Roswell Phenomenon - Alternative View

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Roswell Phenomenon - Alternative View
Roswell Phenomenon - Alternative View

Video: Roswell Phenomenon - Alternative View

Video: Roswell Phenomenon - Alternative View
Video: Roswell: The UFO mystery that still haunts America | Planet America 2024, May

Dozens of books have already been devoted to the 1947 event that happened in America near the town of Roswell. They will write more. But none of them gave an answer to the question - what actually happened?

On June 25, Idaho-based rescue team pilot Kenneth Arnold, who worked for the US Forest Service, flew over the Washington State Mountain Cascade in hopes of finding the missing plane. Suddenly noticed in the sky - at an altitude of about 10 thousand miles above the ground - flying, according to his estimate, at a speed of 1200 miles per hour, a ship in the form of a disk. And the shape of the apparatus, and its speed, and altitude, and the flight itself were unusual. Arnold later compared it to "a plate jumping over water." Most likely, he was in distress. With the light hand of this pilot, the term "flying saucer" was born, quickly fixed by one of the American newspapers. The fragments of the "plate", or rather, some small parts from it, were found at one of the ranches by its owner Brazel. Showing the county sheriffhe then handed them over to the military secret expert, Major Jess Marcel, counting on a reward of three thousand dollars already announced by that time.

The Major's assistants, having carefully examined the area, found many more of the same wreckage, which, in their words, "did not look like anything." "Some of the pieces were porous, others hard, long, thin, like parchment." Many of the pieces were wood-like, light as balsa; on some you could see incomprehensible marks. Marcel called them "hieroglyphs."

At the same time, the "plate" itself was discovered.


On July 8, 1947, Major Marcel reported in newspapers and on the radio that the Roswell Air Force Range had captured a flying saucer on a ranch near town. The very next day, it was reported that a new expert, General (!) Roger M. Ratie, had identified the incomprehensible pieces as the remnants of a crashed meteor ball. Although it is clear that the fallen weather balloon is a piece of torn rubber and a light aluminum frame with a few simple radio components attached to it.

Then, more than 50 years ago, many witnesses responded to the publication.

Promotional video:

Reports of strange flying objects rained down from various states. Nevertheless, the statement of the military about the fallen "meteor ball" for a long time put an end to this story, and it seemed that the hype would very quickly be consigned to oblivion. But more and more persistently, despite the obvious opposition of experts, the world began to talk about the reality of "contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations." Like a dam burst.

Reports of oddities in heaven and before Roswell were not uncommon.

Let's open at least the book of the famous scientist and artist Nicholas Roerich "The Heart of Asia". We quote: "… And we notice - at a high altitude, something shiny moves in the direction from north to south. Three strong binoculars were brought from the tents. We observe a voluminous spheroidal body, sparkling in the sun, clearly visible in the blue sky. It moves very quickly Then we notice how it changes direction closer to the southwest, and disappears behind the Humboldt snow chain. The whole camp is watching the unusual phenomenon and the lamas whisper: "The sign of Shambhala."

When these lines were written, the world did not yet know either "flying saucers" or meteorological probes. But the scientist himself had a reputation for being an eccentric, and this was enough not to give his observations much attention.

Roswell turned everything upside down. In any case, in the West. Forced to look at messages of this kind from a completely different angle.

Eyewitnesses and witnesses

Roswell was also incredible. Several of its residents, who called themselves eyewitnesses, persistently insisted that an alien ship had crashed there that summer of 1947. Moreover, eyewitnesses (and later researchers) insisted that the military, represented by the senior officials of the US Air Force, the FBI, and the White House, deliberately took the path of concealing the true facts of what had happened, as well as the crashed aircraft itself, its parts and details, the bodies of the crew. … Later, a former employee of the Roswell Air Force Hospital morgue stated that he himself personally dissected the bodies of crashed aliens. He also said the bodies were transported to Dayton, Ohio, where they were allegedly frozen for future research. (There is a film about this autopsy.)

For a long time, rumors circulated in the States that one of the unearthly creatures from the crashed UFO survived, but a year later died on a specially built top-secret base from a trivial earth infection.

The circumstances of those events today excite the imagination of Americans, and so much so that recently one congressman turned to the General Archives Office of the Congress with a request to re-analyze all the events of the "Roswell incident". He was told: "We do not say anything until the job is done."

Be that as it may, but Roswell attracted attention again.

The study of all available materials shows that the "probe" is not as simple as it might seem even to an inveterate skeptic. Note that this area has long been literally packed with various top-secret objects. Here, two years before the "saucer", the world's first nuclear explosion was carried out, the missiles removed from Germany were launched here, and so on. That is, Roswell in those years was close to space.

The world, excited by this story, nevertheless calmed down somewhat. However, in the late 70s, Stanton Friedman from New Brunswick entered the scene. Friedman has long worked as a nuclear physicist at General Electric and Westinghouse. In his free time, he devoted himself to reading books about UFOs, studying reports on Roswell. It was he who managed to find several living witnesses of what happened in 1947. The information obtained by the physicist led him to the idea that the "smoke screen" had not been dispelled. He claims that the Roswell material is kept in the strictest secrecy in the bowels of the federal government. The official authorities, in turn, are protesting against such statements. On September 18, 1994, The New York Times once again assessed the Roswell incident as a “modern myth,” citing the same military. However, the supporters of the "dish" were not satisfied with this, they say that meteorological instruments before and after Roswell were found without any noise in various parts of the world.


It seems that in the case of Roswell (and not only with him), an old, but very reliable method of disguise was used, the essence of which is that there is nothing more reliably hidden than what lies in plain sight. Since much could not be hidden, most likely it was decided to organize this very "view" artificially. Moreover, special efforts are not required for this if natural human curiosity acts as a “shunting pusher”. For his satisfaction, books were written, films such as "The X-Files" and "Psi Factor" were shot. What is fiction, and what is reality - go figure it out! Moreover, the "swing" is clearly deliberately arranged, when some claim that this is all true, while others say it is a bluff. Real research activity has been reliably taken into the shadows.

It is more difficult with the aforementioned film about the autopsy of dead "aliens" (we can talk about biorobots as well). This film, or rather - some process filmed on film, became a world sensation. And again, everyone who saw him was divided into two camps! Some take what they see at face value, others with a learned air of sages unambiguously claim that it is a fake. I had a casual conversation on this topic with the Kiev doctors who saw the video. In their opinion, it is difficult to talk about a fake, since the actions of pathologists on the screen correspond to a very high level of surgical professionalism. With all the desire to play this. If it is a fake, then it is of the highest level.

Hence the question: what is hidden then, and why would suddenly such a violent and complex reaction to manifestations of "mass psychosis"?

We believe that the surge of interest in the "Roswell incident" was also largely facilitated by the information that began to flow from the Soviet Union, where, due to certain circumstances, the locks of secrecy were weakened. Until the end of the eighties, the Soviet press did not publish any messages of this kind. Information of this kind was published only in publications such as "Seeker", and even then with the obligatory heading "fantasy".

Relatively recently it became known that "their own fallen saucer" was not only in the States, but also in the USSR. Messages on this score could not fail to cause a new surge of interest in what happened half a century ago in Roswell.

Object Z

The circumstances of the extraordinary episode are known thanks to Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences V. Troitsky and Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yu. Fomin. It was these two scientists who consistently defended the right to openly study the "oddities" associated with unidentified flying objects. Thanks to their efforts, it became known that a strange-looking purple "triangle" in August 1961 "marked" over the Riga military airfield, before the start of testing a fundamentally new military aircraft.

He was not only seen by the military, but also filmed on film, and this film exists. Although the object had all the signs of artificial origin, it behaved very strangely: it suddenly disappeared from the field of visual observation and just as unexpectedly appeared, but in a different place.

The flight was accompanied by directional sound radiation, which made everyone who got into its zone into a state of panic and horror. As soon as a person left the zone of influence, all fears instantly disappeared.

In early July 1966, the UFO declared itself again - in Siberia - about 600 kilometers from Tomsk, where the Trigorodskaya river flows into the Ob, near the village of Topolevka. Detailed materials about the event were collected by the Moscow researcher N. Kuzmin and his Ukrainian colleagues A. Anfalov and G. Zharikov. They were the ones who restored the picture of what happened. According to the testimony of the Moscow geologist Oleg Ivanovich, who worked in that place with the expedition, he woke up at night from a deafening roar. A bright ball descending from the sky was visible through the tent canvas. The geologists who jumped out of the tents saw that everything was on fire. The heat was so intense that they had to wet the blankets with water and wrap themselves in them, which saved the people. In the morning, the group decided to go to the site of the fall of the unknown object. On the way, they noticed that the compass needle became uncontrollable,and people felt nauseous and weak. Finally they came to a swamp, from which a strange-looking object rose. The caked hemisphere protruding from the mud was bordered by multi-colored lights that blinked alternately. Thick smoke poured from a hole in the side. Something was lying face down next to the hole. There was no possibility to come closer - the swamp was not allowed. Increased malaise, as well as the onset of dusk, forced the geologists to leave this place. When they returned here the next morning, there was nothing in the swamp, and along its edge were the tracks of many people and helicopter wheels. Something was lying face down next to the hole. There was no possibility to come closer - the swamp was not allowed. Increased malaise, as well as the onset of dusk, forced the geologists to leave this place. When they returned here the next morning, there was nothing in the swamp, and along its edge were the tracks of many people and helicopter wheels. Something was lying face down next to the hole. There was no possibility to come closer - the swamp was not allowed. Increased malaise, as well as the onset of dusk, forced the geologists to leave this place. When they returned here the next morning, there was nothing in the swamp, and along its edge were the tracks of many people and helicopter wheels.

What happened in those few hours? This was told by another found witness - a Muscovite Sergei, whose name is not disclosed. At that time, he served in the Air Force as a technician at an airfield in Kolpashevo, 350 kilometers from the very Topolevka. His helicopter regiment had a special status, since it served one of the military space centers and a training base for cosmonauts in difficult natural conditions. Such bases, as far as is known, were scattered throughout all climatic zones of the USSR.

That night the regiment was alerted. We got into helicopters and flew over the taiga for a long time. Finally we unloaded in a clearing surrounded by charred trees.

We approached a large swamp and saw a strange ship half-immersed in it, resembling two connected bowls, with multi-colored lights flashing around the perimeter. Someone immediately gave the definition of this thing - "flying saucer". The ship was 8-10 meters in diameter. Perfectly streamlined.

The hatch is open. An operation has begun to extract this "plate" from the swamp slurry. Since there was nothing to cling to, they made something like a string bag, brought it under the sides and hooked up to a heavy cargo helicopter. With a dull squelch, he pulled the apparatus out of the brown slurry and carried it towards the base.

According to the source of information, for the purpose of secrecy, the find was then designated “Object Z”. From all the participants in these events, including geologists, a subscription was taken not to disclose military secrets. Local residents who watched the fall of the fireball were also warned about the same.

Of course, we can say that it was a failed launch of a satellite with a nuclear reactor on board. But satellites of this size, it seems, still do not exist, and nuclear reactors were not installed on satellites then. In addition, satellites do not decorate with colored lights. In short, there are many questions. Much more modest with the answers. They simply do not exist, as is the case with the "Roswell saucer", which generally flew in the pre-space era.

You can treat messages of this kind as you like, since there are enough people inclined to hoax for the sake of cheap popularity. Suffice it to recall the sensational publication a few years ago about huge "mutated rats" supposedly living in metro tunnels, or about the passions of Kugi-Tang, about the "M's triangle". This not the best property of the human psyche may well be used by disinformation specialists.

Ten years ago, flights of strange objects were observed by millions of people all over the world, objects in the form of luminous balls were shown even on TV. I remember that there was no intelligible explanation. There are none today. Many people of Kiev have also become witnesses of such incomprehensible things. From my own balcony, somewhere in the nineties, I myself had the opportunity to look at something that hung silently and motionless over our house on Kiev Lukyanovka. It was something glowing with two lights like very bright halogen car headlights. Old field binoculars also made it possible to see a red dot above those same "headlights". In the night darkness, something voluminous and massive was guessed, but it was not possible to see its shape. After hanging like this for several minutes, the "headlights" slowly went to the bell tower of St. Sophia, and from it at a very fast pace, with an acceleration impossible for any machine,went towards the Goloseevsky forest.

The famous Kiev designer Vladimir Yakovlevich Kravtsevich was much more fortunate. The next day he brought to the editorial office of Pravda Ukrainy, where I then headed the department of science and educational institutions, his drawings, made from fresh impressions. He examined the object with the help of a portable telescope at home, and therefore saw much more. Vladimir Yakovlevich was also lucky in that he witnessed the maneuver of that very "something".

It became clear that the perception of an object depends on the position of the observer in relation to him: from some points, when the propulsion system is in the field of view, it is seen as a fireball, transforming into an oval when maneuvering, even into a fiery cross, if viewed from the edge.

Before a Kiev woman Valentina Vladimirovna Bondarenko, who lives on Lepse Boulevard (her letter with a description of what she saw a few days later lay on my desktop), the same “something” appeared in the form of an oval resembling an airship with clearly visible windows of “portholes” and a luminous dot “On the nose.

Different people may observe the same thing, but see a different picture. And even the authors of the "Blue Book" agreed that behind such observations there are really very serious things, they stated that two percent of such observations defy any explanation. Two percent, that is, two cases out of a hundred, is not so little. In any case, even the recognized two percent knocks the ground out of the statements that this cannot happen in principle. It turns out, in principle, just can. Therefore, for so many years passions have been boiling around the "Roswell phenomenon".