The Japanese Have Proved: The Yekaterinburg "royal" Remains Are Fake - Alternative View

The Japanese Have Proved: The Yekaterinburg "royal" Remains Are Fake - Alternative View
The Japanese Have Proved: The Yekaterinburg "royal" Remains Are Fake - Alternative View

Video: The Japanese Have Proved: The Yekaterinburg "royal" Remains Are Fake - Alternative View

Video: The Japanese Have Proved: The Yekaterinburg
Video: Beyond Fabergé: Imperial Russian Jewelry 2024, June

The publication by Japanese geneticists of the results of a study of human remains, which the official Russian authorities recognized as the remains of Nikolai Romanov's family, made a lot of noise. After analyzing the DNA structures of the Yekaterinburg remains and comparing them with the DNA analysis of the brother of Nicholas II, Grand Duke Georgy Romanov, the nephew of Emperor Tikhon Kulikovsky-Romanov, and DNA taken from sweat particles from the imperial clothes, professor at the Tokyo Institute of Microbiology Tatsuo Nagai came to the conclusion that the remains found near Yekaterinburg do not belong to Nikolai Romanov and his family members.

This gave special weight to the arguments of the group of scientists, historians and geneticists, who are sure that in 1998 absolutely alien remains were buried in the Peter and Paul Fortress under the guise of an imperial family with great fanfare. For almost ten years, Professor of the Russian Academy of History and Paleontology Vadim Viner has been dealing with the problem of finding and identifying the remains of Nikolai Romanov's family, shot in 1918 in Yekaterinburg. To this end, he even created a special Center to investigate the circumstances of the death of family members of the House of Romanov, of which he is president. Wiener is sure that the statement of Japanese scientists can provoke a new political scandal in Russia, if the decision of the special commission of the Russian government, recognizing the "Yekaterinburg remains" as Romanov, is not canceled. About the main arguments on this matter and about howwhat interests were intertwined in the "Romanov case", he told in an interview with Strana. Ru correspondent Viktor Belimov.

- Vadim Alexandrovich, what reasons does Russia have to trust Tatsuo Nagai?

- There are enough of them. It is known that for an examination of such a level one should take not the emperor's distant relatives, but the closest relationship. I mean sisters, brothers, mother. What did the government commission do? She took a distant relationship, second cousins of Nicholas II, and a very distant relationship along the line of Alexandra Feodorovna, this is the English prince Philip. Despite the fact that there is an opportunity to find out the DNA structures of close relatives: there are the relics of Elizabeth Feodorovna, the empress's sister, the son of Nikolai II's sister Tikhon Nikolaevich Kulikovsky-Romanov. Meanwhile, the comparison was made on the basis of analyzes of distant relatives, and very strange results were obtained with such statements as "there are coincidences." Coincidence in the language of geneticists does not mean identity at all. In general, we all coincide. Because we have two handstwo legs and one head. This is not an argument. The Japanese, on the other hand, took DNA tests from close relatives of the emperor.

Second. An absolutely clear historical fact has been recorded that when Nikolai once, while still a Tsarevich, went to Japan, there he was hit on the head with a saber. Two wounds were inflicted: occipito-parietal and fronto-parietal, 9 and 10 cm, respectively. During the cleaning of the second occipital-parietal wound, a splinter of bone, as thick as an ordinary sheet of writing paper, was removed. This is enough to leave a notch on the skull - the so-called callus, which does not dissolve. On the skull, which the Sverdlovsk authorities, and later the federal ones, passed off as the skull of Nicholas II, there is no such callus. Both the Obretenie Foundation, represented by Mr. Avdonin, and the Sverdlovsk Bureau of Forensic Medicine, represented by Mr. Nevolin, said whatever they wanted: that the Japanese were mistaken, that the wound could migrate along the skull, and so on.

What did the Japanese do? It turns out that after Nikolai's visit to Japan, they kept his scarf, vest, sofa on which he was sitting, and the saber with which they hit him. All this is in the museum of the city of Otsu Japanese scientists have studied the DNA of the blood that remained on the scarf after the injury, and the DNA from the sawn-off bones found in Yekaterinburg. It turned out that the structures of DNA are different. This was in 1997. Now Tatsuo Nagai decided to summarize all this data into one comprehensive study. His examination lasted a year and ended quite recently, in July. Japanese geneticists proved 100 percent that the examination carried out by Mr. Ivanov's group was pure hack. But the DNA analysis carried out by the Japanese is only a link in a whole chain of evidence that the Yekaterinburg remains were not involved in the family of Nicholas II.

In addition, I will note that the examination was carried out by the same methodology by another geneticist, President of the International Association of Forensic Medicine, Mr. Bonte from Dusseldorf. He proved that the found remains and doubles of the family of Nikolai II Filatovs are relatives.

- Why are the Japanese so interested in proving the mistake of the Russian government and Russian geneticists?

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- Their interest here is purely professional. They keep a thing that is directly related not only to the memory of Russia, but also to the entire controversial situation. I mean a handkerchief with the blood of the king. As you know, geneticists were divided on this issue, as were historians. The Japanese supported the group that is trying to prove that these are not the remains of Nicholas II and his family. And they supported it not because they wanted it, but because their results in themselves showed the obvious incompetence of Mr. Ivanov and even more so the incompetence of the entire government commission, which was created under the leadership of Boris Nemtsov. Tatsuo Nagai's conclusions are the last, very strong argument that is difficult to refute.

- Were there any responses to Nagai's statements from your opponents?

- There were screams. From the side of the same Avdonin. Like, what has to do with some Japanese professor, if the governor of the Sverdlovsk region Rossel supported us. Then it was said that it was inspired by some dark forces. Who are they? Apparently, there are many of them, starting with Patriarch Alexy II. Because the Church initially did not accept the point of view of the official authorities.

- You said that DNA analysis is only a link in the chain of evidence. What other arguments are there to prove that there are no remains of the last imperial family in the Peter and Paul Fortress?

- There are two blocks of arguments. The first block is intravital medicine. Initially, Nikolai Alexandrovich and his family were served by 37 doctors. Naturally, medical records have been preserved. This is the easiest examination. And the first argument that we found concerns the discrepancy between the data of the doctors' lifetime records and the state of skeleton No. 5. This skeleton was passed off as Anastasia's skeleton. According to the doctors' notes, Anastasia had a height of 158 cm during her lifetime. She was short and plump. The skeleton that was buried is 171 cm tall, and this is the skeleton of a thin man. The second is a callus, which I have already mentioned.

Third. In the diaries of Nicholas II, when he was in Tobolsk, there is an entry: "Sat at the dentist." A number of fellow historians and I began to look for who was then a dentist in Tobolsk. He, or rather she, was the only one for the whole city - Maria Lazarevna Rendel. She left her son with notes on the condition of the teeth of Nicholas II. She reported what kind of fillings she was applying. We asked forensic doctors to see what fillings were on the teeth of the skeleton. It turned out that nothing matches. The Bureau of Forensic Science reiterated that Rendel was wrong. How wrong she was if, excuse me, she personally treated his teeth?

We started looking for other records. And I found in the State Archives of the Russian Federation at 17 Bolshaya Pirogovskaya, the records of the physician-in-chief Evgeny Sergeevich Botkin. In one of the diaries there is a phrase: “Nicholas II unsuccessfully climbed on a horse. Fell. Broken leg. The pain is localized. Plaster applied. But on the skeleton, which they are trying to pass off as the skeleton of Nicholas II, there is not a single fracture. And we did it with minimal costs. The investigator of the Prosecutor General's Office Solovyov, who was in charge of this case, did not need to travel abroad and spend budget money, as he gladly did. It was enough to look into the archives of Moscow and St. Petersburg. But this does not mean reluctance, but that the authorities very much wanted to ignore these arguments and documents.

The second block of arguments is history related. First of all, we posed the question of whether Yurovsky's note, on the basis of which the authorities were looking for a grave, was genuine. And now our colleague, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Buranov, finds in the archive a handwritten note written by Mikhail Nikolayevich Pokrovsky, and by no means Yakov Mikhailovich Yurovsky. This grave is clearly indicated there. That is, the note is a priori fake. Pokrovsky was the first director of Rosarkhiv. It was used by Stalin when it was necessary to rewrite history. He has a famous expression: "History is politics turned to the past." Yurovsky's note is a fake. Since it is a fake, you cannot find the grave from it. This is now a proven question.

- It also has a legal side …

“She, too, is full of oddities and absurdities. We originally requested that all of this be output to the right margin. In 1991, Avdonin, who found the grave, appealed to the Verkh-Isetsky ROVD of Yekaterinburg with a statement about the find. From there they turn to the regional prosecutor's office, and a prosecutor's check is appointed. The grave has been opened. It is not clear further. A criminal case is not initiated, but within the framework of this check, a prosecutor's examination is appointed. This is already a clear contradiction. That is, they should have opened a criminal case in connection with the discovery of the remains showing signs of violent death. Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. As a result, a criminal case is initiated under Article 102. Murder committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy. This is where the real politics started. Because a simple question arises: if you take the case due to the circumstances of the death of the royal family,who should you involve as a murder suspect? Sverdlov, Lenin, Dzerzhinsky - the city of Moscow? Or Beloborodova, Voikova, Goloshchekina - this is Uralsovet, Yekaterinburg. Against whom will you bring the case if they are all dead?

That is, a priori the case is illegal, and it did not have a judicial perspective. But under Article 102 it is easier to prove that these are the remains of the Romanov family, or rather, it is easier not to notice the arguments. How was it necessary to act if everything was done according to the law? You must establish a statute of limitations, find out that no one can be brought to justice. The criminal case must be closed. Next, you need to bring the case to court, accept a court ruling to establish the identity of the person, and then decide on the funeral. But it was not profitable for the General Prosecutor's Office. She spent government money feigning hectic activity. That is, it was pure politics. Considering that huge amounts of money from the federal budget were thrown into this business.

The Prosecutor General's Office initiates a case under Article 102 and closes it due to the fact that the remains belonged to Nicholas II. This is the same difference as between sour and salty. Moreover, the decision on the remains was not made by the court, but by the government of the Russian Federation during the Chernomyrdin era. The government decides by voting that these are the remains of the royal family. Is this a judgment? Naturally not.

Moreover, the General Prosecutor's Office, represented by Solovyov, is seeking to issue a death certificate. I will quote him: “The death certificate was issued to Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov. Born May 6, 1868. The place of birth is unknown. Education is unknown. The place of residence is unknown before the arrest. The place of work before the arrest is unknown. The cause of death is shooting. The place of death is the basement of a residential building in the city of Yekaterinburg. Tell me, to whom is this certificate issued? Do you know where he was born? Do you even know that he was the emperor? This is the same real mockery!

- What is the position of the Church?

- She does not recognize these remains as genuine, seeing all these contradictions. The church initially divided two issues - remains separately, and names separately. And then, realizing that the government will bury these remains, the Church makes the only correct decision from the series "God knows their names." Here's a paradox. The church buries under the motto "God knows their names", Yeltsin, under pressure from the Church, bury some victims of the civil war. The question is: who do we bury at all?

- What do you think was the purpose of this whole venture? The argument to travel "abroad" is still weak. The level of the game is still somewhat higher …

- Certainly. I only mentioned what lies on the surface. There are several types of arguments. The first type is based on Governor Rossel's favorite phrase "go down in history." The essence of this argument is to show off against the background of the crowned heads.

But the banal reason is on the other side. When did you become interested in the Romanovs? It was when Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, and then Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, tried to improve relations with Buckingham Palace. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II said that she would not come to Russia until they apologized to her for the fate of Nicholas II. Nicholas II and her father are cousins. And she went only after they apologized to her. That is, all stages of the appearance and study of these remains are closely related to political events.

An autopsy of the remains took place a few days before the meeting between Gorbachev and Thatcher. As for Britain as such, there, in the bank of the Baring brothers, lies gold, the personal gold of Nicholas II. Five and a half tons. They cannot give out this gold until Nicholas II is declared dead. Not even missing. Because no one has filed a wanted list. Therefore, he is not missing. According to UK law, the absence of a corpse and the absence of wanted documents means that the person is alive. In this situation, apparently hoping that it will be possible to process some relatives, the authorities decide to search for the remains and conduct a low-quality examination.

- But after that, the bank of the Baring brothers did not issue gold …

- It was not by chance that the Prosecutor General's Office issued a death certificate. And a group of citizens applied to the bank for money. But the bank does not recognize this document. They demand the decision of the Russian court that Nicholas II died and that these are his remains.

- And why are relatives ready to worship someone else's grave, if only they were given gold?

- For most of the relatives, of course, finding a true grave is more important than gold. They were trying to drag them into this dirty game. Many refused, but some of the Romanovs still came to Yekaterinburg for the funeral.

- What do you propose to do now, when you have such influential people as Japanese scientists as your allies?

- Let's return the case strictly to the legal field. Let's take it to court. The court will reject the evidence system of the General Prosecutor's Office. Since there are already two court rulings in Germany recognizing the Yekaterinburg remains as Filatov's relatives. That is, you still need to determine whose remains are, and hand them over to their relatives, let them decide where to bury them. That is, the procedure for removing the remains from the Peter and Paul Cathedral looms.

- Do you know whose remains are?

- According to German scientists, these are the remains of the Filatovs, Nicholas II's doubles. And Nicholas II had seven families of doubles. This is also a known fact. The double system began with Alexander the First. When his father, Emperor Paul I, was killed as a result of a conspiracy, he was afraid that Paul's men would beat him up. He gave the command to pick up three doubles. It is historically known that two attempts were made on him. Both times he remained alive, because the doubles died. Alexander II had no doubles. Alexander III had doubles after the famous train crash in Borki. Nicholas II had doubles after Bloody Sunday 1905. Moreover, these were specially selected families. Only at the last moment did a very narrow circle of people know which route and in which carriage Nikolai II would go. And so the same departure of all three carriages took place. In which of them Nicholas II was sitting is unknown. Documents about this are in the archives of the third department of the office of His Imperial Majesty. And the Bolsheviks, having seized the archive in 1917, naturally received the names of all their doubles. Then Berezkin Sergey Davydovich appears in Sukhumi, ideally similar to Nicholas II. His wife is Surovtseva Alexandra Feodorovna, a copy of the Empress. And his children are Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia. They covered the king.ideally similar to Nicholas II. His wife is Surovtseva Alexandra Feodorovna, a copy of the Empress. And his children are Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia. They covered the king.ideally similar to Nicholas II. His wife is Surovtseva Alexandra Feodorovna, a copy of the Empress. And his children are Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia. They covered the king.

- When did it become known about them?

- They started talking about Berezkin since 1915. He also lived in Sukhumi during Soviet times. He died in 1957. The KGB used it to work with the monarchist population. They went to him as to Nicholas II, and the authorities found out who went, why he went. The problem of doubles really exists. There, only the child who portrayed Alexei Nikolaevich did not have hemophilia.

- How were families formed?

- There were both real families and teams. The twin problem needs to be identified and studied. The prosecutor's office said "amen" to this version. I have already said that she did not take into account any evidence that ran counter to the official point of view.

- Is there any evidence that the Filatovs followed to Tobolsk, to Yekaterinburg?

- We do not know this yet. Have questions. We are not yet given these documents. The trail leads to the FSB building. From there, in due time, in 1955, information was leaked that the grave near Yekaterinburg was opened in 1946. Although there is also the conclusion of Doctor of Medical Sciences Popov that the grave is 50 years old, not 80. As we say, in the Romanov case he answered one question - there were 20 more. The case is so complicated. This is cleaner than the Kennedy assassination. Because the information is strictly dosed.

- What was the point of going into this grave in 1946?

- Perhaps it was created at that time. Recall that in 1946 a resident of Denmark Anna Andersen tried to get the royal gold. Having begun the second process of recognizing herself as Anastasia. The first trial did not end with anything, it lasted until the mid-30s. Then she paused and in 1946 again filed a lawsuit. Stalin, apparently, decided that it was better to make a grave where "Anastasia" would lie, than to explain with the West on these issues. There are far-reaching plans here, many of which we don't even know about. We can only guess.

- Did the Filatovs live at that time?

- I do not know. Filatov's trail is lost.

- And what kind of relatives did the scientist Bonte communicate with?

- He talked with Oleg Vasilyevich Filatov. This is Filatov's son, who, according to some sources, portrayed Nikolai himself, according to others - Alexei. Obviously, Oleg himself heard the ringing, but does not know where he is. The German compared his analyzes with the German relatives of the Filatovs and with the Yekaterinburg remains. And I got a 100% match. Nobody denies this expertise. They are silent about her. Although in Germany it has a judicial status. Nobody has ever spoken about doubles. I somehow stuttered in an interview, they told me that I was crazy, although I raise a problem that really existed.

- What do you intend to do in the future?

- We would like to create a kind of discussion club, to hold a series of Internet conferences. The famous scientist-historian Vladlen Sirotkin is to arrive in Yekaterinburg in September. He collects documents on Russia's claims to the West's debts. According to him, not only we owe the West, but the West also owes us. The amount of debts is $ 400 billion. We owe the Czech Republic, England, France, America, Japan, Germany, Italy. A lot of money was sent to the West for the purchase of weapons during the First World War. These were pledges for future deliveries. But there were no supplies. Our property is there. Here is the price of the issue that really stands behind all this. We need to show that the problem is multifaceted. It is very important for us that we went against the government, official authorities, including the government of the Sverdlovsk region. We have been persecuted for the sake of establishing historical truth.
