Damn Finger - About A Stone Of Biological Origin Of A Very Strange Shape - Alternative View

Damn Finger - About A Stone Of Biological Origin Of A Very Strange Shape - Alternative View
Damn Finger - About A Stone Of Biological Origin Of A Very Strange Shape - Alternative View

Video: Damn Finger - About A Stone Of Biological Origin Of A Very Strange Shape - Alternative View

Video: Damn Finger - About A Stone Of Biological Origin Of A Very Strange Shape - Alternative View
Video: The Time Machine by H. G. Wells, Complete unabridged audiobook 2024, September

Have you ever heard of the damn finger? No, this is not the finger of a representative of the dark forces, here we will talk about a completely different thing. It is a very strange mineral.

More precisely, it is difficult to call it a mineral - researchers believe that at first this thing developed in the bodies of ancient mollusks. According to researchers, ancient creatures could use it as a ballast counterweight. Over time, they died out, but these stones remained.

It is known that all the ancient peoples were very superstitious, so they had an appropriate attitude towards such things. The Chinese, for example, believed that this finger was part of something dark and unkind.


Many Chinese chronicles have survived, where it was believed that these fingers in ancient times could belong to dragons. Which, in principle, is not surprising - have you ever seen a stone in the form of a bullet?

And the Indians believed that these stones were the remains of the teats of the udders of cows, whose milk the gods ate. And due to the fact that the color of this stone is light, this delusion is very firmly rooted in the territory of ancient India.

These stones were also found in the north. Northern peoples, finding them in the mountains, for some reason believed that they were candles of magic gnomes. According to another legend, these fingers were formed after lightning struck the ground.


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Nevertheless, many peoples of antiquity used these stones as decoration - they made holes in them and wore them around their necks. However, little has changed today.

It should be noted that the devil's finger is a stone of biological origin, so it rarely attracts the attention of professional modern jewelers.

Nowadays very little jewelry is made from it. However, this piece is very popular with various collectors. He also found application in the "magic" of ancient peoples. For example, it was believed to be an excellent lightning rod.


But not because it has some unique physical properties, but according to the simple belief of the ancients - they say that lightning does not strike twice in the same place. Therefore, it was always carried with them during a thunderstorm.

During the Middle Ages, for some reason it was believed that this stone has fire-fighting properties. Therefore, it was often laid in the foundation during the construction of another wooden castle. It is not a fact that this saved buildings from fire, but such a practice existed.

This stone was also known in Tibet, where it was also believed that these are the teeth of ancient dragons. The Tibetans used it to appease their spirits.


And the powder obtained from the devil's finger was used by local healers. They were deeply convinced that the healing possibilities of such a powder were almost limitless.


Wherever it was not used - for the "return" of youth, treatment of skin diseases, strengthening bones and muscles. In Europe, it was believed to help neutralize snake venom.