Black Dragon's Treasure - Chrysolite - Alternative View

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Black Dragon's Treasure - Chrysolite - Alternative View
Black Dragon's Treasure - Chrysolite - Alternative View

Video: Black Dragon's Treasure - Chrysolite - Alternative View

Video: Black Dragon's Treasure - Chrysolite - Alternative View
Video: Black Dragon Treasure WTF TG TF Full tg tf transformation 2024, September

Each color has its own effect on a person, and causes certain associations. For example, red - it is generally accepted that this is an aggressive color that will not let you calm down and will excite the imagination and psyche, therefore it is not recommended to choose it for decorating rooms intended for rest and relaxation.

Green acts quite differently, especially its warm shades. You know, these are herbal, as if saturated with sunlight. I cannot give an unbiased assessment of the influence of such a shade on the psyche - this is my favorite, so I propose to briefly get acquainted with what the “color therapists” say about this:

This color allows you to get rid of anxiety and anxiety, maintain vigor and provide moral support and strength during the period of implementation of far-reaching plans. Green will not give the desired result, but it will allow you not to lose the already existing progress. Great for decorating a bedroom, as it brings the body into a relaxed state. But it is important not to overdo it with its amount, as the excessive presence of green can lead to an apathetic, dreary state. At the same time, the shade improves vision and appetite, and has a great effect on the ability to concentrate on the task at hand. In addition, this color eliminates negative thoughts, which has a great effect on the state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. As for energy, here green is positive, in every sense of the word. The lack of green around causes difficulties with socialization, relationships with the opposite sex, and in terms of health - with the respiratory system and creates a great chance of allergic reactions.


Green is healthy. However, not everyone will be able to constantly wear clothes of this shade, and outside the window it is not always summer, and not always green. But what if we combine the properties of green and lithotherapy? Let's see what a herbal stone - chrysolite - is capable of.

As mentioned above, I am not indifferent to green, so I ask you to forgive me for some bias that can involuntarily slip along the course of the story.

Chrysolite is an evening emerald. He received this name for its unique ability: artificial light forces the stone to change its color, and the shade fluctuations are very sensitive - in a few seconds you will see the full spectrum of greenery, from gentle, warm, with an admixture of olive yellow, to piercing emerald with blue blotches. Chrysolite is credited with the ability to bring changes in the life of the owner - if he decides on their need, and is ready to sacrifice most of the old habits in favor of the new and unknown - what the mineral companion will give him.

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Dragon wish

Like its stone counterparts, chrysolite is shrouded in legends. One of the brightest appeared in Mongolia: the legend tells about the birth of the mineral, and connects it, no less than a dragon.

As you know, genies have never been famous for their special love for the representatives of the human race, and in the legends of any people they look like rather evil and insidious creatures with whom it is not recommended to “gamble”. They did not dare to mischief people on their own, and therefore they had to look for “alternative” methods to curtail the blood of mortal neighbors on the planet. And an excellent way was found: in different places of the world of people, the genies hid a gem, which they stole from the dragon's lair. Naturally, the scaly giant was not going to put up with the loss, and for some reason he was firmly convinced: people know where his stones are. In search of the dragon did not hesitate in the means: villages burned, cities suffocated in the smoke that the flying reptile generously let out into the streets, wanting to force people to confess who stole her "charm". Rock fallsarranged by the dragon, also brought mankind a lot of trouble, and then there was one daredevil who, by some miracle, overheard the conversation of the genies and found out why the black dragon was so up in arms against the heavenly inhabitants. Having found out about the stolen stones, he sent news around the world, and soon they were all found and piled up in huge heaps in front of the city gates. The dragon took what was his, and they did not see him again - they said that the calmed monster no longer left his cave, in which subsequently kept treasures for several millennia. Later, when he weakened, people entered the cave and the world again saw the stones, because of which they could die. These were chrysolites. In Mongolia, to this day, they are considered stones associated with material well-being - an amulet with chrysolite is perfect for everyone,whose activity is in one way or another connected with the movement of finance, be it a merchant of any format or a banker.

According to written sources, mankind has been familiar with chrysolite since the 3rd century BC: it was then that it got its name, “chrysos” - “golden”. Pliny the Elder, a famous Roman scientist and an avid traveler, in one of his works mentioned the island of Zebergede in the Red Sea: as early as the 1st century AD, chrysolite was mined there - it is noteworthy that the deposit still pampers prospectors with stones of good quality.


In Ancient Egypt, it was believed that in daylight it was impossible to find real chrysolite, since it hides from the sun, disguising itself as an empty rock. Therefore, when mining began in this area - and it began already under Cleopatra, who highly appreciated the delicate beauty of this stone - all the work was carried out only under cover of night in order to accurately “catch” real chrysolite.

Unlike many precious stones sent by the Church to the fiery hell, chrysolite, like some of its fellows, passed this fate thanks to their participation in laying the walls of the heavenly city of Jerusalem. It is mentioned as a gem that the Jerusalem high priest used to decorate his clothes, and since then has been a symbol of piety, high thoughts and purity in the Christian religion. A reference to the clothes of the high priest has survived to this day: the rings of modern Catholic pastors are most often inlaid with amethysts and chrysolites, since it was these stones that acquired a symbolic status in the Christian religion. However, this happened only during the time of the Crusades - the knights brought chrysolites from the East as a symbol of the superiority of their faith. In the 18th century, a group of naturalists led by scientist Peter Simon Pallas investigated a meteorite in the area of the Yenisei Ridge. Locals considered him a messenger of heaven, and the researchers were very surprised by the composition: in addition to the usual metals for such a find, the body of the meteorite contained inclusions of high-quality chrysolite. But the peak of the gem's popularity came in the middle of the 19th century, when an enlightened society faithfully believed in its ability to restore and strengthen masculine strength. Needless to say, in what volumes this stone was sold, and how did its prices soar in jewelry workshops?the body of the meteorite contained inclusions of high quality chrysolite. But the peak of the gem's popularity came in the middle of the 19th century, when an enlightened society faithfully believed in its ability to restore and strengthen masculine strength. Needless to say, in what volumes this stone was sold, and how did its prices soar in jewelry workshops?the body of the meteorite contained inclusions of high quality chrysolite. But the peak of the gem's popularity came in the middle of the 19th century, when an enlightened society faithfully believed in its ability to restore and strengthen masculine strength. Needless to say, in what volumes this stone was sold, and how did its prices soar in jewelry workshops?

Finding the green spectrum

Chrysolite deposits as such are quite rare. This is due to the form in which it is found in nature. Inclusion in basalt rocks, a “side effect” when mining emeralds or diamonds, an accidental find among a mountain of spent fragments of some extraneous rock - but you never know, nature has options!


But, if the options for the "birth" of the stone are very, very diverse, then its color scheme leaves much to be desired, and, most likely, will disappoint fans of meeting different colors of the same mineral. The fact is that the color range of stones differs mainly due to impurities that are present in the “body” of the mineral. Chrysolite has chromium, nickel and iron - their presence does not leave the stone even a tiny chance to get out of the green range: all its varieties have one or another shade of green, with a predominance of characteristic golden notes. The difference in the ratio of the elements that make up chrysolite leads to a fluctuation in its shades from grassy or brown-green to golden-green or pistachio, but, nevertheless, green is still the key color. It can be very saturated or very pale (although saturation is the exception rather than the rule),but still green and transparent. The uniformity of color is a sign of a quality stone, but sometimes there are unique exhibits with spots or stripes. But, no matter how the chrysolite samples look, they are all united by a characteristic feature - a special glow of the edges, which gives the impression of a soft surface. And, by the way, that golden hue, for which I love this crystal so much, devalues the stone - the less yellow it has, the more expensive the chrysolite.devalues the stone - the less yellow it has, the more expensive the chrysolite.devalues the stone - the less yellow it has, the more expensive the chrysolite.


If we take into account the form in which chrysolite is found in nature, then its size becomes clear: usually it is no more than three carats, and specimens of 10-15 carats are a real rarity. Hardness, too, cannot be called a strong property of a crystal, it is 6-7 units on the Mohs scale (for comparison, diamond on it stands at 10 points, and talc and gypsum - 1 and 2 points, respectively). In view of this, one might say, fragility, jewelers have to be extremely careful when working with chrysolite - the crystal will not forgive rough handling. In general, if you do not differ in great knowledge of mineralogy, you can easily confuse chrysolite with other green beauties, for example, emerald, tourmaline of this shade or beryl. But the hardness of chrysolite and its brilliant, like oily, edges - they cannot be confused with anything.


If we consider the deposits of chrysolite and the quality of mined stones, then in the first place in terms of quantity and quality is the island of Zebergede in the Red Sea, which I mentioned at the beginning of the story. Next come Egypt, Brazil, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan. In general, chrysolite is found almost all over the world - if there is an opportunity to dig deeper into the corresponding rock about 400 meters deep, then there is a chance to find it almost in your own garden. But alas, the quality of the crystals, which are found mainly in the diamond deposits of Yakutia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory on the territory of Russia, is very low to put the production of jewelry on stream, so it is easier to purchase overseas chrysolite - both more transparent and greener.

Chrysolite in lithotherapy and esoterics

Official medicine treats the properties of chrysolite in the same way as the properties of other stones - it simply does not recognize them. Lithotherapists, however, claim that this crystal is capable of a lot: for example, it easily relieves pain in some forms of neuralgia, spinal hernias and gastrointestinal diseases, and also helps a woman during childbirth. The process of rehabilitation after any surgical intervention or a serious illness can also be faster and easier with the participation of chrysolite - for this, the crystal is applied daily to the affected / diseased area.

Contemplation of the surrounding world through chrysolite will help to cope with eye diseases, and wearing a crystal around your neck in the form of a pendant will gradually relieve you of stuttering (though only from light forms). To combat insomnia, yellowish chrysolite is useful, which should be kept under the pillow. Just like shungite, chrysolite is able to remove toxins from the body, and due to the softness of the crystal it is quite easy to turn it into a powder: water, which was insisted on this powder for a day, perfectly acts as a cleansing drug.


No less lithotherapists appreciate chrysolite and esoterics. They recommend the gem as an excellent protector and assistant in a variety of areas. Here is a warning against actions that in the future may have a negative impact on the reputation of the owner of the chrysolite, and the strengthening of the “sixth sense” - you must admit that a strong intuition has not prevented anyone, and the crystal is able to strengthen it so that a person will be able to practically foresee future events. It is only important to understand that this is a gift from chrysolite - no need to try to ignore it. And also, if you put chrysolite in gold and put on a ring on your left hand, then it will perfectly cope with the role of an almost absolute shield from damage and the evil eye, and with other occult influences of a negative nature it will be dealt with with a bang. In India, since ancient times, he has been appreciated for his help in relations with the opposite sex, and Europeans used to give jewelry with chrysolite to their ladies so that they would definitely wait for them from the trip.


Chrysolite has an interesting feature - it is a stone of one owner. Any attempt to donate it, or even just lend it for temporary use, will lead to the irrevocable loss of all magical properties of the chrysolite. The crystal will quickly become cloudy, and may even become covered with a network of cracks, which will completely ruin its appearance - it will become impossible to use the stone not only for occult purposes, but even as a common decoration. Roughly the same fate awaits chrysolite, forgotten by the owner in the box - this crystal requires constant contact with a person, it must at least sometimes be worn or simply taken in hand in order to preserve its appearance and unique properties.

Chrysolite in museums around the world

Despite the fact that this stone belongs to rather inexpensive gems and products made from it are available to everyone, museums keep magnificent examples of jewelry craftsmanship, for the creation of which chrysolite was used.

The Russian Diamond Fund contains a rare specimen - a stone weighing about 193 carats, brought from Zeberged, slightly larger than a quail's egg. Despite several internal cracks, the chrysolite is perfectly preserved. Who and when he cut it off is unknown.

Another interesting example is a gold setting, decorated with chrysolites. It is kept in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra - it frames Andrei Rublev's Trinity.

Chrysolite was very popular in the Ottoman Empire. Each member of the ruling dynasty considered it his duty to replenish the collection, for which several impressive rooms were allocated. There were figurines, ornaments, and just stones in the setting, and inlaid objects - everything that seemed interesting to the Ottomans. One of the best exhibits in this collection is the throne of Nadir Shah, for the incrustation of which the craftsmen used several tens of hundreds of magnificent chrysolites.


Another unique exhibit is Nero's monocle, mentioned by Pliny the Elder. It is kept in the Vatican, where, as you know, historians have no way - to access the repositories a special permit is required, which is given out there with great reluctance. It is believed that it was through this device that Nero watched the battles of gladiators and the fire that destroyed the great city, but now historians doubt whether chrysolite serves as the glass of a monocle. Alas, it will not be possible to determine whether this is so, or whether the monocle is made on the basis of an emerald, until the researchers get into the Vatican's vault.