Ghost Trains: Banal Ghosts Or Aliens From Another Time? - Alternative View

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Ghost Trains: Banal Ghosts Or Aliens From Another Time? - Alternative View
Ghost Trains: Banal Ghosts Or Aliens From Another Time? - Alternative View

Video: Ghost Trains: Banal Ghosts Or Aliens From Another Time? - Alternative View

Video: Ghost Trains: Banal Ghosts Or Aliens From Another Time? - Alternative View
Video: Haunted Railways & Ghost Trains (with Matt Swayne) 2024, September

Everyone, incorrect, is familiar with ghost ships - such as the Flying Dutchman. But the ship is not the only vehicle that can be a ghost. There are also ghost trains. And the evidence for the existence of such a phenomenon, which goes beyond common sense, is abundant.

In 1988 the writer N. Cherkashin collected information in Sevastopol about the death of the battleship "Novorossiysk" and met with a man who saw a ghost train. “That night I was on duty at the railway crossing in front of Balaklava, - said PG Ustimenko. - Suddenly I see: from the side of the former branch to the quarry (the rails were removed, the embankment remained) a train is going from Mount Gasfort.

Trains cannot go without rails, but he goes: a steam locomotive and three passenger cars. And I can clearly hear the arrows clang. The composition is not ours, it seems like pre-war, and maybe even earlier. Even then I thought - not good, to be in trouble. And indeed, in the morning “Novorossiysk” exploded … The old people told - before the Balaklava earthquake, the “Black Prince” was seen in the sea …”

In 1992, the newspaper "Glory of Sevastopol" published an article "Ghost Train on the Roads of Ukraine": "On July 14, 1911, a pleasure train departed from the Roman railway station on a cruise arranged by the Sanetti company for wealthy Italians. 106 passengers and crews visited the sights surrounding the new section of the road. The train was approaching a kilometer long (at that time) tunnel in Lombardy.

And suddenly something terrible began to happen. According to the testimony of two passengers who managed to jump out on the move, everything suddenly became covered with a milky-white fog, which thickened as they approached the tunnel, turning into a viscous liquid. A locomotive and three carriages entered the tunnel, but did not appear from the other side. The notoriety about this section forced the leadership of the railroad to stone the tunnel, and during the war it was hit by an aerial bomb.

An incredible story. However, even the most inveterate skeptics do not doubt its reliability, since everything that happened has documentary evidence, incl. - testimony of witnesses. And in the railway museum in Milan, a model is still kept: a locomotive with three carriages, rails, a miniature tunnel. At one time, using this toy, engineers tried to simulate the circumstances under which the composition disappeared.

Perhaps this case would have been forgotten if the three-car ghost had not appeared … not far from the village of Zavalichi, Poltava region. The train with an empty driver's cabin moved absolutely silently, crushing chickens walking along the canvas."

The chairman of the commission for the study of anomalous phenomena at the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine V. Leshchaty arrived to investigate this phenomenon. In his notes (September 1991), the version is expressed that the train somehow passed through time. Bream also recalls the notes of the famous Mexican psychiatrist of the 40s. XIX century. Jose Saxino, as once 104 Italians appeared in Mexico City, within a week they were in a psychiatric hospital, because claimed to have arrived in Mexico City from Rome by train. This event did not cause much excitement - you never know crazy? Later, too, no one connected the missing Italian tourist train and the exact number of passengers remaining inside it with the number of those who had "gone mad" a century earlier.

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(By the way, the fate of V. Leschaty is mysterious. On September 25, 1991, he lay in wait for a mysterious train at the crossing in the village of Zavalichi, jumped on the bandwagon of a ghost, and no one saw him again.)

Didn't Ustimenko see this train at the Balaklava crossing? Much similar: a foreign-made steam locomotive, three carriages … If a ghost train was discovered in 1991 near Poltava, why could it not appear in 1955 near Balaklava?

E. Venikeev, a local historian from Sevastopol, said that during the Crimean War, the British built a railway from Balaklava to the Italian camp on Gasfort Mountain. Then it was removed, but the embankment remained. The branch from Balaklava to Sevastopol runs along the route that the British had planned.

So, the ghost train was following the tracks of the removed sleepers? But if this was the same ill-fated train, why did he come here? Take the souls of Italian soldiers buried in an Italian cemetery in 1855? (The cemetery was demolished a hundred years later by the Soviet authorities!) Or did some of the 104 passengers have relatives buried here and they “came” to pay them their last debt? Or maybe they, these perished passengers, could somehow avenge the desecrated cemetery from their temporary captivity, intervened in the earthly causal relationship - and "Julius Caesar" - "Novorossiysk" flew into the air?

There is a lot of room for speculation

Another version is connected … with Gogol's skull. As you know, Gogol's skull was stolen back in 1909 by order of the merchant A. Bakhrushin. Perhaps that is why there have been cases of repeated appearance of a train near Poltava, in the writer's homeland? And shortly before the Chernobyl disaster, a ghost train was seen at the Solntsevo and Novoukrainka stations (Ukraine).

We met ghost trains near the English Channel, in the Moscow region, in Zurich in 1929, in the fall of 1994 at the Polovina station (Irkutsk region), at the Plavni-passenger station (Ukraine) on February 2, 2002 …

In 1999, a mystical train appeared near Boyarka. This village in Soviet times was known to everyone who read the novel by N. Ostrovsky "How the Steel Was Tempered". In the early 1920s, the Komsomol members actually built a narrow-gauge railway there - to supply the freezing Kiev with firewood. The residents of Boyarka have always been proud of the fact that Komsomol members headed by Pavka Korchagin worked in their city. But now rumors that the ghost of Pavka (more precisely, Ostrovsky himself) has appeared in the city, make them fear.

Those who have seen the ghost train claim that there is a young man in a Red Army uniform and a Budenovka in the driver's cab. The train, thundering, goes straight through the freshly plowed field, leaving no traces, the driver beeps several times, after which the train simply dissolves into the air. The local population is aware of regular train appearances, but is afraid to even tell journalists about them. Perhaps because a rumor spread around the neighborhood that the soul of the unbaptized Ostrovsky was condemned by heaven to ride a steam locomotive all his life.

Similar stories can be heard all over the world. They feature a train from Hitler's abandoned secret headquarters (Poland), a train that crashed into a river during an accident on a railway bridge (Romania), an ambulance train that was bombed at the end of World War II in Germany, a mysterious train from Colombo (Sri Lanka) and dr.


Some researchers believe that this is a chronomire, but so far no one has heard of a mirage, which would be accompanied by sound and seismic (earth shaking) effects. And all the more strange is the fact that you can … leave on it, as Bream did. By the way, after this "departure" there were no people willing to continue the study of the phenomenon.

And yet, scientists are trying to somehow explain the appearance of ghost trains in different parts of the Earth. The railways, they say, have densely and fancifully entwined the continents with a web of rails, which is sufficiently durable and precisely tied to a specific space, as if forming its coordinate skeleton. And this, like any significant transformation of space, entailed temporary anomalies. Extra-long tunnels, super-deep mines, super-tall towers - all these spatial neoplasms change, albeit not very noticeably, the movement of time.

A well-known expert in the field of topology, associate professor of Moscow University, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences I. P. Patsey writes that “the railway network is not a flat network, but a spherical one; it follows the curvature of the globe. And where the plane turns into a sphere, there the three-dimensional space turns into two-dimensional and vice versa (recall the twisted Mobius strip), i.e. the railway network is a border-interface of at least two, and for the most part - several spaces. But space is not at all a “vessel of time,” just as time is by no means a filling of space. This is a single environment, process, condition, and their relationship."

Another version, somewhat similar to the first, is based on the postulate that time is a special kind of chronal field, inextricably linked with the electromagnetic energy of space. And if we assume that along with the law of conservation of matter and energy, there is also a law of conservation of time, which has not yet been proven by anyone? And the "lived" time does not disappear, the eternity of the past is equal to the abyss of the future. The past exists for real, not in anyone's memory. Each body has its own trajectory of movement, growth, flight. The totality of these trajectories fits into the mainstream of the general flow of time.

There is no real as such. Any moment of the future immediately becomes a moment of the past. What we call the present is just a flash of consciousness that burns the future into the past. The present, as the song says, is "just a moment between the past and the future." So "past" and "future" is equal to the concept of "time" in general.

Who convinced us that time only flows in a straight line? Isn't it more logical to assume that time is wound in turns, like a thread on a coil, so that the past exists parallel to the future. But sometimes “breakdowns” occur between the “turns”, and then “black holes” appear in the chronal field; they, like funnels of tornadoes, forming an air tunnel between heaven and earth, wander, moving according to some of their laws, drawing people and objects into themselves …

Perhaps, it is precisely with the help of the "wandering black holes" of time that one can explain the appearance of both snowmen and Loch Ness monsters, drawn in by the tornado of time and thrown out of their prehistoric eras today? Our contemporaries, who do not always perish in other people's ages, but, having adapted to life there, also become oracles and predictors, also fall into the “black holes” of inter-turn breakdowns. Isn't one of them the same Nostradamus?

Even the appearance of UFOs and enlonauts fits into the framework of this theory: these are our distant descendants, and their quite man-made "flying saucers" peep at us through the "black holes" of time.

Now let us remember that shortly before the disappearance of the Roman train in Italy, there was a powerful earthquake. It is possible that monstrous gaps have arisen not only in the soil, but also in the chronal field. If we assume that a wandering chronal hole was formed there, then it could concentrate over a giant tunnel. And then it was she who could transfer the train from our usual three-dimensional space to four-dimensional, where time (chronal field), in addition to duration, acquires a new characteristic - depth. Therefore, the ill-fated composition, having dropped out of its usual vector time, began to freely move from the present both to the past and to the future.

But since its movement was determined by rigidly captured spatial coordinates (rail track), it could appear only where the rails once lay, or where they will be laid sometime in the future. So near Balaklava, the ghost train was on the track of 1855, and in Mexico it could arrive by the railway, which, apparently, will still be laid in the XXI century. through Chukotka and Alaska (the project was considered at the beginning of the 20th century)

From all this, however, it does not follow that the ghost train is one …