Was There A Nuclear War On Earth In The Past? - Alternative View

Was There A Nuclear War On Earth In The Past? - Alternative View
Was There A Nuclear War On Earth In The Past? - Alternative View

Video: Was There A Nuclear War On Earth In The Past? - Alternative View

Video: Was There A Nuclear War On Earth In The Past? - Alternative View
Video: I've studied nuclear war for 35 years -- you should be worried. | Brian Toon | TEDxMileHigh 2024, June

It seems that Darwin's theory, according to which our distant ancestors were monkeys, is losing ground. Not so long ago, the largest joint research project of NASA specialists and French scientists in the last five years was completed.

And the report prepared finally on it turned out to be full of unexpected facts indicating that 25 thousand years ago the Earth experienced a global nuclear war!

Throughout our planet, researchers have discovered more than 100 craters left by powerful explosions of incredibly distant time. The deepest of them - 120 kilometers - is in South Africa. It was from the analysis of its walls, or rather the layers of earth in them, that the date of that grand catastrophe was calculated.

Scientists also managed to determine the force of a nuclear strike: more than 500 thousand tons in TNT equivalent. For comparison: the bombing of Hiroshima was estimated at 20 thousand. Now imagine how powerful that ancient attack was if it, according to scientists, could change the rotation of the Earth around its axis! This was due to the fact that the huge masses of water from the World Ocean that covered the planet, as a result of the impact, began to move - something like a giant whirlpool turned out. Its power and "spurred" the Earth, making it spin faster.

In the last century, ancient calendars were discovered in Mayan settlements, in which a day was equal to 36 hours. Scientists believe that this was the duration of the earth's daylight hours before the nuclear war. Moreover, this information is still stored in the genetic memory of modern people. The experiments of physiologists have shown that if a person is placed in a dungeon and deprived of the opportunity to know about the current time, then his body will reorganize to such a rhythm of life, as if a day is not the usual 24, but longer - 36 hours.

Experts believe that evidence of a super-powerful nuclear catastrophe of antiquity is contained in ancient legends and epics of many peoples. If we translate the myths of the African pygmies about “a great fire that came down from the sky”, discarding metaphors, then we get a completely reliable chronicle of the explosion and its consequences - a nuclear winter.

And in the world-famous "Ma-habharata" it is described in some detail how those who survived the nuclear massacre 25 thousand years ago were saved. From the destructive flame, people went underground, tearing up the first bomb shelters in their history.

There are similar underground galleries in Altai and the Urals, the Tien Shan and the Sahara, in the Perm region and South America. The man-made origin of these catacombs becomes obvious even for non-specialists, one has only to compare them with “natural”, natural ones. The former have correct, proportional parameters, the latter are absolutely disproportionate and haphazard.

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One of the inevitable consequences of a nuclear catastrophe is the mutation of living organisms. Radioactive mutagenesis rearranges human chromosomal chains, as a result of which its appearance radically changes. But the insidiousness lies in the fact that in different people, under the influence of radiation, the chromosome rows change their usual structure and then are formed in different ways.

Our distant ancestors did not escape this fate. Soon after the global explosion, human society was a real "piggy bank of mutants". Among them, for example, were winged people and giants - their skeletons are still found during excavations, as well as dwarfs, whose direct descendants are modern pygmies in Africa and the Dopa and Hama people from Tibet. Some of these branches died out, unable to adapt to environmental conditions. Others were mercilessly exterminated by rivals looking for their territory.

Scientists believe that ancient people had a third eye - approximately at the level of the bridge of the nose, and in our time the genetic memory of this organ gives a person an incredibly sharp intuition.

But the most typical consequences of radiation exposure are cyclopism and Mongoloid, and in the end it was the cyclops and Mongoloids who became the main competitors in the struggle for survival. The Mongoloids won: surviving with two eyes was easier than with one. Until now, their race is the most widespread in the world, and the characteristic signs of the Mongoloid are regularly manifested in representatives of other modern human races. According to experts, this suggests that the mutation process, albeit extremely slowly, is still ongoing.

So, 25 thousand years ago, our planet turned into a giant Chernobyl, and we - modern people - are the descendants of mutants that appeared as a result of that catastrophe. All this follows from the American-French study, from which, however, it is not clear what the motives of that distant nuclear war were and who, in fact, became the instigator of the bombing.

Scientists casually mentioned about the powerful civilizations that existed at that time, which had technologies, the secrets of which are still unknown. But, as experts say, collecting information about them is already a new project. It will begin this coming autumn.