Sheldon's List Riddle: Searching For Aliens Is Life-threatening - Alternative View

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Sheldon's List Riddle: Searching For Aliens Is Life-threatening - Alternative View
Sheldon's List Riddle: Searching For Aliens Is Life-threatening - Alternative View

Video: Sheldon's List Riddle: Searching For Aliens Is Life-threatening - Alternative View

Video: Sheldon's List Riddle: Searching For Aliens Is Life-threatening - Alternative View
Video: LIFE BEYOND II: The Museum of Alien Life (4K) 2024, June

Earlier we published an article about the mysterious premature deaths of Russian researchers involved in the UFO phenomenon (unidentified flying objects).

But this problem concerns not only Russia. In the West, flying saucers are even more likely to die under strange circumstances. The death toll of Western ufologists under strange circumstances is called the Sheldon's List.


Sydney Sheldon is an American with Odessa roots, who got into the Guinness Book of Records as the most "translated" writer in the world.

While working in the late 80s on the novel "The End of the World" about the invasion of aliens, Sidney, who himself served in the Second World War in aviation, talked a lot with American astronauts, combat pilots, and scientists. Everyone was trying to find out if there really was a UFO or not? Even two former US presidents were asked about aliens. They answered in the negative.

But a meticulous bestselling author has discovered an eerie thing: In a short period of six years, twenty-three English scientists working on projects similar to Star Wars have died under mysterious circumstances. All of them have worked on various aspects of electronic weapons, being involved in the study of UFOs.

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Coincidences? Sheldon asked. "Or is there a conspiracy between the governments of the countries of the world to hide the truth about the aliens from the public, so as not to cause panic?"

He found out: at that time, the US National Security Agency kept secret more than a hundred documents related to UFOs, the CIA - about fifty and six - from the CIA director.

You can brush it off, they say, Sheldon is a famous conspiracy theorist. But others also wrote about the tragic fate of a number of American and Brazilian ufologists in the second half of the 20th century. For example, astronomer Timothy Goode, a US government consultant, author of the book "Top Secret: The World UFO Mystery."

For example, the head of the Institute of Physics of the Earth's Atmosphere, Professor James Edward MacDonald, who studied the "plates", suddenly shot himself while walking. Although there were no reasons for suicide. Astronomer Morris Jessup, who was looking for intelligent life outside the Earth, was poisoned by exhaust gases, locked in his own car….

The series of mysterious deaths continued into the 21st century. In November 2001, the police shot and killed William Cooper in his own home, who accused the US government of hiding the truth about UFOs … The list goes on. But I won't bore readers. I will only mention the last high-profile story.

39-year-old Englishman Max Spiers arrived in Poland in the fall of 2016 to speak at a symposium with a report on his own UFO research.

The mother received the message: “I am in trouble. If the unexpected happens, you have to investigate it. The next day, his body was found on the couch at the hotel.


“Unfortunately, there are also similar victims among our ufologists,” says Alexander Semyonov, president of the Ecology of the Unknown Association, a professor at the Academy of Geopolitical Problems. - Here is Alexey Vasilievich Zolotov. He was the first (!) To defend his Ph. D. thesis on the Tunguska meteorite. He believed it was an alien spaceship. He devoted many years to further study of the Tunguska phenomenon and the promotion of knowledge about it. In 1995, Zolotov was stabbed to death on the threshold of his own apartment in Tver.

Alexander Semyonov
Alexander Semyonov

Alexander Semyonov

Albert Iosefovich Veinik, legendary scientist. Famous Soviet thermal physicist, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Author of 55 inventions. His monographs were published in England, Israel, China, USA, Japan …

Veinik became interested in poltergeist, UFO and other so-called. abnormal phenomena. I tried to explain them in terms of science. He developed the theory of chronons - particles of time, to substantiate it, conducted a number of original experiments.

He began to declare that the speed of light is not limiting. For which he was ostracized by fellow scientists. His books were burned in the courtyard of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences. Even close people turned away from him. In November 1996, he died in Minsk under mysterious circumstances that have not yet been disclosed. Either killed, or a car hit …

This list includes my friend Oleg Yuryevich Vakulovsky, a well-known journalist.

I remember. One of the creators of the most popular television program "Vzglyad" in the restructuring, conducted the first issues with Listiev and Lyubimov

- Then Oleg went his own way, hosted radio and television programs, in which there were plots of various "abnormal" phenomena - "Section X", "On the other side", etc. He wrote the novel "The Third Prophecy" together with Elena Hang. He shot several episodes of the very interesting, pioneering at that time film “UFO. Russian version".

We worked with him for 10 years. Oleg drew attention to what it cost him creatively, as a scriptwriter and director, to seriously engage in "plates", to work with me, problems immediately began. Either a divorce, or conflicts at work … Or bought a new jeep and immediately got into a terrible accident: a soft-boiled car, flew out through the windshield and … not a single scratch. A strong man in the prime of life, and died at 48. A blood clot clogged an artery.

I also had other strange losses of friends, colleagues, partners. Komsomolskaya Pravda recently wrote in detail about the untimely departure of the iconic figures of Russian ufology Yuri Smirnov, Andrey Sklyarov, Vadim Chernobrov and the death of the respected UFO study enthusiast, pilot-cosmonaut Georgy Mikhailovich Grechko, which almost coincided with him.

I want to say especially about the departure of Vadim Alexandrovich and bow to his blessed memory. Vadim accomplished a feat! Knowing about his illness, he stubbornly, with great restraint, continued the work of the Cosmopoisk Association. For many years of persistent organizational, scientific, expeditionary, propaganda work, he created a well-coordinated system for collecting information and conducting various studies not only in the country, but also in the near and far abroad. System! This is the first thing.

And secondly, he introduced hundreds, perhaps thousands of young people to the natural science search for new knowledge, to a wonderful sense of curiosity, interest in the secrets of the structure of our world. He tore them away, perhaps, from computer, drug and other self-contained, hopeless addiction. With the enormous scientific research heritage of Chernobrov, I think, specialists will be able and will work for a very long time.

And there were mysterious suicides in your circles, like in the Sheldon's List?

- Almost not. A Russian person in a hopeless situation has something other than a noose, a "saving" means.


- Exactly. He killed many. For ethical reasons, I will not name names.

Alexander Evgenievich, you have been "in the subject" for more than forty years. Who will eliminate your colleagues on the planet? Maybe Sydney Sheldon was really right in hinting at a conspiracy of governments?

- I beg you¸ what conspiracy? Yes, when, for example, Iranian physicists engaged in a nuclear program die mysteriously, one can suspect the special services of Israel, the United States, which do not want Iran to possess atomic weapons. But the harmless seekers of "flying saucers", believe me, do not possess the secrets of state importance, for the sake of which they must be killed.

What do you think of the version of "humanoid killers"?

- There is one. Associated with the MeninBlack phenomenon.

Are you talking about Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones from the Hollywood fantasy saga about aliens on Earth?

- The first film "Men in Black" appeared in 1997. And the MeninBlack phenomenon appeared in the early 60s. The US government then instructed astrophysicist Joseph Allen Hynek to organize a government-controlled civilian system for collecting UFO observation data.

He got down to business seriously. He set up groups of experts across the country carrying a document similar to the FBI ID. And when the rumor spread: "something flew somewhere, landed," and so on, Heinek's agents immediately appeared and questioned witnesses. This is how a vast bank of US civilian data was created.

At the same time, they say, a strange trinity in black suits or dark uniforms began to appear to eyewitnesses of the "plates". They look like highlanders, swarthy, with aquiline noses, thick eyebrows growing together on the bridge of the nose, and mechanical voices. Sometimes they moved like biorobots. The trio warned witnesses to keep their mouths shut.

And many were indeed silent when interrogated by Heinek's agents. But the strange "men in black" did not seem to do any atrocities, except that they frightened. And then they disappeared altogether. And they surfaced only in Hollywood at the end of the twentieth century already in the form of a couple of secret government agents. And were they even there?

Men in black caught on video
Men in black caught on video

Men in black caught on video


But someone is pushing serious ufologists into a noose ?! There are real people on Sheldon's List

- The story of people who "jumped off the topic" can bring the answer closer.

Very interesting…

- I will name Sergei Georgievich Azadov. A wonderful person, a leading Central Asian ufologist! He lived in Tashkent and was personally acquainted with President Karimov on the topic of UFOs. He was engaged in serious research. He organized an expedition to the Zarafshan semi-desert with the support of the government and found there interesting ancient rock paintings unknown to science. Once a film crew from Moscow flew to him.

He took them to the site of the so-called UFO landing - a mysterious spot on the ground in the Zarafshan region. While it was being filmed, I spent 20 minutes in the center of this spot. Returning to Tashkent, I began to hear my own voice like a bird's scream. I lost 15 kg dramatically and looked like an old man. I was about to die.

This went on for three years, then it seemed to let go. But after that Sergey finished his research of the unknown and went to Germany to live with his daughter. Alive and healthy, leads the measured lifestyle of a "burgher". No more flying saucers.

The second case is even more incredible. A woman who had previously worked for the journal Science and Life came to our Association "Ecology of the Unknown".

Serious edition. It was headed for decades by the father of my colleague in Komsomolskaya Pravda Volodya Lagovsky, a legendary man

- And the woman is completely adequate, scientifically educated. Let's call her Nina Stepanovna. When she seriously plunged into UFO issues, began to meet with ufologists, she had … FIVE inner voices. The first one advised household items such as put on slippers in the morning, put the kettle on, cross the road to a green traffic light. The latter spoke about the secrets of the universe, how the Universe arose, but the middle voice of Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev inclined him to cohabitation.

Ha ha ha !!! Are you seriously?

- You, Evgeny, find it funny, but for Nina Stepanovna it was a tragedy. She had to leave our Association.

A similar story is with Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Rem Gennadievich Varlamov, the luminary of ufology from the cohort of astronomer Felix Siegel. In parallel to his main work, back in 1974 he was actively engaged in the study of the UFO problem.

Although the topic was semi-forbidden in the USSR at that time, he took part in very serious work. He studied the sites of UFO landings in the Moscow region, invented a series of instruments for examining these zones. He died in 2001 at the age of 77. But at the end of his life he burned all his archives, feeling something inhuman in the UFO phenomenon. It is difficult to formulate this concept.

Let's put it bluntly, Alexander Evgenievich - the devil! No wonder the clergy call your humanoids demons, evil spirits

- You can't be so straightforward. Let me explain on a case from my personal practice. We arrived in Novosibirsk in winter to visit Vlail Petrovich Kaznacheev, the ideological inspirer of the creation of "Ecology of the Unknown." Legendary, outstanding personality! Academician of the Big and Medical Academies of the USSR and the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, biophysicist, ecologist, founder of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Medical Sciences.

World famous scientist. He also studied the Unknown, conducted amazing experiments. Unfortunately, he died two years ago, at 90. In his Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Vlail Petrovich gladly showed us Kozyrev's mirrors, laser “tents”, and other bins of natural science.

I see an aquarium with an Amur snake in the basement. It turns out that he served as a living detector, crawling along the magnetic field lines in a hypomagnetic chamber. The room is cold, the runner is motionless, like a branch of a tree. With the permission of the institute staff I took him in my arms, but in my childhood I dreamed of becoming a snake catcher.

Feeling the warmth of my body, the snake moved, then began to wrap its tail around me. I was not afraid in the least, he is not poisonous. And suddenly I felt a strange energy coming more and more from this large snake. I cannot describe it, I cannot say whether it is bad or good. But since then I have understood what non-human energy is.

Something similar, similar, comes from UFOs and negatively affects the psyche and health, primarily of emotionally excitable, enthusiastic, creative people, for example, such as Oleg Vakulovsky, Nina Stepanovna. And also, possibly, on the people in contact with them … Probably, this also applied to the heroes of "Sheldon's List". Hence - troubles, suicides, mysterious deaths.

I have known you for a long time, Alexander Evgenievich. Unlike other fans of ufology, you are always calm, reasonable, do not light up in conversations about the Unknown. Self-defense method?

- I have become so based on my own, far from cloudless, many years of experience. Moreover, mainly public and media … For researchers less experienced in this complex issue or simply interested, there seems to be the only way to reduce the negative impact of this inhuman energy, to neutralize it - appeal to God, to the Higher Reason, prayer. Whatever faith a person belongs to.

I'm not kidding. No wonder Albert Veinik was baptized at the end of his life, took the Orthodox name Victor. Rem Varlamov, who was frightened by the inhuman energy of UFOs, and Nina Stepanovna also went into religion. By the way, she felt better after that. In any case, the voice of Mikhail Sergeevich no longer inclines to cohabitation.

And what kind of energy do the "flying saucers" have? Do you have any considerations?

- Outstanding, in my opinion, American specialist in atmospheric physics James McCampbell, making only one assumption that all UFO witnesses are telling the truth, strictly scientifically substantiated in detail the electromagnetic nature of all manifestations of "flying saucers" - color, light, speed and etc.

He also explained the types of UFO effects on technology, people, natural objects, etc. He even indicated the emission spectra, frequencies … His monograph "A New Look at the UFO Phenomenon from the Point of Science and Common Sense" was published in the 70s and became a desktop a book by serious ufologists. At 43, he made a good scientific career, was successful and healthy. Found dead in his home. Either killed, or committed suicide …

Have you met "plates" yourself in forty years?

- Just once. Ten years ago. Absolutely unimpressive "light", slowly flew along a sinusoid without any sounds or effects. Absolutely not a plane, a balloon, etc. It was clearly seen by others. Lucky. This was the first type of observation - the most distant. Close encounters with UFOs are not safe for health …

Why are you doing them then?

- In "Ecology of the Unknown" we consider and study not only, or rather, not so much UFOs, humanoids and other yet unexplained phenomena, as extraordinary scientific and technical ideas, concepts, proposals and projects. For the sake of human knowledge and use in the interests of the entire earthly civilization.


Alexander Evgenievich Semyonov, 68 years old. Graduated from the Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman, works in the system of the military-industrial complex. Began to study ufology as a member of the Siegel-Kuzovkin research group in 1976. President of the Association "Ecology of the Unknown." Professor at the Academy of Geopolitical Problems. Organizer and presenter of about 50 international scientific and public conferences "Siegel Readings". Participant of many radio and television programs. For his personal creative contribution to the implementation of space programs and projects, he was awarded the "Korolev Sign" by the Federal Space Agency of the Russian Federation.