The Story Of One Find - Alternative View

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The Story Of One Find - Alternative View
The Story Of One Find - Alternative View

Video: The Story Of One Find - Alternative View

Video: The Story Of One Find - Alternative View
Video: Время Жратвы - Лютый Бефстроганов с грибами! 2024, September

These mysterious events began in 1965 with a completely ordinary situation. Car mechanic Virgo Mitt, a resident of one of the villages in Estonia, is going to dig a well in his yard.

Mysterious metal

Plunging into the ground for several meters, Mitt unexpectedly came across some kind of metal plate. It was not possible to pull out or bypass it, and Virgo decided to punch a hole in the slab. For several days he stubbornly hammered her with a jackhammer. The slab was about four centimeters thick, but incredibly strong. Chopping off small pieces from it and putting them in a bucket, the locksmith punched a hole of the right size, and the well quickly filled with water. Satisfied with the work done, Virgo dumped the strange metal from the bucket back into the well. He left himself the two largest pieces, 10 centimeters long.

Soon, inexplicable things began to happen in the Mitts' house: earthenware moved by itself, strange sounds and steps were heard. A light came on in the basement, which no one turned on. Dozens of cats began to flock into the yard from all over the neighborhood. Ufologists became interested in all these oddities. They conducted a biolocation survey of the courtyard and identified the boundaries of the anomalous zone. And here's what it turned out: it turns out that there was an oval plate-shaped object under the ground, about 15 meters in diameter, lying obliquely at an angle of 35-40 degrees with a dip to the east. The thickness of the object in the middle part reached about four meters and decreased towards the edges. A partially mysterious "plate" lay under the house. Ufologists explained the abnormal phenomena in Mitt's dwelling by the fact that the object violated the space-time structure of this place,and it became much easier for astral bodies from the subtle worlds to invade our material world. But according to the official conclusion, the cause of the car mechanic's troubles was the violation of the waterproof horizon and the watering of the foundation of the house. In 1969, one of the pieces of metal left by Virgo was taken to a GA researcher. Wiiding. For a long time, nothing special happened to the splinter, but one day one of Wijding's colleagues accidentally touched it - immediately the man lost consciousness and fell.but one day one of Wijding's colleagues accidentally touched him - immediately this man lost consciousness and fell.but one day one of Wijding's colleagues accidentally touched him - immediately this man lost consciousness and fell.

Sample "object M"

The astonished scientist decided to test the effect of a strange metal on other people and "let" his employees, relatives, acquaintances and psychics through it, filling out almost 300 questionnaires on the experiment. The reaction of the test subjects was very different: some were shocked, others felt only a subtle vibration, someone felt that the metal was cold, and some had a burn on their hand.

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Wanting to find out what this unusual material was, Wiiding officially sent it for examination to the laboratories of the research institutes in Moscow, Leningrad and Kiev, calling it a sample of "object M". Years passed, but the scientist, who by this time had become Deputy Director for Science of the Ministry of Geology of Estonia, did not achieve clear results of the analysis of the sample.

In 1983, Wiiding turned to E. K. Parve is “Estonia's most secret man,” as he was called, highly authoritative and capable of developing new technologies for astronautics. Having broken several diamond saws, the fragment of the “object M” was cut into thin plates and sent for study to the leading Moscow research institutes.

"Horizontal pyrite layer"?

When conducting research by the all-Union institutes of aviation materials, rare metal industry, mineral raw materials and the like, the most modern electron microscopes, spectrometric installations, laser analysis, and the latest chemical methods were used. Scientists have found 38 chemical elements in the samples. It turns out that the metal was a composite material reinforced with calcium-iron-silicon fibers, the basis of which was metallic glass. It was not radioactive, but had the properties of the strongest magnet, with a hardness of up to 1280 kilograms per square millimeter, possessed high resistance to boiling acids of any concentration and heat resistance. Such alloys have never been used even in aviation technology.

The documents on the results of the analyzes were signed by academicians I. F. Obraztsov and ST. Kishkin, as well as Professor A. I. Elkina. The conclusion of scientists was unequivocal: an alloy of this type cannot be obtained at the present level of development of science and technology on Earth.

By order of the vice-president of the USSR Academy of Sciences, academician A. A. Yanshin in 1984, an attempt was made to extract additional metal samples. Water was pumped out of a well in Mitt's yard and the walls were probed with a magnetometer. At a depth of six and a half meters, "a signal was noted indicating the presence of strong magnetic material." However, the sharply increased inflow of water and the onset of frost prevented the extraction of metal from the well. And in the summer of 1985, the work was officially stopped altogether, having concluded that simply "a horizontal layer of pyrite was discovered."

Green triangle

In 1986, one former employee of a special military research institute of the Ministry of Defense concluded an agreement with the Institute of Geology of the Academy of Sciences of the ESSR on "experimental verification of the possibility of transferring information impact along the D-field." With a team of 14 people (part of the military), this employee installed 34 devices at the "M object". of which eight were generators of the mysterious D-field. Outside the anomalous zone, an excavator dug a pit six meters deep and 10x12 meters in size. The prospectors worked horizontally under the garage at a depth of six meters. They revealed “an anomalous metal object in the form of an ellipsoid of rotation 17x12x3.5 meters with a powerful negative D-field, uneven throughout the object (from four to 34 frame revolutions in the operator's hand). The depth of the object in the ground is from 3.5 to 12 meters."

After four months of work, one of the group members was struck in the stomach by a strange "green triangle" protruding from the wall of the well, and lost consciousness. “Four burnt rhombuses” were found on the human body. The work was hastily curtailed, and the results obtained by the group were strictly classified.

Then the Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense turned to geologists, agreeing with them "to drill three wells around the facility and place special equipment in them." In the summer of 1988, Wiiding came there to clarify the location of future wells, but the drilling of pits did not start. And in September, the scientist died unexpectedly. The official cause of death is heart attack. A safe with all documents related to the “object M” disappeared from Wiiding's office. And a year later, Parve also died. Shortly before his death, a piece of metal from the "object M" mysteriously disappeared from his diplomat. The bottom of the plastic tube, where the splinter was kept, for some reason collapsed.

The oddities continue

A certain sorcerer named Anne advised the authorities to fill up the well and even indicated the required date - November 15, 1988. Oddly enough, they listened to the words of the sorcerer. But the oddities continued to happen. When the first bucket of sand was thrown into the well, there was a deafening roar. Its cause remained unknown. No damage was found around.

Having become an independent state, in 1991, Estonia gave permission to excavate the "M object" to Japanese archaeologists. They got down to business energetically. We broke the site into squares, began to go deeper into the ground and quickly reached the water. Meanwhile, the Estonian side was taking pictures of the archaeological works being carried out. It soon became clear that the documents for the exploration were drawn up with violations, and further excavations stopped. However, the Japanese, apparently, were not very upset by this. Probably, they have already established something necessary and important for themselves. Later, the competent authorities of Estonia found out that the work of the Japanese "archaeologists" was supervised by a career intelligence officer.

… And to this day passions on the "object M" are not going to subside. Some people think it needs to be dug up. Like, this is unique information and, moreover, hundreds of tons of unusual metal and priceless contents: engines, equipment and all that stuff. Ufologists are also sure that in the ground under Mitt's house there is a spacecraft that suffered an accident, but when it got there and where it came from remains a mystery. There is another version that "object M" is not a UFO, but an alien probe-generator that corrects the Earth's psi-field. But be that as it may, it is unlikely that the find of an Estonian car mechanic will respond positively to the next invasion. So, before you start digging seriously, you need to think it over again.

Valery Kukarenko. Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" № 33 2011