UFOs Are Tracking US Nuclear Weapons, Former Air Force Personnel Say - Alternative View

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UFOs Are Tracking US Nuclear Weapons, Former Air Force Personnel Say - Alternative View
UFOs Are Tracking US Nuclear Weapons, Former Air Force Personnel Say - Alternative View

Seven former US Air Force personnel gathered in Washington recently to discuss in detail the incidents of UFO sightings near US nuclear bases over the past decades

This information, says one of them, who is engaged in UFO research, suggests that aliens are interested in the nuclear arms race on Earth and, presumably, send people some information.

At a press conference at the National Press Club, six retired officers and one ex-private conscripted either their personal observations or the stories of subordinates and other bystanders about UFOs hovering over silo launchers for nuclear missiles or over nuclear weapons depots in 1960 -x, 70s and 80s.

Three of the former Air Force officers - although they had never seen a UFO themselves - told reporters that the objects, hovering over missile silos around Malmström Air Force Base in Montana in 1967, had temporarily deactivated some of the nuclear missiles.

Most of these stories have already appeared in books, websites and other publications. However, UFO researcher and book author Robert Hastings, who hosted the press conference, believes it is high time for the US government to openly acknowledge these UFO visits.

“I, like these gentlemen, believe that our planet is visited by beings from another world who, for some reason, became interested in the nuclear arms race that began at the end of World War II,” Hastings said, adding that over 120 servicemen told him about UFOs that flew to nuclear facilities.

“Regarding the incidents of missile disabling, my opinion is that whoever is aboard these devices, they send a signal to both Washington and Moscow that - among other things - that we are playing with fire, that ownership and threat the use of nuclear weapons potentially threatens the human race and the integrity of our planet's environment,”he said.

Former Air Force Captain Robert Salas - who wrote a book about the incidents in Montana - said he was underground when the UFO hovered over its missile bunker in March 1967 and could not see it. However, one of his guards on the ground told him that a red, luminous object, approximately 9 meters in diameter, hovered directly above the base's entrance gate in a desolate area, far from Malmström.

“And just at the moment when I called my commander, our missiles began to enter a state of unavailability, that is, become unstartable. Essentially, they were disabled while the object was still hanging over our base,”Salas said.

Salas and others admitted that military commanders urged them at the time not to chat about these incidents.

Retired Colonel Charles Holt recalled seeing a UFO in the woods near Air Force Station Bentwaters and Woodbridge in East England in December 1980. He and security personnel were then checking reports of strange lights near one of the bases.

“There was a bright glowing object all over the forest,” he told reporters. “The best way I could describe it was that it looked like an eye - bright red with a dark center. He seemed to be blinking. And drops of something similar to molten metal flowed down from it."

“He silently moved between the trees, avoiding any contact with them, and jumped up and down slightly, and at some point actually came close to us. We tried to get closer to him. He retreated from us into the field, came out of the forest, and in a soundless explosion broke up there into five white objects - which then disappeared. Then we also went out into the field, looking for any evidence of his appearance, because something was clearly falling down from him - but we did not find anything,”Holt said.

He recalled that he later saw other objects in the sky, including the one that stopped about a kilometer above them, and "sent down a concentrated beam of light down to our feet." No harm done.

“Most of all, this beam resembled a laser beam. We stood there in fear. Was this a warning? Was this an attempt to establish communication? Or use weapons? Or was it just probing? - reasoned Holt.

At about the same time, he heard radio reports from base personnel that beams from certain objects were "falling into or near the weapons depot."

Later, at a headquarters meeting, one general decided that “all this happened outside the base, so this is a British business,” Holt recalled. "In other words, they kicked out with all their might so as not to be involved in this event."

The Air Force investigated the UFO problem from 1948 to 1969. in accordance with the program eventually called Project Blue Book. The Air Force said on its website that the project ended with the conclusion that "none of the UFOs described, investigated, and assessed by the Air Force have ever posed a threat to our national security." It also states that "no evidence has been presented that the observed phenomena identified as 'unidentified' are extraterrestrial vehicles."

Salas believes that the UFO phenomenon is "real, not imaginary."

“In our government at the moment, this phenomenon is surrounded by excessive secrecy,” he said.

One reporter asked conference attendees which former military personnel would agree with Hastings' theory that the alien message strongly encourages humans to get rid of nuclear weapons, and how many of them really believe that we should get rid of them. Of the seven participants, one Salas raised his hand.
