Thatched Huts Of Russia, You Say? The Second Part - Alternative View

Thatched Huts Of Russia, You Say? The Second Part - Alternative View
Thatched Huts Of Russia, You Say? The Second Part - Alternative View

Video: Thatched Huts Of Russia, You Say? The Second Part - Alternative View

Video: Thatched Huts Of Russia, You Say? The Second Part - Alternative View
Video: IDC part 2 2024, June

- Part 1 -

In many articles, we have reported on the developed past of Russia. You are all convinced of this. It is not possible to argue this - we have written articles for you, which are the ultimate truth. But this is not the most interesting thing. And the fact that a bunch of people appear, writing in Russian, shouting what they are Russian, but with all poisonous expressions trying to portray hatred for the past of Russia and trying to shout down to us that Russia did not have a past, our ancestors are barbarians and contradict foreign history, this is a distraction, zakazuha and so on and so on. Have you also noticed this paid for Russophobia on the net? As they say on the thief, the hat is on. And who of all shouts louder about the State Department, custom publications, that someone is paid money, that America has created a bunch of Russian-language resources to denigrate the truth? It was always shouted by those who stand up for slandering our past. Always the oneswho faithfully wants to protect the owner of supermarkets where substitutes are sold instead of food. Who is behind the oligarchs. For those in power to fatten, and our pensioners were abandoned to the mercy. Who stands for the fact that the school, instead of raising a heroic society, grows office plankton, who knows how to sit motionless all day at the office desk and agree with any injustice, as judges, prosecutors, police, tax authorities, the Ministry of Education and other servants of the System do. They try to raise us with such terpiloids from school.who knows how to sit motionless all day at the office desk and agree with any injustice, as judges, prosecutors, police, tax authorities, the Ministry of Education and other servants of the System do. They try to raise us with such terpiloids from school.who knows how to sit motionless all day at the office desk and agree with any injustice, as judges, prosecutors, police, tax authorities, the Ministry of Education and other servants of the System do. They try to raise us with such terpiloids from school.

So whose scribes and arctic foxes are these? Of course, "our" in quotation marks of the ruling elite, which made a mess in Russia.

It is worth reminding us once again that metal in Russia was made eternal and stainless, as they begin to argue with us, they say show the facts, they say, in the West, museums store a lot of metal, but in our museums they have not seen anything metal except wood.

But since we asked for facts, let's pinch our fingers.

Zhenya from the channel "Clues to History", found a stainless gear and offered the museum:

I will supplement Zhenya's words on the account of the fact that the museum accepts only wood, but not metal surpassing today's time. In fact, today we are even unable to make such beautiful wooden dishes, no matter how we lie to ourselves about the developed 21st century. And not because we are not taught this at school, although these are her direct responsibilities. We cannot create wooden dishes because we do not have time for it. For that, in the past, as it turns out, commoners had it - and they did not only how, but masterpieces, which increases the labor intensity and the amount of free time. So who are the slaves? Today the owner will say to you the word "u-free", that is, free and free, and you perceive this as a tragedy in life and answer the owner like a slave kneeling down, I want to WORK for you, that is, to be his slave.

Promotional video:

The stainless imperial ship Commune: "They lie to us from the very birth."

In addition to the fact that the metal of this ship of tsarist times is superior to the modern one, it is also a rescuer of tsarist submarines! Who, our dear Russophobes, is stopping you from asking the query “pre-revolutionary ships” and “submarines” in Google to see these beauties of Russia and no longer dishonor yourself? What prevents you from turning on logic and understanding what kind of development and education you need to bring such a scale of such giants to life? Who is stopping you from knowing that in the time of Pushkin in Russia, underwater launches of "ballistic" missiles were made? What prevents you from seeing the Tsar Bell and thinking about how not something that could have been done, but how was it even put on this pedestal? At least the whole city get together and try to do it manually! But this bell was probably made for the bell tower. And no need to shake your larynx and squeak with sour grimaces - it was not I who forced you to present yourself as kneading the dough of idle talk about nothing, but the owner of your office, so forward your complaints directly to him. Why does he make you propagate something that you yourself have not believed in for a long time, but are forced to waste their time in their own eyes, underestimating themselves to idle talk.

You can easily find the most beautiful buildings made of metal structures on the Internet:

Here is another piece of material that Sanya Kostromin adjusted, with the words:

Good evening. In the study of technology, I came across the first Russian machine-building Andrei Konstantinovich Nartov, who invented in 1717 (!) The first lathe (it is interesting what he worked on because the first experiments with electricity began to be carried out only from the beginning of 1800 (the book "Elementary Electrical Engineering" by N. D.. Pasechkin Kiev 1965), and it seems like there were no other drives) By the way, a link to the resource where the book about Nartov is located, there you will see a lot of interesting things, for example, mentioning the archives of Moscow, Leningrad and other places where he was looking for documents forgotten already in his time, and others and others that, according to the official foreign history, simply did not exist in Russia, which is in bast shoes and huts, and is not educated, and does not invent

And how do you generally go to museums that you do not see these masterpieces of samovars:


You either have never been there, or put a bag of Marlboro on your head and hit the wall with acceleration, you were carried from there on a stretcher, and now you proudly all over the Internet feel the watchmen with your barking twilight “I was in the museum, except for a tree there is nothing saw . These samovars are durable, they are not modern pots that you can safely throw away in a year or two.


Moreover, I am sure that you, Russophobes, will not have enough brains to see what you are shown. Remember the Chair's movie about the plate and machine steel of armor in European museums? Samovars are the same.


You will never make such delicate masterpieces by hand, no matter how much you shout, that in kindergarten you saw how the nanny tapped them with a sledgehammer at a time! Even your scientists, whose lodges you propagandize, could not implement anything like this, no matter how hard they tried. And rightly so, the TM Studio channel noticed that the whole Internet was laughing at what the scientists did!

This is how you could go to museums and not see such masterpieces of batteries:


These are not modern short-lived microwaves, which are also unhealthy!


By these handsome men, we can see how the past was with a different thinking, with a practical, as opposed to today's consumer.


And even today it looks like new! For how long do our batteries become dull?


Further, what prevents you from raising the literature of newspapers and finding out how they propagandized to destroy everything pre-revolutionary and rent it for scrap? Find pre-revolutionary metal beds, teapots, forks, spoons, knives, metal fences, bathrooms and off we go. And then we can compare these masterpieces of the pre-revolutionary period with the post-revolutionary period - the older, the more art it turns out to be, the more fine and machining, and moreover, they did not skimp on metal in pre-revolutionary times, as it became later. I am already silent for today's 21st century.

By the way, at the expense of propaganda for the collection of scrap metal, I also recommend looking not only here, but also in the USA. For example, my editors threw a link to the article "Collecting scrap metal in the USA. 1942", where from the photographs I do not see the process of scrap metal scrap, as much as newspaper propaganda to destroy the old World for the sake of everyone's happiness.


As they say, find differences from our pioneers:


And we should not confuse the fact that we dared to face the truth more boldly than the majority, with the fact that we are supposedly against modern communists. No. We support them in every possible way, because they are great, like monarchists, like Orthodox Christians, like Rodovers, like atheists, like Sharovers, like flat-earthers, those who unite forces and understand that we all have absolutely common goals. There is no need to be afraid to see the World as it is - evil has captured us and for three centuries it bends us up a step and splits into fictional states. Parasites change flags like gloves, then they are among the monarchists, then among the communists, they caused trouble and changed their shoes again, already behind the backs of others, pointing their finger at the innocent, hanging their sins on them. It's like in the so-called World War II: “Russians, surrender, the Jews shouted behind the backs of the Germans, Russians do not surrender,the Jews answered behind the backs of the Russians”, which ultimately led to the fact that the Borussians began to kill the Rus, and the Rus, the Borus, brother of a brother, because we are one people - how many people died in German Rus? How many people died in our Rus? This is a real genocide of the Russians! But for some reason there is not a single society for the protection of Russians, even in Russia itself and the BORUSIA! We have some societies that protect not even Jews, but the sect of Jews! We have societies that defend the real fascists and the initiators of all revolutions and wars, so that evil is never punished. But for some reason there is not a single society for the protection of Russians, even in Russia itself and the BORUSIA! We have some societies that protect not even Jews, but the sect of Jews! We have societies that defend the real fascists and the initiators of all revolutions and wars, so that evil is never punished. But for some reason there is not a single society for the protection of Russians, even in Russia itself and the BORUSIA! We have some societies that protect not even Jews, but the sect of Jews! We have societies that defend the real fascists and the initiators of all revolutions and wars, so that evil is never punished.


But back to the bending of the fingers. What prevents you, Russophobes, from raising pre-revolutionary literature and newspapers on the huge export of metal from various ports?


Or is it so scary to feel even more squalid when you persistently impose the propaganda of false history?


Here is an interesting announcement - a German came from the URAL IRON FACTORIES to build mills and all kinds of machines of all kinds:


You're not tired? Then we continue to eat.


Old photographs show a lot of roofing iron. Many coatings have survived to this day, which indicates the very high quality of the metal of those times.

What prevented you, Russophobes, from finding them? Or will you dissolve snot and ask to be taken by the hand like little children?

It is necessary to yell so much as the victims, that they cannot find anything anywhere! Here is a link for you, for example, to the publication "URAL METALLURGY IN THE XVIII CENTURY" … Why can we find, but you can't? What are we obliged to observe such pleasure as you, Russophobes, have a low inclination for the profession of couch lies, which you beg for financial benefits for lame-spirit disability?

Here's another publication "Russian Empire: Smelting of Pig Iron"

Who prevented you from becoming enlightened about such technological capabilities of Russia as "Slavyanovskiy glass":


A sample of welding from eight ferrous and non-ferrous metals, which at that time, according to your official history, were considered incompatible: bronze, nickel, steel, copper, cast iron, bell bronze, tombak, nickel silver. At the World's Fair in Chicago in 1893, he received a gold medal with the wording "For the technological revolution made." Then they did not believe that it was possible to combine non-ferrous and ferrous metals.

As you noted, there are no welding seams on this glass. For example, how today they are trying to achieve this result:

Metal joining … even welding, even riveting, this is a whole science of metallurgy, strength of materials, metallurgy, and apparently something else.

What prevents you from finding metallurgical plants in Russia? We, for example, easily found the portal "ABANDONED URAL FACTORIES" where you can find a lot of advanced metallurgy from the 17th century.

What eggs are stopping you instead of trading your face and running "show me the facts, show me the facts", dance on the keyboard and solve a seemingly rather simple task, this is to find a MASS of evidence of developed Russia and its industry? Today, in order not to do this, I don’t know what kind of senseless one should be. That's all that those who run after us with tails with one purpose are capable of, is to convey how they do not want to see a mention of our developed past. In addition to poisonous speculation, rudeness and unwillingness to find something myself, I have never heard anything significant from them. That is why our films have always been and will be the ultimate truth, since we always have so many arguments that your whole Russophobic cantor will not have enough fingers.

The only thing I can do for you, so to speak, to throw off a fur coat from a master's shoulder, is to express gratitude for the fact that you, with your silly and foolishness, have always been the main inspirers of our unsurpassed masterpieces.

And stop beeping there on the couch. I didn’t force you to put on verbal mini-skirts and run through the vast expanses of the Internet with voice arguments. It is your master who makes you play the role of nude bitches who dream of being taken by the hair in the kitchen and dragged along the carpet of the corridor to the bedroom. If you agreed to do all this for money, then I can not call you anyone else except as couch whores. You can be offended, wash away in your soul with a washcloth with tears, but it was not I who made you virtual prostitutes, but your master is a pimp.

Bullets of Snowfall
