perceived by people of antiquity as gods (given their truly supernatural abilities). The knowledge gained led to the widespread dissemination of occult practice and communication with the other world. The result of this, perhaps, was the development by people of ancient civilizations (such as the legendary lost Atlantis and Lemuria) of currently incomprehensible technologies, implemented, in particular, in the construction of pyramids, megalithic complexes, giant stone mirrors of Tibet, etc. In the legends of the Indians it is said that the crystal skulls were given to them by the gods. Wasn't Enoch talking about the very gods? If you look at the legend of the crystal skull in the light of these legends, then a lot becomes clear. In this case, the skulls played a very important role in mystical rituals.

Mystery of Atlantis

In any case, a number of researchers are inclined to believe that the crystal skulls found were actually made in Atlantis and only miraculously survived the catastrophe. The mystery of Atlantis and the subsequent death of the entire antediluvian world was not accidental: numerous legends of different peoples speak of the immersion of mankind in extreme evil, the basis of which, apparently, was precisely occultism. In confirmation of this idea, one can cite the words of Mitchell-Hedges himself. In the book "Danger is my friend" (1954), he, in particular, wrote that the skull is more than 3600 years old and: “As legend has it, it was used by the Mayan High Priest during esoteric rites. They say that when he wished death for someone, looking at the skull, the person would soon inevitably die."

The legend of thirteen crystal turtles prompted researchers to search for them around the world. It turned out that the skulls are much larger and a significant part of them are rough copies of the originals (with traces of abrasives, not comparable in quality of processing). Thus, the mystery of the crystal skull has not been solved today, and, perhaps, it would be better for humanity if it had never been solved …

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