Unusual Facts About Valentine's Day - Alternative View

Unusual Facts About Valentine's Day - Alternative View
Unusual Facts About Valentine's Day - Alternative View

Video: Unusual Facts About Valentine's Day - Alternative View

Video: Unusual Facts About Valentine's Day - Alternative View
Video: 7 Things You Didn't Know About Valentine's Day | History Countdown 2024, September

On February 14, lovers from all over the world will celebrate Valentine's Day, confess their tender feelings to each other, and arrange pleasant surprises. On the eve of the holiday, we will acquaint the readers of "Lady TBN" with some interesting facts.

- Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day is a holiday named after one of the two early Christian martyrs named Valentin - Valentin Interamnsky and Valentin Rimsky.

- There is a legend that Valentine was a priest during the reign of the Roman Emperor Claudius II. The emperor Claudius issued a decree that forbade Roman soldiers to marry because marriage makes them vulnerable. But romantic Valentine continued to marry the soldiers in secret until his covert actions were discovered and he was imprisoned. Before being executed, he fell in love with his jailer's blind daughter, whom he healed with his prayers.

- In the Middle Ages, it was believed that the first unmarried person of the opposite sex whom you met on Valentine's Day morning would become your spouse.

- The Duke of Orleans sent his first Valentine's gift to his wife after he was captured in 1415.

- In Western Europe, Valentine's Day has been widely celebrated since the 13th century, in the United States since 1777.

- In Russia, the holiday is of a secular nature, the attitude of the Catholic and Orthodox churches to it is ambiguous. The attitude of some members of the Islamic clergy towards Valentine's Day is extremely negative.

- More than 50 million roses are sold every year on Valentine's Day around the world.

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- In the US, 9 million people buy gifts for their pets on Valentine's Day as they are more grateful than people!

- On Valentine's Day, chocolate and candy sales reach $ 1,011 billion in revenue.

- Every year on Valentine's Day in Verona, where Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet lived, about 1000 letters come to Juliet's name.

- There is a special rule in Holland on Valentine's Day: if a woman politely asks a man to become her husband on February 14, this will not be considered a sign of bad form. And if the man decides to refuse, then he will have to present the lady with a silk dress.

- For the Japanese, Valentine's Day has become a men's holiday. On this day, the strong half are overwhelmed with gifts and congratulations. A month later, the Japanese celebrate White Day, during which women become objects of attention and adoration.

- In Jamaica, during this holiday, shyness and shyness step aside. There is a tradition that can shock many tourists: on Valentine's Day "naked weddings" are held, when only wedding rings are worn by the spouses.

- Valentine's Day is prohibited in Iran and Saudi Arabia, heavy fines are imposed on those who disobey.