Methods Of Promoting Perversion By Means Of Cinematography - Alternative View

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Methods Of Promoting Perversion By Means Of Cinematography - Alternative View
Methods Of Promoting Perversion By Means Of Cinematography - Alternative View

Video: Methods Of Promoting Perversion By Means Of Cinematography - Alternative View

Video: Methods Of Promoting Perversion By Means Of Cinematography - Alternative View
Video: Round table: Retinsky, Currentzis, Desyatnikov, Komyagin 2024, June

To begin with, the propaganda of perversion is not something mythical or divorced from life. It is conducted both in the West and in Russia, primarily through the mass media, and, as practice shows, has high efficiency. In order to be convinced of this, it is enough to look at the Europe enlightened in this sphere.

According to a survey conducted by European sociologists, British youth are so brainwashed that half of them no longer even understand whether they are boys or girls.

Such a fundamental difference in the results of a survey of young and old people once again proves that 99 percent of homosexuals and lesbians become such as a result of degradation under the influence of a vicious information environment, and not at all due to congenital defects, which until recently was the main argument of pederasty lobby.

Let's start with the most important thing. In the normal mode of operation of mass cinema, aimed at forming an adequate worldview in the viewer, the topic of sexual perversion should not be present on the screen in any way. It is extremely unpleasant for an ordinary person to see and hear all these references to sodomites, pedophiles, zoophiles and other pathologies, even if they take place in a negative context.

This position is due to the understanding of the simple fact that if a person does not know about something, then, in principle, he cannot want it. Naturally, in highly specialized cinema, for example, for psychologists or criminologists, these issues can be covered to some extent.

However, the reality is that today the topic of perversion appears not only in almost all TV series broadcast on the Russian screen, but even in every second modern cartoon, which indicates a clear social order on the part of supranational structures, which can through financial mechanisms and institutions of film awards influence the development of cinematography.

That is why, within the framework of the Teach the Good project, we consider it necessary not to hush up the topic, but to explain the methodology of manipulation and, in fact, engage in counter-propaganda in order to form in our readers and viewers the skills to resist such technologies, which they inevitably encounter. Roughly speaking, if we cannot protect ourselves from the influence of a harmful factor, then we must learn to block its negative effect.

As follows from the introductory part, the first method of propaganda of perversions is generally to add this topic to the plot of mass cinema. Especially clearly the deliberate nature of this phenomenon can be traced in those cases when the original plot on which the film was shot is modified. In our case, these are the immortal "Notes on Sherlock Holmes", which in the modern television version are suddenly filled with completely unusual content.

Promotional video:

For example, in the TV series "Sherlock" the theme of perversion is present in one form or another in 8 out of 9 episodes that have already been aired. In particular, James Moriarty is portrayed as a sodomite in the first season, and Irene Adler turned out to be a lesbian at all. This fate did not escape the main characters of Holmes and Watson:

As you may have noticed, Holmes and Watson in the modern interpretation are forced to deny all the time in front of everyone around them that they are homosexuals. Here are just to deny the presence of perverse inclinations can be in different ways. You can simply reply very rudely once to the one who allowed himself such hints, and on this, once and for all, as they say, close the topic. And you can turn it all into a joke and make it a permanent attribute of the entire story, also endowing it with a positive emotional background.

Think, for example, the numerous Russian sitcoms and Comedy Club-style TV shows - there is plenty of it. The method of promoting perversion with the help of humor has many variations: For example, you can make fun of the opponents of sodomites, bringing their behavior to the point of absurdity; or to represent homosexuals as such cute funny guys, thereby leveling the threat of the spread of this phenomenon.


The next method can be titled as demonstrating some kind of perversion as a norm of behavior. For example, here is an episode from the Sherlock TV series, where Watson repeats several times in a row that being a homosexual is okay.

Now pay attention to the fact that among the main characters in most Russian sitcoms, there is more and more either an outright sodomite or a character with such inclinations. And this is shown again as something normal and natural.

In many films, there is not only a normalization of perversions, but in some way there is an idealization of the image of a sodomite. You can often see how pederasts and lesbians are portrayed by means of cinematography as refined, creative personalities, whose fate the viewer must empathize with in terms of context.

As a separate method of promoting perversion, we will also highlight the technology of using real homosexuals or people who openly sympathize with them when preparing scripts and shooting films. So, one of the two authors of the Sherlock series is an open sodomite Mark Gettis, he also played the role of Mycroft in the film. Andrew Scott, who played James Moriarty, is also a bugger.

By appointing homosexuals and lesbians to high-ranking positions, or by using such actors in cinematography, several tasks are solved at once: firstly, such personalities are popularized, and in the future they inevitably become role models or at least an object of sympathy from part of the population. Secondly, they begin to broadcast their ideals and views to society through the media. That is, the need for a command-and-control regime of control disappears, and the propaganda of perversions begins to be carried out by the hands of those who sincerely consider such behavior to be the norm.

Summarize. The propaganda of perversion in films is most often implemented by the following methods:

  • Method 1: Adding a perversion theme to the plot of the work, or choosing to film a story originally dedicated to perverts
  • Method 2: Using humor when covering / discussing perversion
  • Method 3: Demonstrate perversion as a norm of behavior. Substitution of the words "homosexual" and "sodomite" by Western euphemisms "gay", "homosexual", etc.
  • Method 4: Formation of the image of the pervert as a sophisticated person; provoking the viewer's emotions of empathy for sodomites
  • Method 5: Involve perverts in the filmmaking process as actors, directors, screenwriters, etc.