Voodoo In Russian - Alternative View

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Voodoo In Russian - Alternative View
Voodoo In Russian - Alternative View

Video: Voodoo In Russian - Alternative View

Video: Voodoo In Russian - Alternative View
Video: Russian Rammstein - Du Riechst So Gut 2024, June

So many magicians and healers I have not had a chance to visit. The work patterns are basically the same, nothing new. I was sure it was already impossible to surprise me with anything, but the next ad on the Internet intrigued …

For the first time in Russia

For the first time in Russia - real voodoo magic! Result on the day of conversion, the promise read. - Solving any problems."

I must say that voodoo magic is not about reading conspiracies and jumping with a tambourine. Esotericists claim that this is a certain religion that "works" only in their homeland, in Africa. According to legends, only there deities of a low order live (for sins removed from worldly affairs and exiled to the Black Continent). Moreover, the person who performs the ritual must certainly be from those places and have a dark skin color. But this is in theory. Thanks to American horror films, there is a popular belief that voodoo can work everywhere, just piercing a ritual doll with needles and whispering secret words.

An appointment with the newly-minted magician is through a website on the Internet. After sending the application, a confirmation is received by e-mail indicating where we meet - the station

"Baumanskaya" troop, center of the hall, 12:00. The telephone number for communication is not specified, the address where the session will take place is also.

"How do I recognize you?" - I am interested in a reply letter. I get the answer: “I myself recognize you. I’m a witch.” Only then did I learn that the business was to be done with a woman.

Promotional video:

Attack in Africa

At noon sharp, I, standing on the subway platform, peered into the faces of all the passers-by. The wait dragged on for about 20 minutes, and I already suspected that I had frightened off the witch with something when a woman appeared in front of me and invited me to follow her. In appearance - about 60 years old. Not tall, thin, in an old coat. Nothing betrayed in her an adherent of mysterious teachings. I wanted to ask her something, but she interrupted me, saying that all the questions are when we come to the apartment. They walked in silence.

She is one step ahead, I follow. We turned into the courtyard of the third skyscraper from the metro. Regular entrance, metal door, combination lock. We climb the stairs to the second floor.

The first impression of the apartment is that they are going to make repairs in it. Obviously, no one lives here, only sessions are taking place. No furniture - tables, chairs, wardrobes - no. There is only a clothes hanger in the hallway. The kitchen is empty. The room has a massive mattress on the floor, though covered with a bedspread. The walls are covered with old (probably since Soviet times) yellowed wallpaper. Some newspapers, rags and melted candles are scattered around the apartment. The atmosphere is eerie …

“Don't be alarmed,” the woman said. - The voodoo gods love fire, and everything can catch fire, ignite when they come, so there is nothing superfluous here. Sit on the mattress … And, yes, my name is Lyra. Under this name I was initiated into voodoo."

I could hardly imagine that African sorcerers knew the word "lyre", but I didn't show it. The woman, meanwhile, sat down to my left and put in front of her a small leather bag, from which she slowly began to extract the contents, laying out on the floor: rag figures vaguely resembling dolls, needles of different sizes, candles, several plates … At the same time, she told me about herself. As she explained: "I will tell my story so that there are no questions."

In her words, 15 years ago, she went to Africa to rest with friends. She accidentally fought off the company and ended up in a non-tourist area, where she was attacked, robbed and beaten to a pulp. The local old women took pity and called a sorcerer who healed her with the help of voodoo magic and … offered to become his student. Having learned all the secrets of magic, she returned to Moscow, where she has been successfully practicing for many years.

Suddenly Lyra finished her story and handed me a plate: "Put your donation here for the reception and let's get started - I'm ready." I put in 1000 rubles, because the amount was not specified in advance. "Enough?" - I'm interested. “I don’t know,” she replies. - The more money, the more help from the gods. We will understand by their actions whether they are satisfied with you."

Will you renew?

Lyra asked me to show her my left hand. Being sure that she wants to see the lines on her palm, I didn’t even have time to come to my senses, when with a sharp movement she pricked my finger with a needle, on which droplets of blood immediately appeared. Then she grabbed one of the dolls' rags from the floor and stained it with blood.

“A particle of your soul is already in the doll,” she said. “What is your question?

- Rival! - I compose on the go (in fact, my personal life is all right). - I suspect that my husband is cheating. I guess with whom …

- Exactly! - Lyra interrupts me. - Is there a letter "a" in her name?

-No, - I complicate the task, knowing that "a" is the most common letter in women's names and the witch wanted to impress me in this way. But … she didn't give up.

- The letter "a" is definitely there! Or middle name, or last name. Patronymic not on "a", by chance, ends?

- Exactly, on "a", - I support her, watching with interest what will happen next. And then Lyra suddenly groaned. She closed her eyes, lifted her head up and began to make sounds like the roar of a wounded animal. At the same time, she held my doll in her hands, pressing it to her very heart.

The action did not last long - about 5 minutes, after which she took a deep breath and said:

- Everything, the gods eliminated her!

- How? Physically? - I got scared for a nonexistent competitor.

“No… She will go out of your way. She no longer has any interest in your husband. And if he also meets, he will be disappointed every time, and in the end they will part.

I mentally digested this information, thinking about what to catch Lyra with, when she suddenly gave out:

- The gods were tired and were about to leave. They, of course, can stay, but we must thank them for that. Do you still have money with you? Will you renew?

At this point I could no longer restrain myself and laughed, provoking Lyra's anger. "You can't laugh at voodoo!" she shouted at me and, having informed that the session was over, asked to leave. Which I did.

This is how the session of African magic turned out in Russian. As they say, no comment …