Once Upon A Time People Were Demigods - Alternative View

Once Upon A Time People Were Demigods - Alternative View
Once Upon A Time People Were Demigods - Alternative View

Video: Once Upon A Time People Were Demigods - Alternative View

Video: Once Upon A Time People Were Demigods - Alternative View
Video: Once Upon A Time - Spells & Magic - Season 4 2024, June

The biblical legend tells how God created the Earth, water and living beings from emptiness, and the Creator created man in his own image, in his own likeness, giving him unlimited power. And I must say, although it sounds incredible, the latest research by scientists has proven that reality is at the heart of this legend.

Experts say that people were once demigods with incredible strength and speed. But then a very reasonable question arises as to why today's person is deprived of these unique abilities. The reason, researchers are sure, should be sought in the biblical story of the Fall.

It is known that Adam and Eve disobeyed and ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge. As a punishment, these two sinners were deprived of eternal blissful life and were expelled from paradise. And apparently it was then that God decided that there was no need for people to have superpowers. And so the first man and woman, and then all of humanity, lost their amazing qualities.

However, researchers are sure that today there are people on Earth who have retained their former superpowers - the genes of a superman god who is able to create absolutely fantastic things, to do everything that the gods described in ancient Greek legends once did.

And it is likely that among the inner circle of each of us there are those who can read minds, fly and even walk through walls.

But why does the human body need such superpowers that it does not use for most of its life?

Scientists argue that the time has come: modern humanity is getting closer and closer to finding a way and awakening the hidden reserves of its body.

Several years ago, on the lawn of the White House in Washington, many watched a miracle: a man hovered above the ground in the "lotus" position. With one hand, the young Indian yogi leaned slightly on a cane. Those who did not believe in levitation wanted in vain to find some secret props, but to no avail …

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The human ability to levitate has not yet been recognized by official science, although there is unconfirmed evidence that there have even been competitions among flying yogis.

The liberation of the body from gravity seems to the majority to be something fantastic. However, levitation is not a miracle.

As the researchers explain, a person has his own electric field of the body, and if it is possible to make this field especially pulsating, then it creates a vacuum flow that makes the person make movements similar to flight, contrary to all the laws of physics.

But if such a vacuum flow exists, then the thought naturally suggests itself that everyone can fly. Scientists explain: a vacuum is not a void, but an invisible substance that creates fields that exists in the universe. Moreover, they are convinced that humans are capable of performing miracles using these electromagnetic fields. If you act on a vacuum, then it will begin to move like water or air, and the person who creates these electrical currents will feel as if he is floating in a pond. But in fact, it will float above the ground.

But then it is not clear why some can soar, while others do not even dream about it, because everyone's body is arranged the same.

Scientists attribute this phenomenon to human genetic abilities. It is customary to say about people who can levitate that they received their gift from above. This gift lies in the fact that its owners are able to activate the hidden abilities of their bodies at will: to see through walls, read minds and create absolutely fantastic things.

However, sometimes these hidden reserves are discovered by themselves, in ordinary people, but in unusual, "extreme" situations. And then a person does the impossible - miracles. After all, it is difficult to imagine that a weak woman, seeing her child heaped up with a seventy-kilogram stove, raises her as if she weighs nothing. But there are a lot of such real cases.

It is hard to imagine what will happen if you launch all the hidden possibilities in a person at the same time - endow him with fearlessness, incredible strength, complete absence of fatigue, resistance to pressure and temperature changes.

The idea of creating such a superman for his army was still obsessed with Adolf Hitler. In the thirties of the last century, he ordered to organize several research laboratories in Germany. According to their purpose, they had to study the ultimate possibilities of man. He promised to provide material for experiments in large quantities. They were supposed to be prisoners.

Moreover, the doctors who conducted these experiments performed experiments right in the concentration camps. So, not far from Munich, one of them was built - the Dachau camp, designed specifically for medical experiments. From all the other concentration camps, Russian guys between the ages of fourteen and twenty-five were selected here as experimental material.

After the end of the war, all the developments went to the winning countries. Recently it became known that the USSR also got a lot of secret research.

Many wonder where such monstrous research could be applied. There is an opinion that they were needed by the Soviet space industry. So, for example, in the early sixties of the last century, the Institute of Aviation Space Medicine from all over the country selected the strongest guys. They passed a very strict selection, then a full medical examination, stress resistance test. Those who passed the selection were given cards on which it was written: "admission without restrictions." And since there were no restrictions, this meant that a person could be tested in any way or for anything.

Following the German professors, Soviet scientists began to conduct their own experiments aimed at studying the limits of human capabilities. But they, unlike Hitler, were looking for the limit of portability in order to understand and guaranteed to save the life of someone who must conquer space. After all, there a person already from takeoff is faced with completely different laws. That is why physiologists needed to understand what loads in space the human body can withstand, and what can destroy it.

As you know, during the takeoff of a rocket, super-extreme conditions are created. At such moments, astronauts experience incredible stress. And stress instantly disables all blockers in the human body. And this means that at this time a person is quite capable of the most incredible and fantastic things.

In astronautics, there is an amazing phenomenon: it is known that astronauts are taught to overload and are spun on centrifuges. But if someone accidentally relaxes or falls asleep, the incredible happens to him: he begins to see himself from the back.

For a long time, doctors believed that these stories of astronauts were the most common hallucinations. But similar phenomena happened every time another tester was placed in a centrifuge chair.

That is why the researchers came to an absolutely incredible conclusion: during the strongest overloads, people are able to … leave their own bodies. Scientists call this an out-of-body experience, when a person is simply pushed out of his body by centrifugal force.

And one should not be surprised, since there are many psychic methods of getting out of the body - Buddhist, Taoist, Tibetan.

Yogis are the best at managing the hidden capabilities of their body. For them, fasting, levitation or telekinesis are common. Yogis are sure that the main thing is the inner spirit, and, reaching full concentration, it is quite possible to do the most amazing things.

And it is possible that in a few centuries such amazing possibilities will become quite commonplace, and a person will teach his body for months to do without food, water, air, and will be able to independently fight diseases.

After all, after all, the physical body is governed by the same laws that govern any other body in the universe. And although some, with the help of concentration of the mind, can overcome the visible limits of human capabilities - to starve for eight months, like the monk Ram Bahadur Bomjon, fly through the air, like yogis - many of us still fly only in our sleep.

Is it because at night a genetic memory awakens in us, which stores information about the past, when our ancestors could pass through walls and in a second be transported to incredible distances. They had the ability to soar above the ground, as astronauts do today in zero gravity.

After all, as numerous experiments have shown, our body can withstand almost everything, which means that once we already had superpowers.

I would like to understand who we really are - fragile beings or superhumans, capable of overcoming any obstacles. And only he - our body can help in this. But he has either forgotten his capabilities, or for some reason is unable to manifest them.

Nevertheless, I really want to experience that forgotten feeling again and become a demigod …