The Strange Story Of Ignat Bushukhin. - Alternative View

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The Strange Story Of Ignat Bushukhin. - Alternative View
The Strange Story Of Ignat Bushukhin. - Alternative View

Video: The Strange Story Of Ignat Bushukhin. - Alternative View

Video: The Strange Story Of Ignat Bushukhin. - Alternative View
Video: The Strange Story Of Brian Fisher: Chapter 1 ➤ ДЕТЕКТИВ, МАНЬЯК И КУЧА ГОЛОВОЛОМОК 2024, June

In the photo: In the UFO picture taken by Ignat's digital camera, a strange date is 2021, December 13 … Could it be that he fell into the future for 24 days?

The young journalist of one of the Orenburg newspapers Ignat Bushukhin was fond of the topic of aliens and UFOs. One March evening in 2005, Ignat told the editor of his newspaper that he wanted to go to the unfinished 16-storey building on Sovetskaya Street. One of the readers told Ignat that he saw "plates" flying through the windows of an unfinished building and rushing right through the floors. The young man never returned home that evening

- Yes, - confirms the editor of the Orenburg newspaper Yulia Bufina. - Ignat has already seen UFOs three times. And on March 13, he seemed to have a "next contact" …

On the second day, colleagues began to search, posted ads in the newspapers about the "disappearance". But time passed, and the guy did not appear anywhere.

And on April 6, the editorial office of the newspaper received a call from Sorochinsk, a town located 175 kilometers from Orenburg. Lyubov Mazylo, the editor of Sorochinsky Vestnik, got in touch with an unexpected question in this situation: "Do you know Ignat Bushukhin?" The colleagues' hearts sank.

“We have Ignat,” they reassured at the other end of the line. - Alive, healthy, it seems … But he does not remember anything.

Lyubov Mazylo said that in the morning a young guy came to her office. Decently dressed, slightly unshaven. View - alarmed, as if the person does not quite understand what is happening around him. He refused food. I only drank a cup of coffee.

“I just learned today that I am in Sorochinsk,” he said. “I don’t know how I got here.

Colleagues put Ignat Bushukhin in a Gazelle Sorochinsk - Orenburg. They told us to be met. But it didn't work out. He was not in the minibus that arrived.

… and disappeared again


In Orenburg Ignat nevertheless appeared, but a few hours after the arrival there of the regular Gazelle.

- Where have you been? - we asked him a sacramental question.

- I don’t know, I had another memory lapse. Got out of the minibus to smoke, went around the corner. I blinked and looked, but the Gazelle was gone. They say: I left for Orenburg half an hour ago. I had to hitchhike on my word of honor.

- And what is this UFO in Orenburg? Where did you go "to contact"?

- A reader from Orsk, who comes here regularly, told. He spotted them last year near an empty house in the city center. And recently announced that the aliens should return on March 13th. I went to see them.

Ignat's further story revealed the following: at about 10 o'clock in the evening, taking his camera with him, he single-handedly made his way into a long-reconstructed 16-storey building, located about 200 meters from the regional administration - "long-term construction", as local residents call it. There he was blinded by a flash. Ignat closed his eyes. And when he opened it, he saw that it was standing on the railway tracks. Around - dirty snow, two kilometers away you can see the houses of some settlement. I learned from a peasant that it was Sorochinsk.

- When I heard that it was April 6, I just went nuts. I don't know where I was for 24 days. How a cow licked them from memory with her tongue.

- The glowing ball that is in the picture in your camera, remember?

- No, I didn't seem to get the camera either.

“So you don’t remember aliens either?”

- Let me sleep, recover. Maybe the memory will be restored …


Descendant of Likhodeev

It is difficult to judge the secret of this whole story. For example, if you believe the ufologists, then the aliens abduct people in the thousands. They will keep them on their "plate" or even in another galaxy and let them go back to Earth in complete unconsciousness. The victims later recall the details either on their own or solely under hypnosis. In other words, Ignat may well pretend to become one of them.

A somewhat similar case happened with Stepa Likhodeev, a character in Mikhail Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita. He also disappeared. Only not from Orenburg, but from Moscow. And being transported by evil spirits for one and a half thousand kilometers, he instantly found himself in Yalta.

On the other hand, Ignat's 24 days in non-existence raises suspicions. This is the term of a standard trip to an earthly holiday home. Or is it the same for aliens?

“Personally, I don’t believe in such long-term“memory lapses”in normal people,” says Vladimir AVELICHEV, head of the neurosis department of the regional clinical psychiatric hospital. - If a person talks about it quite seriously, then perhaps he suffers from some kind of mental illness. If this is a deliberate prank, then he is simply deprived of attention and used this technique to become recognizable, famous.