The Theory Of The Ice World In The Third Reich - Alternative View

The Theory Of The Ice World In The Third Reich - Alternative View
The Theory Of The Ice World In The Third Reich - Alternative View

Video: The Theory Of The Ice World In The Third Reich - Alternative View

Video: The Theory Of The Ice World In The Third Reich - Alternative View
Video: The kidnapping campaign of Nazi Germany | DW Documentary 2024, October

One fine summer morning in 1925, almost every scientist in Germany and Austria received a letter written in an extremely ultimatum form:

“It's time to choose whether you are with us or against us. Hitler will clear politics, Hans Gerbiger will sweep out false sciences. The doctrine of eternal ice will be a sign of the rebirth of the German people! Beware! Join our ranks before it's too late!"

The man who challenged scientists in this way was Hans Gerbiger. At that time he was sixty-five years old. It is said that he was something of a fierce prophet: he wore a huge white beard and wrote in a handwriting that could bring despair to the best graphologist.

His doctrine became known to the general public under the name "Vel" (short for Welteislehre - the doctrine of the world ice). This was an explanation of the cosmos, contrary to official astronomy, but justifying ancient myths.

Hans GERBIGER (1860-1932) - Austrian inventor. He studied at the Technological School in Vienna, and trained in Budapest. Initially, he worked as a draftsman for the designer of steam engines Alfred Kohlmann, then moved to Land as a compressor specialist. There, in 1894, he invented a new crane system for pumps and compressors. The license was sold to wealthy American and German companies, and Gerbiger became the owner of a large fortune, which the war soon brought to naught.


Working in the field of technology directly related to the phase transitions of water (ice, liquid, steam), Gerbiger set himself the goal of explaining all of cosmology with them. Unexpected "insights of brilliant intuition" opened to Gerbiger, according to his own statement, the door to a new science, embracing all the rest.

Gerbiger became one of the great prophets of the Third Reich and after his death was awarded the title: "Genius discoverer, blessed by God."

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Since its inception, the NSDAP has openly and even noisily declared itself "anti-intellectual". The Nazis burned books and rejected modern physics, classifying scientists working in this field as "Judo-Marxist" enemies. This was facilitated by the occult hobbies of the leaders of the Third Reich and their desire to create a new religion that would exclude all the previous spiritual achievements of mankind.

“We are being anathematized as enemies of reason,” Hitler said. - Well, yes, we are. But in a much deeper sense, which bourgeois science could never imagine in its idiotic pride."

It is clear that Hans Gerbiger, whose ideas fully met the requirements of a defiant, demonstrative denial of the scientific picture of the world, made a very outstanding career under Hitler. His activities in this field were well funded. Gerbiger created a movement with his own information service, recruiting bureaus, rates, propagandists and henchmen recruited from among Hitler's youth. The walls were covered with propaganda posters, many leaflets were distributed, and rallies were organized.

For several years the movement has published three major works outlining the Vel doctrine, forty popularizing books, hundreds of brochures. The monthly magazine Key to World Events was published in a huge circulation. Gerbiger won tens of thousands of supporters.

At first, serious scientists tried to fight, protested, published letters and articles, proving the absurdity of Hans Herbiger's theory. They became seriously alarmed when Vel became a widespread popular movement. After Hitler came to power, resistance became weaker, although Orthodox astronomy was still taught at universities.

Renowned engineers, scientists have joined the doctrine of eternal ice. After all, Hitler himself openly supported Gerbiger and believed in him.

“Our northern ancestors found strength in the snow and in the ice,” declared the popular Velya leaflet, “that is why the belief in the world ice is a natural inheritance of Nordic man. Austrian Hitler expelled Jewish politicians; another Austrian, Gerbiger, will kick out Jewish scientists. In his own life, the Fuhrer showed that the layman is superior to the professional. It took another layman to give us a complete picture of the universe."

Hitler and Gerbiger met many times. Gerbiger took the Fuhrer's convictions to the extreme: the German people in their messianism were poisoned by Western science - narrow, weakening, devoid of soul. Recently created disciplines such as psychoanalysis and relativity have been weapons against the Nordic spirit. And only the doctrine of world ice will provide the necessary antidote.

The Vel Doctrine claimed to be an all-encompassing vision of the history and laws of evolution of the cosmos. According to Gerbiger, any movement in the Universe is based on the idea of an eternal struggle between ice and fire, between the forces of repulsion and attraction. This struggle, this changing tension between the opposite poles of being, this eternal war in the sky, which is the law of the planets, also reigns on Earth over living matter and determines the history of mankind.

Gerbiger claimed to have revealed the most distant past of our globe and its even more distant future; he introduces the most fantastic concepts about the evolution of living things. He subverts everything that is customary to think about the history of mankind, about the emergence and development of society. In this regard, he describes not a consistent ascent from Stone Age man to modern man, but a whole series of ups and downs.

Modern science believes that our universe was created by the Big Bang about 13 billion years ago. The entire cosmos was contained, perhaps, in one particle. This particle exploded, and since then the universe has been continuously expanding. However, putting forward this hypothesis, science does not answer the question of what was before the beginning of the universe. Gerbiger claimed to know the answer to this question.

In a letter to the rocket scientist and popularizer of astronautics Willie Leigh, he said:

"I was struck by a discovery when, as a young engineer, I watched as molten steel spilled onto the wet and snow-covered earth: the earth exploded with some delay and with great force."

Developing an analogy, Gerbiger describes the origin of the universe in general and the solar system in particular in this way. In an endless void rested a huge body with a high temperature, millions of times larger than our present Sun. It collided with a giant planet made up of a cluster of cosmic ice. This mass of ice penetrated deep into the super sun. For hundreds of thousands of years, nothing happened. But then the water vapor caused the super sun to explode. Some of the fragments were thrown so far that they were lost in the icy space. Others either fell on the central body or formed the planets of our system. Initially there were thirty of them. And they are all made of ice. Only the Earth was not completely covered by the cold, and the struggle between ice and fire continues in it.

At a distance three times greater than from the Sun to Neptune, there is a huge ice ring. Official astronomers stubbornly call it the Milky Way (a cluster of stars located in the plane of the Galaxy), but in fact there is none of this, and photographs of individual stars in the Milky Way are fake.

The sunspots, which average annual numbers change every eleven years, remain unexplained by orthodox scientists. And they came from the fall of ice blocks that broke away from Jupiter.

In the middle zone of the Big Bang, those planets of the system to which our Earth belongs, obey two forces. the initial centrifugal force and gravity pulling the planets towards the largest mass in the neighborhood. These two forces are not equal. The force of the initial explosion decreases because space is not empty - it contains some kind of substance, consisting of hydrogen and water vapor. In addition, water that reaches the Sun fills space with ice crystals. Thus, the initial centrifugal force gradually decreases, while gravity is constant. This is why each planet is approaching another, more massive and closer planet that pulls it in. Sooner or later, each planet will fall on the nearest one, and the whole system will end up by falling on the sun, icing over. A new explosion will occur, and everything will start over.

Ice and fire, repulsion and attraction are always fighting in the Universe. This struggle determines life, death and the eternal rebirth of the cosmos.

Hans Gerbiger explains the history of the globe, the evolution of species and the history of mankind by the successive change of moons in our sky. He associates four geological epochs on Earth with the arrival of four moons. During the approach of the next satellite, a period begins that lasts several hundred thousand years, when the new moon revolves around the Earth at a distance of four to six Earth radii. When the satellite comes close, a period of gigantism sets in. At the end of the primary age there are huge plants, huge insects. At the end of the secondary - dinosaurs, thirty-meter animals and the first people.

The first man and, perhaps, the first human couple - the twins - appeared from the womb of an animal due to mutations that multiplied when the cosmic radiation became very powerful. The social structure in those distant times was built in the likeness of those that were created by the giant insects of the primary era.

The explosion of the second moon put an end to the history of this civilization. When the third moon appeared, ordinary people were formed - smaller, less intelligent. These were our real ancestors. But the giants who managed to survive the cataclysm still exist - they also civilize small people. Using the advice of the giants, the new people created two powerful states, two Atlantis: one in the Andes, the other in the North Atlantic.

12 thousand years ago, the Earth acquired a fourth satellite, our present Moon. As a result, a new catastrophe occurred. The globe acquired its present shape - an ellipsoid flattened at the poles. The northern and southern seas have flowed to the equatorial belt. The Atlantic civilization disappeared overnight. In this new period, the giants finally degenerated.

The moon we know will someday also fall to Earth. For several tens of millennia, the distance from one planet to another seems to us unchanged. However, upon closer inspection, we can find that the Moon's orbit is narrowing. Little by little, over the years, the moon will come closer. The force of gravity affecting the Earth will increase. The waters of the earth's oceans will rise, covering the land, flooding the tropics and surrounding the highest mountains. Living things will increase. New races, animals, plants and giant people will appear.

Then, getting closer still, the Moon will explode and turn into a huge ring of rocks, ice, water and gas. This ring will fall on the Earth, and the Apocalypse predicted by John the Theologian will come. Only the best, the strongest, the chosen ones are given to survive it. After millennia without a satellite, when more and more races created by giants will be layered on the Earth, like tiles, history will repeat itself.

This is the fate of the solar system in the eyes of the Austrian engineer, whom the leaders of National Socialism called "Copernicus of the 20th century."

In the provisions of the theory of Hans Herbiger, there is a certain similarity with the ideas of the father of Nazi geopolitics Karl Haushofer. This is not surprising. The doctrine of world ice was the official cosmological theory of the Vril Society, founded by Haushofer in Berlin in the late twenties.


The existence of the "Vril" (or "Lodges of Light") society became known from the testimony of rocket engineer Willie Leigh. The Vril Society united members of various occult movements in Europe, as well as "initiates" who came from India and Tibet.

The name of the society is borrowed from the novel by the English writer Bulver-Lytton "The Coming Race", from which, as we remember, all modern European esotericism grew. Vril means a special energy, only an infinitesimal part of which we use in our daily life; the one who becomes the master of "lies" becomes the master of his own destiny and the whole world. It is clear that the members of "Vrila" associated themselves with representatives of the future race and trained hard in the development of supersensible abilities and comprehension of "vrila".

The main purpose of the lodge was to carry out research into the origins of the Aryan race and the study of the way by which the magical abilities of this noble race can be revived in order to become a conductor of superhuman powers.

“Besides that, there is nothing more to wish for. And all our efforts should be directed towards this. Everything else refers to official psychology, morality, religion, as appropriate. The world will change. The rulers will come out of the ground. If we do not have an alliance with them, if we, too, are not rulers, then we will be among the slaves, in the manure, which will serve as fertilizer for new cities to bloom."

The members of the Lodge of Light could spend long hours in silent contemplation of the leaves and buds of plants or an apple cut in half. Karl Haushofer learned a similar technique in the Japanese Green Dragon Society. One of the tests for the initiate of the highest degree required the ability to control and manage the life processes of plants in the same way as the Atlanteans did in ancient times. The initiate had to activate the germination of the grain and, within a few minutes, magically force it to develop.

Willie Leigh himself, who told Europe about the Vril society, was skeptical about the activities of its members. He saw in all this only harmless and slightly ridiculous fantasies. Lei could not have imagined that the Vril lodge would soon come under the direct leadership of SS Reichsfuehrer Heinrich Himmler and become an integral part of the Ahnenerbe.

Pervushin Anton