The TOT Book - Alternative View

The TOT Book - Alternative View
The TOT Book - Alternative View

Video: The TOT Book - Alternative View

Video: The TOT Book - Alternative View
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Beginning with Plato, philosophers and historians represented Thoth as the king of the most ancient Egyptian dynasty, the vizier of Osiris and Horus, the civilizer, the inventor of the Hermetic sciences. Various traditions, including esoteric ones, indicate that Thoth (Hermes) is not the name of one person, but the common title of many adepts. Thoth (Hermes) was a collective name, it was given, respectively, in different countries to the Great Initiates, Prophets, Clairvoyants, Serpents of Wisdom. All of them are representatives and patrons of Secret Knowledge and Inner Wisdom.

Under the name of Hermes, Thoth arrived three times in Egypt, where each time he led the life of a philosopher. On his third visit, he achieved "self-remembering" and "self-knowledge." Then he adopted or got his real name again. We are talking about the threefold incarnation of the same person.

Hermes himself speaks of various Hermes as his ancestor Hermes (Asclepius, 37). Manetho mentions three Thoth kings: Thoth I, Thoth II and his son Tata. Cicero and Abul Feda have five of them. Guénon considers this triple form: Hermes Hermes Antediluvian, Hermes Babylonian Post-Flood and Hermes Egyptian Post-Flood. These two traditions - the Chaldean and the Egyptian - came from the same source - the Atlantic, that is, from Atlantis (according to Guénon). Most likely, the Chaldean tradition preceded the Egyptian, that is, the Lemurian preceded the Atlantic. And here the chronology is observed: Lemuria perished before Atlantis, but the golden chain of spiritual continuity has always been preserved, despite all the destructive cataclysms.

Marsilio Ficino called Hermes "the first creator of theology", which was continued after him by Orpheus, Aglaothem, Pythagoras, Philolaus and the "divine" Plato. Pico della Mirandola called Hermes "the greatest philosopher, the greatest priest and the greatest king" who is closely associated with Egypt.

Where was the homeland of the Egyptian gods? In the Book of the Dead, there is a mysterious Lake of Flame, or Lake of Two Fires, where the god Thoth was allegedly born. The mention of a certain lake Thoth is found more than once in ancient records. Zhirov connects the homeland of Thoth with a distant western country (in relation to Egypt), in which there was a city located by a large lake or sea. There were two active volcanoes near the city. Then, in the land of Thoth, a terrible cosmic event of a destructive nature occurred. This caused terror among the gods. He, with his knowledge, helps the gods escape from a dangerous place to the east, and they had to transport them across a large lake or sea.

This stunning picture resembles a huge lake of fire, the sea, splendidly described by Plato in the dialogue "Phaedo" (Plato. Phaedo, 111-113b), and the fiery river of Enoch, "where fire flows like water, pouring out into the great sea of the West" (Book Enoch, IV, 17). There is reason to assert that the three episodes described here could have taken place in the Atlantic Ocean, in the cluster of islands and coastal land that the Carthaginian navigator Hannon saw.

The secret Teaching says that Hermes Trismegistus was the father of occult wisdom, the founder of astrology and the discoverer of alchemy. Some believe that he is a contemporary of Abraham or Abraham himself, received part of his mystical knowledge from Hermes himself. Hermes Trismegistus lived in the flesh for 300 years. The real name of Hermes consists of 15 letters. It sounds like this: Osergariach Nomaphi. The number of letters corresponds to the days of the moon in its height; the second name contains seven letters according to the Lords of the world, and its number is 365 according to the days of the year.

Antediluvian knowledge has not been lost. Already Hermes Trismegistus (Thrice Greatest) (Hermes Post-Flood III) finds seven stone tablets in the Hebron Valley, which were preserved there until the Flood. On them the Grand Master found a description of the seven humanities. Adam placed these tables in the valley after his expulsion from paradise. The descendants of Adam installed two stone tablets on which they wrote down all the "natural sciences" in hieroglyphs. Subsequently, Noah (also after the Flood) discovered one of the tablets at the foot of Mount Ararat. The science of astronomy was recorded on it.

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This legend probably goes back to the Jewish tradition, for example, in the Book of Zohar: “When Adam was in paradise, God sent to him the holy angel Raziel, the keeper of the main secrets, with a book in which the highest sacred wisdom was recorded. There are 670 chapters in this book, which describe 270 types of wisdom. Through this book he was given 1,500 keys to wisdom. " After the expulsion from paradise, the book disappeared, but according to the will of Adam, it subsequently passed to his son Set, then to Enoch, and from him to Abraham. The Clementine Homilies (2nd century AD) says: "Adam is the first of eight incarnations of the 'true prophet'." This is the chain of incarnations: Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Christ.

The ancient tradition brought to the descendants several cases of finds of the grave of Hermes and sacred books. Usually books were found right in old crypts with the sign of Hermes or his statue.

The Emerald Tablet was found by Sarah, wife of Abraham, on the body of Hermes in Hebron. Later, in the same place, Alexander the Great or Arab initiates unearthed the body of Hermes, and with it a huge emerald with 13 sentences carved on it ("The Emerald Tablet"). Another legend says that a certain Isarim the Initiate also found in Hebron on the dead body of Hermes the "Emerald Table".

In the III century. n. e. African bought papyrus in Egypt for a lot of money, written by the hand of Pharaoh Cheops (Sufis). Many years later, a certain Adfar of Alexandria found an alchemical treatise by Hermes Trismegistus on the making of gold, which is considered one of the first (if not the first) in this area. Then this book fell into the hands of Morienus of Rome, a student of Adfar. The latter decided to reveal to Morienus "the secrets of the whole deity." Morienus, in turn, teaches an Arab prince from the Umayyad dynasty, Khalid (Kalida) ibn Yazid of Alexandria (635–704). The Arab historian al Masoudi (885–956) preserved this information. This is the same al Masoudi who so colorfully described the mysterious contents of the pyramids. So the circuit is closed. Let us recall that the caliphs al Mamun (who found treasures in the pyramid) and his father Harun (Harun) ar Rashid belonged to the Umayyad dynasty.

In 1144 Robert of Chester translated the Book of Hermes as the earliest alchemical treatise into Latin. There is another manuscript from the 17th century. entitled "The Seven Books of Magical Experiments of Hermes Trismegistus." The ancient manuscript was in the richest library of Rudolf II, the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, with the inscription: "And they are the magical secrets of the king of Egypt."

But the Golden Chain of the great Hermeticists was never broken. Arab mystics have long combined Neoplatonism (Hermeticism) with Sufism and have established a curious chain of initiation (isnad): it leads to him from the Three Hermes through Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Alexander the Great, Hallaj, Shibli, Niffari, Habashi, Qadib al Ban. The Arab mystic Ibn Sab'in (1269), who corresponded with Emperor Frederick II, writes about this.

What is left of the era of Thoth Hermes? Wisdom and books. Iamblichus claims that Hermes was the author of 20 thousand books, Manetho brings this figure to 36 thousand. Clement of Alexandria writes about 42 holy books, from where he leads one of the solar ceremonial processions of Egyptian priests carrying Hermes books on philosophy, astrology, cosmography, geography and medicine. The so-called "hermetic vault", first translated by Marsilio Ficino in 1463, has survived to this day. Among this vault are the most famous works: "Poimander of Hermes Trismegistus", "Asclepius", "Emerald Tablet".

There was also the mysterious Book of Thoth. She is mentioned in the "Legend of Satni Hemois" (papyrus of the beginning of the 3rd century BC). In the necropolis of Memphis, Hemois is looking for the tomb of Noferk Ptah, where the Book of Thoth should be hidden. The ghost of his wife Noferk Ptah appears to him and tells the story of her husband's search for the Book of Thoth. In turn, the priest of the Ptah temple speaks about this book to Noferk Ptah. This priest informs that the Book of Thoth "rests in the middle of the Nile near Coptos." She lies in a golden casket, and the book is guarded by scorpions and snakes. "And an immortal serpent coiled around the chest." Noferka Ptah leaves for Koptos, drains a section of the Nile, kills the immortal serpent and takes out the cherished book. And here is a very important point missed by many researchers: Noferka Ptah makes a copy of the Book of Thoth. He finds out that his book has been stolen, and turns to Ra for help. Ra says:“I give you Noferka Ptah and all his neighbors. They are yours!" Then Noferka Ptah, his wife and son die. Hemois publishes the Book of Thoth so that everyone can familiarize themselves with it. From the legend it is clear that the Book of Thoth still remained in the tomb of Noferk Ptah in Memphis.

The book contained "all the secrets of life and death, powerful spells are hidden in it." If a person learns these spells, he will become "like the gods himself." The Book of Thoth speaks of two spells. The first fascinates "heaven and earth, mountains and waters and the afterlife", so that you can understand the language of birds, creeping creatures, fish. The second spell will allow a person to rise from the dead and see with his own eyes the nature and heavenly passage of planets and stars (Pharaoh Khufu and the sorcerers. M., 1958).

Ra and Horus, with the help of Thoth, fight the enemies of the magical and terrible Book, "in which there is life and death," and which, if handled carelessly, can destroy heaven, earth and even incinerate all the gods. Thus, it is included in the list of the so-called "cursed books", the possession of which brings misfortune, and most often death to their owner.

Hemois, the eldest son of Ramses II (1290–1224 BC), is a real historical person. He belonged to the so-called "teachers of the mysterious sciences" - Hir Seshta, who were the keepers of the knowledge and wisdom of Ancient Egypt. In Egyptian inscriptions we see teachers of the mysteries of the sky (astrologers and astronomers), teachers of the secrets of the earth (physicists, chemists (alchemists), natural scientists), teachers of the mysteries of the abyss (or depth) (geologists), teachers of mysterious words (the latter were engaged in all kinds of occult and esoteric sciences). Most likely, Hemoas bore the title Seton, or Setom. Hemois was the high priest of the god Ptah in Memphis, which allows us to speak about the truth of this legend and that he really possessed the Book of Thoth.

Noferka Ptah is also a historical figure - he is the son of Pharaoh Mernep Ptah, the thirteenth son of Ramses II (1224–1204 BC). Hence it follows: Hemous and Mernep Ptah are brothers, and Noferka Ptah is Hemous's nephew. Noferka Ptah and Hemous have only one thing in common: both tried to take possession of the Book of Thoth by force, having entered into a struggle with the representatives of Ra, Thoth and the immortal serpent. The latter are the adepts of Atlantis, zealously guarding their secrets. Hemoas here resorts to magic talismans and books of Ptah to get rid of the witchcraft of Thoth's magic. Hence the clear opposition between the magic of Thoth and the magic of Ptah, as already pointed out by Maspero. This is one more indication of the ongoing struggle between the hierophants of various cults of the dying island of Poseidonis - the last fragment of the once mighty Atlantis.

(A. A. Voronin "Treasures and relics of lost civilizations")

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