False Written History - Alternative View

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False Written History - Alternative View
False Written History - Alternative View

Reasons for deliberate distortion of history

For many centuries, history has guarded the political interests of this or that state. Today, as a result of new scientific research, it has become obvious that the whole world history is monstrously distorted and, often, deliberately.

Most of us think that faking history on a global scale is impossible. A modern man, brought up on the historical version of Scaliger-Pitalius, does not even suspect that the real story has been replaced by a fictional one.

At the turn of the XVI-XVII centuries. in Russia, there was a political split and, as a result, a change in the royal dynasty. It was the Great Troubles, which marked the beginning of separatism in Western Europe. The only world empire that ever existed collapsed, and the governors of Russia-Horde in Western Europe, left without a centralized power, began a bloody struggle for territories and spheres of influence (the formation of independent European states). The newly minted Western rulers and the Romanovs who seized power in Russia had to write a new history that would justify their right to the throne. Later, historians will call this period the reformation. The history books sparsely describe it as a religious schism.

Many European peoples did not recognize the right of the reformers for a long time and continued to fight for the restoration of the old empire. The current borders of European states were determined in the 17th-18th centuries. as a result of bloody wars. The need to write new history rallied the reformers.

To give significance to their countries and ancestors, Western rulers have lengthened their history for hundreds and even thousands of years. This is how new eras, kingdoms and legendary personalities appeared, who in fact were phantoms of famous people of the XI-XVII centuries. united Russian-Horde empire. Thus, over several generations, it was possible to form a new identity among the peoples of the young states. The Russian people have their rich past stolen.

In the XVI-XVII centuries. new languages are created and come into use instead of a single Church Slavonic language (for example, the fact of the widespread printing of books in the Slavic language in Western Europe in the 16th century is well known to historians): French, English, German, etc. Ancient Greek and Ancient Latin were also invented during this period. The erection of linguistic and religious barriers allowed the reformers to erase the existence of the once great world power from the people's memory.

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Forging written history

In fact, the activity of falsifying history was a state all-European program.

  • The Flemish Jesuit Order was engaged in forging the lives of the saints (from 1643 to 1794, 53 volumes were published!). For that time, the figure was simply huge! The stormy activities of the Flemish order were interrupted by the French Revolution.
  • Another major center for the production of falsifications is the Benedictine Order. It is known that the monks of the order not only reprinted ancient manuscripts, but also edited them.
  • The French abbot Jacques Paul Minh republished the works of Benedictine monks in the middle of the 19th century. "Patrology" included 221 volumes of Latin authors and 161 volumes of Greek historians!
  • Also, most likely, the unfinished chronicle of Eusebius Panfilus was personally written by Scaliger (the original was allegedly lost). In 1787, this work was found in an Armenian translation. Even the very sight of the chronicle suggests forgery: the chronological tables of the chronicle exactly repeat the tables published by the Scaliger school of the 17th-18th centuries. About ¾ of the dates that historians around the world use today are taken from the chronicle of Eusebius Panfilus. These dates are unfounded!

The problem of vocalization of ancient texts

In ancient times, as you know, only the "skeletons" of words from consonants were written. Vowels were either absent or replaced with small superscripts. The writing material was incredibly expensive, so scribes saved it by skipping vowels. This is the so-called. the problem of vocalization of ancient manuscripts (and biblical, in particular). It is clear that the formation of a highly artistic literary language with a lack of material and speech is out of the question! It was only after the discovery of the technology of large-scale paper production that there was an opportunity for exercises in developing a good language. Accordingly, in the Middle Ages, the literary language of many peoples was just being formed. It is surprising that more ancient ancient texts are written in a sharpened syllable! For example, the works of Titus Livy simply amaze the imagination with a colorful and long-winded narration. Official history claims that Titus Livy wrote in such a refined syllable in the 1st century BC. e. 144 books! But paper was not yet available in ancient times, and writers used parchment. This means that Titus Livy perfected his syllable on it.

Let's see how available the parchment was.

To make one sheet of parchment required:

  1. Skinning a lamb or calf, no more than six weeks old;
  2. Soak the skinned skin in running water for six days;
  3. Rip off the skin from the skin with a scraper;
  4. Spill and keep the skin damp for 12-20 days, so that the process of festering loosened the wool;
  5. Separate the skin from the wool;
  6. To remove excess lime, ferment the skin in bran;
  7. To regain softness after drying, flush the skin with plant extracts;
  8. Rub egg white or white lead (or pumice stone) into chalk-dusted skin to remove unevenness.

The technology for obtaining parchment was so complex that the cost of parchment was equal to the cost of precious items. It does not fit in my head how many lambs and calves it took for the ancient authors to hone their skills! It is hard to believe that in ancient times animals were exterminated in whole herds for the sake of obtaining material for writing. It seems more possible to assume that the so-called. ancient texts were written in the Middle Ages with a well-established paper production.

Great forger

The emergence of doubts is also facilitated by the fact that the works of supposedly ancient authors were discovered only in the Renaissance (XV-XVI centuries). You will not find a single author's original in any library or museum. Only copies and translations (sometimes double or triple), made, as we are assured, from the lost originals.

Cornelius Tacitus, an ancient Roman historian who allegedly lived in the 1st century. n. e., is known primarily from the First and Second Medicines lists written by him. The originals, as you may have guessed, have not survived, and the so-called. copies are kept in the library of Florence. For the first time, the story of Tacitus was printed in 1470 from the Second Medicare list or its copy, according to the official version. The hazy history of the discovery of this list is as follows.

It is believed that in 1425, Poggio Bracciolini received an inventory of manuscripts from the abbey, which included an inventory of the works of Tacitus. Bracciolini was an unsurpassed imitator: like a chameleon, he could write like Titus Livy, Petronius, Seneca and many others. The famous humanist lived on a grand scale and was constantly in need of money, so it is not surprising that a source of additional income for Bracciolini was the production and editing of copies of ancient historians. With the assistance of Nicola Nicolli (a Florentine book publisher), Bracciolini organized, as they would now call it, a permanent business of processing antique literature (many people were involved and, in general, the business was put on a grand scale). And, as they say, it rushed …

Wonderful finds of Bracciolini

In the abandoned tower of the Sant-Gomensky monastery, Bracciolini "found" a huge library of ancient manuscripts: the works of Quintilian, Petian, Flac, Probo, Marcello. After a while, a tireless humanist (part-time archaeologist) discovered the works of Calpurnius. Bracciolini allegedly sold the original manuscripts and their copies for huge sums of money. For example, with the money received from the sale of copies of the works of Titus Livius to Alphonse of Aragon, Poggio Bracciolini bought a villa in Florence. Other clients of the indefatigable forger and imitator were Este, Sforzo, Medici, the Ducal House of Burgundy, aristocrats of England, Italian cardinals, the wealthy and universities that were just starting or expanding their libraries.

Having received an inventory of the manuscripts from the abbey (including the "History" of Tacitus) in 1425, Bracciolini immediately offered the publisher Nicolli to buy the books of ancient authors described there. Nicolli agreed, but Poggio, under various pretexts, delayed the deal for several years. Losing warmth, Nichollly demanded that a catalog of books be sent to him. The "history" of Tacitus was not there! And at the end of the XIX century. the scientists Goshar and Ross, who studied the works of Tacitus, came to the conclusion that the writing of the History of Tacitus refers to the 15th, and not to the 1st century, and was written by the already familiar Poggio Bracciolini (History describes the events of the 12th-15th centuries.). What a blow from a classic!

Fake epics

Vaclav Hanka, a prominent figure of the Renaissance, so much wanted to prove the high level of culture of his (Czech) people that he fabricated the Kraledvorsk and Zelenogorsk manuscripts, which allegedly contained ancient Czech legends and tales. The fake was discovered by Yange Bauer. Hanka worked in the national library in Prague since 1823, where there is not a single manuscript left that he did not have a hand in. The fighter for the national idea ruled the texts, pasted sheets, crossed out entire paragraphs! He even came up with a school of ancient artists and entered their names into old manuscripts.

Prosper Merimee published Gusli (collection of songs) in 1827 under the guise of translation from the Balkan languages. Even Pushkin translated "Gusli" into Russian. Merimee himself exposed his hoax in the second edition of the songs, listing in an ironic preface those who fell for the bait. It is worth noting that "Gusli" was a huge success among historians who did not doubt their authenticity.

In 1849, the Karelian-Finnish epic "Kalevala" was published, which, as it turned out later, was composed by Professor Elias Lönnrot.

Other falsified epics: "Song of Side", "Beowulf", "Song of the Nibelungs", "Song of Roland", And there are many such examples of works stylized as ancient literature.

How the past was destroyed

For a new history to supplant the real, writing new books and forging old documents is not enough. It was necessary to destroy the written sources that contradict the new concept, built by the reformers. The Inquisition burned tens of thousands of books that were found to be incorrect. In 1559, the Vatican introduced the "Index of Forbidden Books", which contained not only individual books, but also lists of banned authors. If at least one book of a certain author was included in the Index, then the rest, written by him, were also searched for and destroyed. One example is the book "Slavic Kingdom", which contains a list of primary sources and authors that Mavr Orbini used when writing. Most of these authors are no longer known today. In the Index, each one is labeled "accursed author".

There were also lists of books to be cleansed and cleansed. The commissions created banned publications, erased parts of the text, conducted searches in homes and at the border. The commissars of the sacred tribunal were on duty in all the harbors. The destruction of books continued until the memory of the existence of the Great Empire was erased.

Geographic Maps

Today, only a few old maps have survived, which, as a rule, were edited and published without detailed enlargement. But, even on the existing ones, you can see the repeating names of different settlements and rivers. This is not surprising, because, spreading its influence, the empire transferred Russian-Turkic names to new lands. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. in Russia and Europe, most of the old imperial names were erased, and some were moved. For example, the gospel Jerusalem, which was transferred from the former Constantinople to the territory of Palestine. Another example is Veliky Novgorod, which was the metropolitan area of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus with its center in Yaroslavl (Yaroslavov Dvorische). Veliky Novgorod was transferred on paper from the banks of the Volga to the banks of the Volkhov.

Thanks to the manipulations carried out, many Russian cities ended up in other areas and even continents. After cabinet revisions in the area, missionaries were sent out to tell the natives what their country was called in the past. Over time, many agreed with the arguments of the church fathers, and fires and many other means of persuasion were always prepared for those who disagree. The process of editing geographical maps was completed only in the 19th century.

History repeats itself

If you still doubt the existence of a global falsification in the past, briefly described above, I suggest recalling recent events, namely, the collapse of the USSR. To disunite the peoples who have lived in one state for centuries, it is enough to instill in them the idea of independence. Open modern textbooks on the history of Georgia, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Estonia and you will be horrified by what you read. It's simple: the young newly formed states need, by all means, to justify their claims to the territory historically. I think I already wrote about this somewhere? History repeats itself, my friends …